@Nyx The Giant Emergency Alert System.
Best posts made by Olo
RE: When the world doesn't feel big enough
RE: Training Exercise (M/f, Gentle, Giant, Shameless Smut)
@Nyx You do realize that you’re asking for an end to gatekeeping in the Size community, don’t you? I don’t know what you’re smoking, but pass it here.
RE: Rejection fuels Non con: Opinions?
It’s one thing to reconcile your non-con and other unsavory fantasies in your own mind, but it’s something entirely different when you set about sharing and discussing your fantasies with others, let alone creating imagery or stories featuring those elements. I quite sympathize. It’s been almost nine years since I first wrote a size fantasy story with the intent of publishing it for others to read, there were decades of feelings isolated and perverted before that, and I still struggle with it sometimes.
Even now, when I write about non-con and fatal vore, I pause to worry about what kind of ideas or messages I might be putting out into the universe. Aren’t women sexually-objectified enough in our society? Are they then nothing but toys or food to me? I’m also a bit nervous of exposing shameful parts of myself. What kind of self-respecting man has to put a woman literally under his thumb?
Given the nature of porn and online communities, it is all-too-easy to get the impression that kink spaces are pure sausage fests, and far too many dudes appoint themselves gatekeepers and try to impose their own views on any women that voice their opinions. This is tragic, as what kinksters need more than anything else is the validation that only comes with a diversity of experiences.
I only started to feel better about myself and my desires after listening to others with similar desires share their thoughts and feelings. Specifically, I am deeply grateful to Jit and all the other female size fantasists who have expressed how powerful their size desires are, from the most sweetly romantic to the most depravedly cruel, taking the roles of both predators and prey.
Everyone comes to size fantasy by a different path. Many of us are indeed working out “issues,” but the meanings you discover in or assign to your fantasies is wholly within your control. There’s nothing wrong with exorcising your bitterness or heartbreak through dark fantasies, and there’s nothing to be ashamed of enjoying dark fantasies without having a traumatic “cause” for them.
The important thing to remember is that your mind is an immense place, full of things wondrous strange, and you are so much more than any of them.
RE: Depression and Size Kink
@foreverlurk “Bigmine”? That’s a giant’s name if I ever heard one.
RE: For vore fans: what's the appeal?
@miss-lillipants Vore is a subject near and dear to my
stomachballsheart, so I will likely respond with one of my trademark Walls O’ Text at a more convenient time.For now, I will say only that the essential element of vore that I find most compelling is that it is the extreme subordination of one person to the needs and desires (the appetites) of another in the most intimate manner imaginable. I must add that my fascination with vore extends to imagining myself as pred and, alternately, as prey. I enjoy both perspectives equally.
RE: Sex Objects
It’s good to get out of your own head every once in a while.
RE: Vore Tropes
I’m fond of a couple of different vore tropes or themes, and they correspond to separate moods of mine when I’m enjoying size fantasy.
The first theme is succumbing to desire. This is when the pred desires the prey so intensely that cannot stop himself from violating moral boundaries and is compelled to consume her. This is a common way to enjoy rape fantasies, both as a self- indulgent pred and as a witnessing prey. Calculated vore doesn’t do much for me; it has to be sensual and urgent.
When I’m in the mood for erotic horror, the vore theme I turn to is primal domination. This is all about the prey’s terror about becoming food. It’s been a long time since humans have had to worry about being eaten, but it’s still deep within our brains and when you’re the size of a potato chip it’s all you can think about. Nothing turns me on faster than a tiny’s screams being abruptly muffled as they are engulfed.
People can tell you belong to me from the horizontal bruise running across your shoulder blades that you get when you arch your back against the tips of my upper incisors as my tongue shoves your legs apart and slurps you from twat to tits.