Date+ - Relax with me and Date+ - Relax with me 2 by Colliaz
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Date+ - Relax with me and Date+ - Relax with me 2 by Colliaz
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@foreverlurk Sigourney Weaver there is too tall for her own good.
@foreverlurk I don’t believe there’s any context other than that Marino only follows or is followed by other known size pervs.
Date+ - are you ticklish? by Colliaz
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@Nyx As long as you’re not responsible for repairing the cracked pavement.
Date+ - Autumn Walk by Colliaz
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@miss-lillipants [OOC comments]
Freaky and enticingly open-ended. The shock-collar mechsuits were clever, fiendishly introduced after the physical side effects started taking their toll.
I initially read “CIs” as “cis,” which is (pace Elon Musk) a perfectly cromulent way to refer to people whose bodies haven’t been transformed.
I hope that in the end Dr. Too Little accepted the price she had to pay for witnessing such a miracle.
Date+ - Cleaning day - part 1 and Date+ - Cleaning day - part 2 by Colliaz
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@blehb said:
I’ve read opinions in the past where people say it’s seeing the shrinking process itself that does it for them.
This is absolutely the case for many people, particularly if there is a specific physical sensation that accompanies the size change. Watching someone shrink out of or burst through their clothing, with facial expressions ranging from panicked to bewildered (my favorite) to excited; these are classic size tropes.
For myself, I am often as impatient as you are to get on with the interactions. Sometimes, however, the particular circumstances of the size change can make the process itself delicious. Was it a trick? An accident? Intentional? Is someone else responsible and what are their motives? Is size-change unheard of and mystifying, or is it understood or even expected?
Once upon a time there was an online size bulletin board simply called The Process Forum. It’s long gone now, but that’s how seriously some people considered this element of Size.
@foreverlurk We certainly won’t see a tiny princess like Kathryn Grant again.
@blehb I just remembered the diminishing candle from The 7th Voyage of Sinbad that shrinks anyone breathing its smoke as it burns down.