@olo Let us know if you find any booty!
Best posts made by Mrgoblinging7
I Will Be Queen
Pick By tsilver https://www.deviantart.com/tsilver/art/I-will-bee-a-queen-918351864
Starting a honey form with this little honey~.
Frustrated Tiny
Pick By bingspaced https://www.deviantart.com/bingspaced/art/Frustrated-Tiny-918348109
Grumpy tiny is cutest tiny~!
Play The Role
Pick By tsilver https://www.deviantart.com/tsilver/art/Play-the-role-basic-picture-918352170
Stop your bitching! You rolled a slutty Lamia, so you’re going to be a slutty Lamia! So suck it up, or I’ll make it permanent!
Unwilling Garnish
Pick By SizeMaster https://www.deviantart.com/sizemaster/art/Gulliverse-ep-931-918750328
Begging and crying didn’t help, her fear and despair only added to the meal.
What A Night! Polaroids
Pick By DownSheGoes https://www.deviantart.com/downshegoes/art/What-A-Night-Polaroids-919171329
Just a few pics from Martha’s first date after she shrank. She might have had to much to drink.
Little Distraction
Pick By SomeHatter54 https://www.deviantart.com/somehatter54/art/Little-Distraction-919853692
“You wanted to see me sir~?” The sultry tiny said as she walked towards her superior.
“Yes, Mis Wolf. We have been getting constant complaints about you sexually harassing your larger co-workers.” The HR manager said sternly. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to give you your second write-up.”
“Oh dear~! Have I been naughty~?”
“Meg, this is a business. If you can’t act professionally, disciplinary action will be-” He covered his mouth, but it was to late, he already said it.
“Oh ya~! Punish me, daddy~!”
Daddy's Little Stripper
Pick By kayladoll96 https://www.deviantart.com/kayladoll96/art/daddy-s-little-stripper-843663457
Found the little bitch stealing some crackers. Now, after about a month of training, she is both skilled and obedient. Fifty bucks to rent, two hundred to keep.
When Your Phone Has A Shrink-App
Pick By godzilla20xx https://www.deviantart.com/godzilla20xx/art/When-your-phone-has-a-Shrink-App-920066672
Still can’t believe it’s legal to just go around shrinking people. Oh well, time to get you back home cutie~!
Hello Down There!
Pick By zeshrinkar https://www.deviantart.com/zeshrinkar/art/Hello-down-there-919996928
“Mind getting off my phone little one?”
“No! I’m bored, and if I get up, you won’t play with me.”
“Fine, you run off, and I’ll start counting.”
Pick By EpicureanCanny https://www.deviantart.com/epicureancanny/art/Goodbye-920053589
I tried to train you. Make you see that being my pet was the best thing that happened to you. But no. You had to be stubborn, had to resist, no matter how nice or cruel I was. This is goodbye little one, hope your replacement has more sense than you did.
Finding A Good Place To Keep My Toy's
Pick’s By Buller-63 https://www.deviantart.com/buller-63/art/tiny74-920491219 https://www.deviantart.com/buller-63/art/tiny73-920491235
No, no, this wont do. Better find somewhere else.
Perfect! Now, which one of you wan’t to help me celebrat~?
Beach Bunnies
Pick By magiteker https://www.deviantart.com/magiteker/art/Beach-Bunnies-796738701
The moment shrinking tech became available to the public, a new kind of gold digger became a thing. Women who would allow themselves to be shrunken and made pets to rich men for a life of obscene luxury. It is not without peril, plenty of would-be pampered pets end up dead. But the reward is usually worth the risk.
RE: The Perfect Display Case
@smolchlo That defeats the point of a glass cage… The master must see all.