Posts made by Olo
RE: Tiny Tutors
@littlest-lily I suppose Aiden will have to settle for a single congratulation smooch.
RE: Is height correlated to size feteshes
@littlest-lily I visited Hungary once with a couple of other Americans (both taller than me). Hungarians are shorter than average, but where we really stood out was in our weight. One of our hosts gave us a ride in their car, and I was afraid it was going to bottom out.
RE: Is height correlated to size feteshes
Travel can add different perspectives. If you want to feel short, visit the Netherlands, the country with the world’s tallest average height. If you want to feel tall, visit Indonesia or Peru.
I often wonder how @Jitensha is doing in Japan, which is shorter than average.
RE: Is height correlated to size feteshes
So, I’m 5’9" (175 cm), which is average for an American male, above average globally, perhaps a bit below average locally (Pacific NW). None of the women in my life have been unusually short or tall. Regular readers will remember that for most of my size fetish “career” I’ve thought of myself as primarily a Shrunken Man, and I admit that women six-feet-tall and taller intrigue me, but never to the degree that it might alter my romantic ambitions. Similarly, atypically short women are fun to think about, but it’s not a primary draw.
@TakoAlice8 said:
A reason why I felt ashamed of my fetish is I feel that lots of people think that many girls only date tall guys and are judgmental towards guys height. I don’t care if a guy is shorter than me when it comes to dating. But this made me feel ashamed of my fetish because I feel if people found out, they would think I am taking the phrase, “I only date six feet tall guys.” to a whole other level.
As a guy who has repressed his M/f desires for similar reasons, I am quite sympathetic. M/f fans, female and male, can get a lot of shit for expressing their preferences. And heaven help you if you’re a shrunken woman who likes thinking about a giant man who eats you or crushes you or pisses on you. Jit and Seru created this as a safe space for these desires.
Your mind is an immense place, full of wonderful and terrible ideas, but you are more than any or all of your fantasies. Everyone has the right to fantasize about themselves at the size they prefer experiencing the situations they desire. If you’re at one end of the height spectrum and you want to switch, go for it! If you like your height relative to others and you want to be even more so, have at it! Go play!
How tall are you in real life, Alice?
RE: Is height correlated to size feteshes
@maladaptivetiny She’s talked about it on Tumblr and on Twitter, but neither platform is good for archiving that sort of thing.
RE: Is height correlated to size feteshes
@maladaptivetiny @Jitensha herself has spoken at length about her own size dysphoria.
RE: What is your earliest memory of having this fetish?
@TakoAlice8 That still is from the television series Captain Planet and the Planeteers, Season 6, Episode 3, “Frog Day Afternoon”.
RE: How detailed are your size fantasies
@littlest-lily Yup, I do the “quick sensation” daydream too. Usually just looking at my open hand, then curling my fingers and imagining how she feels against my palm. Just a few seconds away from reality.
RE: Paint her like one of his miniatures - TFT
@maladaptivetiny You weren’t misunderstanding me at all. I think Richard’s intentions behind creating the village and what he gets out of it is the central mystery of the story, and Susan’s experience in choosing to let him paint her is our first opportunity to observe Richard up close. How Susan reacts to the experience will (if the story is ever continued) tell us more about what she gets out of being a villager.