Alright, I chuckled.
For users who identify as Giants
Salutations DD Daddies and Dolls!
Every year, we usually do a tiny lady roll play cafe or floor show, and unfortunately a critical mass of our performers have dropped out this year. But all hope is not lost! If you are a talented tiny lady, or if you have an idea for an event/panel/whatever PLEASE comment down below! We’re a niece community, but we don’t give up without a fight!
OutSized is a new website devoted to “male-oriented macrophile content.” They seem to be officially re-homing content from Coiled Fist; they are prominently featured on CF’s landing page, and here is their announcement
@The-Big-G It’s an important essay demolishing the conceit held by some F/m fans that engaging in giantess fantasies is, by definition, “feminist” or “empowering women.” It shows how selfish male F/m roleplayers center their own preferences and demand female roleplayers conform (and perform) to their fantasies.
The essay deserves wide distribution, although I suspect the unpleasant experiences it draws on are already rather familiar to most people on this forum.
“To put it another way, to be a giant woman is oftentimes to be a shrunken woman: to be treated like a toy, to have one’s own desires and agency ignored by men who assert the primacy of their fantasies over those of the giantesses whose attentions they seek.”
Hmm I can’t tell honestly.