Surfers couch - mermay
@maladaptivetiny So that’s why it smells like fish.
@Olo and she smells like dick 🤭
We love us an eager hand
Go for it big guy
@SmolChlo Honestly, don’t be so afraid dude!
@maladaptivetiny One of the sexiest things a tiny can say is, “I want to smell like you all day.”
@Olo the overwhelming scent of the giant you trust is really like a cozy blanket, so I’d second wanting that haha
@maladaptivetiny We’ll do two coats.
I always thought some sort of snake or fish tail would be very helpful in these situations.
Also love the idea of a giant trying reeeally hard to hold back. Struggling with the balance of being gentle and being super turned on.
I hope he has a lovely aquarium for her~
@maladaptivetiny I can see why that mermaid was willing to leave the ocean…the giant is absolutely gorgeous