License to Shrink III, License to Shrink III (Alternative Angle), License to Shrink IV, License to Shrink IV (Alternative Angle), License to Shrink V, and License to Shrink V (Alternate Angle) by Bare-Faced-Cheek
Best posts made by Olo
Steve's Wish
Wonder Woman: The Wish by Bare-Faced-Cheek
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RE: Giant Boyfriend Audio Story
@SmolChlo Take it easy with this stuff. I’ve lost more than one job due to loss of self-control issues.
RE: If You were A Medieval Giant?
@giantesslover45 I think 65-meters-tall is about right.
RE: What is your earliest memory of having this fetish?
@bigmandan1717 King Kong (1976) was a formative experience for me, too. Critics complained that Rick Baker “moved like a man” as Kong, but for some of us that was the best part!
RE: Lectured by AI about the morality of size difference
@HHunter1 There’s nothing intelligent about these algorithms. They’re overgrown autocomplete.
Little Ladies Gettin' It
I have no sources for these. I found them on Tumblr, and reverse-image searches only turn up large hentai collections with no attributions.