I just have a laundry list of Instagram models I wish would lend themselves to Size content. I have no indication they’d be into it at all.

Posts made by Aborigen
RE: What celebrities would you want to see more of in sizekink content?
RE: zHeightgeist: Giant/SW
@miss-lillipants Heh, I wasn’t sure how that would pan out. I wanted something where it was a sensual experience with the overtone of threat, and there’s all these videos of people cuddling (momentarily) tamed lions, and I’m like “that looks incredibly cuddly” and “you’re two seconds away from being a snack.” Even in my own F/m experiences, I recognize any moment I’m throwing my (0.3 oz) weight around, I’m more likely to be benefiting from my giantess’s graces than actually proposing something she has to pause and consider.
RE: zHeightgeist: Giant/SW
@foreverlurk Thank you most kindly! Yeah, I wanted to protect some of the responses, represent them without giving too much away, not wanting to embarrass anyone. It was all fascinating for me to read and learn about, and I’d definitely like to get to know some people here better.
RE: zHeightgeist: Giant/SW
@SmolChlo I’m so glad you liked it! Once I figured out how to organize the topic, I couldn’t stop writing it all out, completed it around 3:30 a.m.
RE: zHeightgeist: Giant/SW
@The-Big-G The fact that you’re thinking about it and checking yourself is a good sign. If you really hated women, you wouldn’t even ask these questions but just assume you were correct and the rest of the world was missing something obvious.
I think one of the issues porn encounters with mainstream acceptability is that it’s very honest about things society would like to pretend don’t exist. Porn is about people getting in touch with themselves and responding to what stimulates them, when society is all “those aren’t the terms we use” and “you shouldn’t want such things.” I’m speak strictly about the fantasies in our minds, of course; bringing these fantasies into the real world requires consent on all sides. It’s a tricky dance to remind each ensuing generation that porn is not real life, while protecting porn as an important truth to the human condition.
RE: zHeightgeist: Giant/SW
Thanks to everyone who responded! I had to end the questionnaire last night, but I got some fantastic responses. I’m having fun writing this one.
RE: zHeightgeist: Giant/SW
I’m very excited with everyone’s participation! Holy boots, there’s some fascinating information coming at me.
But like with anything nice in this world, the questionnaire’s coming to an end. Please spread the word: I would like to hear from normal-sized women (why don’t we have a word for this?) who are into giant men! They’re relatively under-represented, when I break everyone down into categories. If I could hear from a few more regular-size women who are into jumbo-size men, that would be very helpful. But if not, well, maybe that’s what the landscape looks like.
Otherwise… yeah, get ready to listen to me stumbling my way through this in four days! Thank you very much for playing along.
Coast Is Clear?
On the plus side, with the benefactress lost in tedious chores, this is a great time to run across the room and look for scraps.
On the down side, she keeps the place so clean and tidy, there’s really nothing to find.
RE: zHeightgeist: Giant/SW
I very much appreciate everyone who’s answered so far! There are some great responses with a lot of food for thought.
I apologize for the limitations of the questions: I had anticipated hearing from giant men or tiny women, and while normal-sized fans of each are certainly welcome, I didn’t sufficiently retrofit the questions to accommodate this factor. Kudos to those who were able to make their answers work regardless.
RE: zHeightgeist: Giant/SW
@Olo Probably not, or else that would be for season 2. I’d be surprised if they had any interest in a F/m-originating podcast, but I certainly have material to go with that, and they’re as established a community as any.
RE: zHeightgeist: Giant/SW
@littlest-lily That was a great question you had at the end. I’ve added it to the questionnaire.
zHeightgeist: Giant/SW
Howdy-do. My name’s Aborigen and I’m running a podcast about Size Fantasy, zHEIGHTgeist. I’d like to do an episode on giant men and shrunken women, but admittedly this is a topic outside of my wheelhouse. It’s only responsible for me to consult the experts on this.
I’ve cobbled together a questionnaire for anyone who’d like to share their experiences with me. I don’t need to collect any personal information, just your name/handle and how you see the world. I may not be able to use all responses on the episode but I would greatly appreciate anything you can share with me so I may do the topic some justice, both for Size fans and those to whom this may be new.
This questionnaire (link) will be up for about a week, closing Sunday, March 3 to give me time to review the responses and knead this into an episode. My gratitude in advance, and please look forward to this.
UPDATE: If you’re a normal-sized guy into shrunken women or a normal-sized woman into giant men, please feel free to respond! I don’t mean to exclude any permutation.