@Nyx I know it’s your jam, but if I were Silas there’s no way I’d leave my armored gloves on for the fondling.
Best posts made by Olo
RE: Training Exercise (M/f, Gentle, Giant, Shameless Smut)
RE: Sex Objects
@tinyborrower said in Sex Objects:
It is weird trying to attribute positive traits to ‘masculinity’ that don’t feel heavily steeped in gender roles. But I think the same could be said of ‘femininity’.
Exactly. Responsible adults are responsible adults, and it has nothing to do with sex or gender.
RE: Is role playing a form of cheating?
I agree that this varies from relationship to relationship.
At my job we have a saying, “Never put anything in an email that you wouldn’t want to see as an exhibit in a legal proceeding.” I feel confident that I could engage in roleplaying with an anonymous Size acquaintance without forming an improper emotional attachment, but I wouldn’t want to have to defend the transcript to my partner.
I’m much more comfortable keeping to my current practice of writing stories with one or more Size acquaintances in mind and hoping they eventually figure it out.
Alex, Shrunken Woman of Skyrim
Those of you who have been watching me on AO3 know that I’ve been uploading installments of an illustrated story set in the world of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. You also know that it is almost entirely F/m.
Except for the ninth and final chapter, which I posted tonight and is full of M/f smut. Enjoy.
RE: A Tinies Taste
@HentaiHunter1 My favorite dipping sauce for tinies is olive oil.
The other hazard of ingesting tinies is that if they are drunk or on other drugs, the pre-metabolization gives the altering substance a far stronger effect on the pred.
Let Me Get This Straight
So, you want to try your experimental growth ray on me. It’s supposed to make me one hundred feet tall, is that right? Consider what that would mean:
No clothes will fit me ever again.
I will have zero privacy. Everything I say or do will be on the Internet. I won’t have to read any of the hateful commentary because I won’t be able to use the Internet anyway.
Everywhere I go I will create a giant open-air latrine. No one has any idea what I might use for toilet paper.
I won’t be able to ever visit any of my favorite restaurants, shops, museums, libraries, or theaters.
My visiting even the smallest town or village will result in the destruction of infrastructure, if not the death of livestock or even residents.
If I want any protection from the elements, I will have to live underground.
Every military in the world will be constantly planning my destruction.
I will never have a comfortable place to sleep.
If I retreat to the wilderness, I will imperil entire ecosystems.
Anyone I care about will be at risk of being taken hostage by people who want to control me.
Because everyone will either be terrified of me or want something from me, I will never have an honest conversation again.
Okay, but I get to eat whoever I want.
RE: Let Me Get This Straight
@miss-lillipants said:
At the risk of sounding dismissive, it is a fantasy after all.
At the risk of sounding snobby, I’m hoping to meet a higher standard.
Yeah, nice try convincing us that any of that bothers you at all
It bothers me quite a bit, actually. I’ll work on expressing myself more convincingly.
@tiny-ivy said:
I’ll probably never actually write it, since it wouldn’t be a kink story at all. It would just be a tragedy with sci-fi elements.
I’d still want to read it.
@Nyx said:
This is my experience as well, and why a lot of giantess and shrunken woman content doesn’t appeal to me. In terms of giantess content, there isn’t a lot of content that focuses on how desirable the tiny man is; the focus is usually on the woman because the creator can’t imagine himself as being the object of desire. I see the same thing with a lot of shrunken woman content, where the man isn’t supposed to be desirable and is often just depicted as a hand or other faceless non-entity.
I see this as an artistic failure on the part of the author. As a writer it’s my duty to make my story accessible to everyone, not just the people who share my specific kink.
@i-am-insane said:
outside of like, fan girls, I’m not really sure I’ve seen examples of people saying, ‘this man is hot!’ beyond poorly written porn/power fantasies, and even then it’s rare. Meanwhile, women being viewed as attractive is all over the damn place.
This is exactly what is meant by “the (straight) male gaze.” You can also see it in the cultural assumption that men who work on their body, their clothing, or their grooming must be gay.
as a man I’m not sure how I’d write a man as being attractive. Part of it is I don’t get it, true, but it just feels weird at some level to even think that way.
As far as I can tell, the best way to learn how to describe an attractive man is to read writing by people who find men attractive.
RE: Where My Giant Balls At?
@Nyx said:
I’ll always have a special place in my heart for giant hands, though