What’s y’alls preferred size?
I personally like around 3-6 inches, small enough to fit in the palm of my hand and tickle with my finger.

Best posts made by starslayer
To Giants and Tinies - a question
Heya, everybody. I’ve returned from wandering the dark void to ask a quick question regarding y’alls thoughts on excited tinies.
I’m currently writing a big long story, and I need a bit of quick info.
What would you imagine a shrinkee to be like if they were excited to be shrunken? Would they be gazing up at everything in awe, squeaky voices a-chirping with excitement and wonder? Running around madly, a giddy euphoria filling their tiny bodies as they tried to grasp just how much bigger the world had become to them?
Idk. So let me know what you guys think. -
RE: What is your earliest memory of having this fetish?
@SmolChlo I remember getting weirdly excited by SW stuff since I was like 5 years old. I discovered deviantart when I was 12, but I didn’t know if it was weird or not, so after a while I gave up. Then I discovered this sight, and the rest is history
RE: a fun idea
@Mrgoblinging7 dude that sounds so wholesome, I’ll definitely work with that. Much appreciated!
New here.
I’m new to this strange new world of Size stuff, so I figured I’d introduce myself.
I’m not yet 20. I enjoy mostly SW content, being fond of 4 to 6 inches tall. I don’t necessarily like nudity, being more of a gentle guy (i’m male forgor to add). I also like giantess content, and I love the idea of having a gentle giantess girlfriend to take care of me.
So this may be the weirdest thing I’ve ever found out about myself, but there you are. -
RE: Ople's New Friend
@Mrgoblinging7 Ah, excellent. I see yours is finished. Cute, simple, and sweet. I rank it a solid 7/10.
I’m currently working on my own story, I love the similarities ours have already.
I cannot wait for you to see the things I’ve been working on! -
shrink her please
i cant make collages, so can someone handle this for me?
Idk her name. I think you guys are gonna get it.
Latest posts made by starslayer
To Giants and Tinies - a question
Heya, everybody. I’ve returned from wandering the dark void to ask a quick question regarding y’alls thoughts on excited tinies.
I’m currently writing a big long story, and I need a bit of quick info.
What would you imagine a shrinkee to be like if they were excited to be shrunken? Would they be gazing up at everything in awe, squeaky voices a-chirping with excitement and wonder? Running around madly, a giddy euphoria filling their tiny bodies as they tried to grasp just how much bigger the world had become to them?
Idk. So let me know what you guys think. -
RE: I finally wrote the story from like six months ago
One week later
Jeanette sat in the far corner of the Little Owl’s Cafe, her laptop resting on her thighs. On the table before her sat a cup of the strongest latte she could drink without her head exploding. She’d been trying to find information on the boy, but with no leads and no witnesses of the incident save herself, she wasn’t having a lot of luck.
She was very successful with another budding interest of hers, however.
Ever since she’d looked up at the boy from her diminutive size, her mind had been filled with thoughts of being three inches tall again. It was weird, she knew, and embarrassing to think about, but just remembering the strange, tingling sensation that spread over her body, the airy, light-headed feeling that came with being so small… it was fascinating.
On the internet, she’d found very little actually helpful content. She never would have guessed there was an entire community focused on eroticizing the fictional resizing of men and women, but she supposed one could find just about anything on the web.
Did that mean she disliked what she saw? Not exactly. Once her friend Kaylee had come over, and she found a stack of rather… explicit books regarding shrunken individuals hiding under Jeanette’s bed. Jeanette had blushed, and thrown them away jokingly. Kaylee had, thankfully, said little about it, only remarking that she’d never have guessed Jeanette was into that “weird kinda stuff,” as she called it.
(She didn’t know Jeanette had fished them from the trash can the moment Kaylee had left.)
Jeanette honestly didn’t know why she was so attached to the idea of being small. All she knew for sure was that she needed to find the boy, and fast.
Her mind turned to the missing necklace, and her heart suddenly felt heavy in her chest. She thought of her mother in her last moments, thin and frail and yet so beautiful as she lay dying on that accursed hospital bed…
She took a swig of her coffee to clear her head, smacking her lips as the hot brown liquid traveled down her throat.
“Don’t burn yourself,” a voice said. She looked up, automatically minimizing (god, what that word did to her mind nowadays was excruciating) her browser.
Hank, one of the waiters at the cafe stood before her, a mischievous grin on his face. That was typical of him; the nineteen year old baristo was well known around the shop for his playful sense of humor. His curly brown hair poked out from under his hat, and his dark eyes sparkled. A lot of the girls harbored quite a crush on him, and Jeanette had asked herself if she was one of them before. Sure, Hank was a little young for her 22 years, but he was cute, funny, and likable.
Unbidden, an image popped into her mind, of her being cuddled by a gigantic Hank. She curled around one of his slim fingers, and Hank lightly poked her in the waist, tickling her.
Her face suddenly felt hot, and she covered her mouth. She found she couldn’t meet Hank’s eyes.
Hank didn’t seem to notice, or he was gracious enough to not call attention to it. “We don’t really have the money to afford being sued 'cuz you were dumb enough to burn half your mouth off. So please remember that we are absolved of all responsibility for any injuries you might sustain. I’m just telling you this to be nice.”
Jeanette cleared her throat, and forced the image from her mind.
“S-Shouldn’t I sign a liability waiver or something?” she said, trying to play along.
Hank grinned. “If we did that, nobody would come, Jeanette.” He gave an exaggerated roll of his eyes. “Would you come to a cafe if they made you sign something every time you ordered a hyper-summer mint latte?”
She laughed. “I guess not.”
“Exactly. Now, if you’ll excuse me, there’s a lovely couple over there who’s in need of their beverages.”
He nodded, and walked off with a smile. Jeanette smiled back, then quickly maximized the browser again.
She had about five tabs open, two of which were Deviantart (she promised herself it was work related), one of which was a news report concerning the seven or so missing people in the area, and two of which were online forums regarding… certain things Jeanette didn’t like to admit, even in her own mind.
She clicked onto the report, and recognized some of the pictures as none other than the men who’d attacked her a week ago. The others she didn’t know, but it couldn’t have been a coincidence that they’d all last been seen in the same area. Her mystery boy had to be behind it.
Moved by a sudden impulse, she glanced up, and her eyes widened. Standing in line at the counter was none other than Cornelius, dressed in a simple hoodie and jeans.
A multitude of emotions passed through her mind: rage, that the person she’d been searching for so long happened to just walk into the cafe while she was there, relief, for it meant she could finally get some answers, and an emotion she couldn’t give a name to, one that made her heart tighten in her chest and sent her mind into a flurry of thoughts and ideas.
She almost stood up and walked over to him, but she didn’t want to cause a scene. She watched as he ordered coffee and a muffin, then made to leave.
Damn it, he ordered to-go.
Then Cornelius turned, just for a moment. Anyone else would have dismissed it as irrelevant, but Jeanette watched as his blue eyes met hers. He noticed her, and there was the faintest hint of a smile in his expression. Then he turned, and left.
Hurriedly, Jeanette leaped to her feet, packed up her things, paid the bill, and rushed out the cafe, looking around frantically. Then she saw him, a few blocks away, standing by a bus stop.
She broke into a sprint, not even caring how she looked to the people around her. Cornelius glanced behind him, and he suddenly began walking again.
Jeanette cursed, and she put on an extra burst of speed. She was thankful she’d taken track for her last few years of high school, otherwise she never would have been able to make it.
Cornelius turned into an alleyway. A part of Jeanette’s mind wondered what on earth he was turning into an alleyway for, but the rest of her simply forced her to keep going.
Finally, she made it. In a final burst of adrenaline, she grabbed him by the collar and forced him to the wall, drawing a surprised gasp from his lips.
“Alright, listen,” she said, panting, “I have questions, and you’re going to answer them. Understand?”
Cornelius looked up at her, eyes wide. He nodded shyly, and Jeanette relinquished her grip, resting her hands on her knees as she gasped for breath.
“S-Sorry about that,” she said after a moment. “I’ve been looking for you for… well… n-never mind.”
Cornelius rubbed the back of his neck. He wouldn’t meet her eyes.
“Um… you know I’m not supposed to talk to you right? Well, that’s a ridiculous question. Of course you don’t.”
“Why can’t you talk to me?” she asked, an eyebrow raised. “Some kind of religious thing?”
“In a manner of speaking,” Cornelius said nervously. “But I suppose you’re not going to stop asking questions?”
Jeanette grinned. “You know me so well.”
He sighed. “Well, that’s that.”
He offered her his hand. Jeanette raised an eyebrow.
“You’re not gonna shrink me and sell me to a local school are you?”
Cornelius laughed. “Of course not, Miss Jeanette. I figure you’ve been persistent enough to have looked for me. The most decent thing I could do is answer your questions. Oh, and before I forget…”
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a necklace. Jeanette’s heart gave a great leap when she realized it was her own.
She took it slowly, fastening it around her neck, a sense of peace spreading throughout her as the cold chain settled on her skin.
Cornelius offered her his hand. “Do you trust me?”
Jeanette was silent for a moment, then she slowly took his hand. It was cold and soft within her own, and she felt the young man slightly flinch at her touch.
He cleared his throat. “Miss Jeanette. You must promise to me that you will speak to no one about what I’m going to tell you.”
“I… I promise.”
And suddenly, they were gone. -
I finally wrote the story from like six months ago
So back in March, under the name everwinter810, I asked for some story prompts, and there was one I really liked by @Mrgoblinging7. Well, Senior Goblin, I have finally written the story.
(It’s still fucking ongoing, but I’ve gotten a great idea of the worldbuilding and story arcs.)
It is not merely a story, but an entire SW-GTS-Size-Content-Related Universe, which I am currently calling the Ariaverse… for reasons yet to be revealed… evil laugh.
Anyway I just wanted to say that, and now, after way too much time, I proudly present the first chapter of many, of a story I’ve dubbed “Reformidance Rising”.Chapter One: Encounter
It was a dark and stormy night.
Such a line may appear rather trite and overused, but it must be stated that it really was a dark and stormy night.
Rain poured from the skies, thunder rumbling in the background, providing a comforting sound to those fortunate enough to be inside and asleep. The city was drowsy and quiet, one could imagine the place eagerly guzzling the water from the sky after many dry, hot days. The moon was hidden behind the clouds, and the streetlamps didn’t do much to penetrate the all-encroaching blackness.
Unfortunately, the rain provides excellent cover.
Jeanette had found this out the hard way, as three men grabbed her and dragged her into an alleyway, knocking her to the ground. She hadn’t seen or heard them coming, but she supposed that didn’t matter now.
Her rear and her elbows ached, and her purse had been ripped from her body. She looked up at her attacker, light blue eyes wide with fear.
“Alright, look,” the nearest man said, his lilting voice cutting through the rain remarkably well. “We know you’ve got at least two hundred cash worth of loot on ya. So I’m gonna try to make this real quick and easy.”
Jeanette slowly crawled back, pushing a lock of her sopping-wet red hair from her face. Her chest rose and fell as she tried to reclaim her breath.
“W-What do you mean?” she managed, her voice high and fearful.
One of the men pulled out a small knife, a low growl escaping from his throat.
“He means you’re gonna hand over that necklace, that purse, and just about everything else that can get us anything.”
“And you’re gonna do it quickly,” the third man added in a nasally voice that didn’t carry quite as well as his friend’s, “Or we may have to make things… difficult.”
“M-My necklace?” Jeanette squeaked nervously. Her hand went to her sternum where the simple necklace rested, cold against her skin. “T-This was my mother’s necklace… I can give you everything else just – just please, not this!”
The second man knelt before her, placing the knife at her throat. She felt the icy blade press into her soft neck, and her heart froze with its touch.
Slowly, the man brought the knife under the necklace, a silver claw curling over its prey.
“Now,” the first man said genially, “my friend here has a poor temper. I would highly recommend submitting to his instructions, or we’re going to have to escalate matters.”
“Listen to 'im, toots,” the second said, his face curled into a cruel smile.
Tears started to pool up in Jeanette’s eyes. The man’s hot, rank breath washed over her face, and the rain battered her head as she realized she had no other options.
“A-Alright,” she said quietly.
As she unclasped her necklace, the man snatched it from her violently, shoving back and forcing a cry of despair and pain from her lips.
“Well,” the first man said. “That was rather easy.”
They all started to laugh, but were interrupted by a bright flash of blinding blue light. Jeanette felt a strange tingling sensation spread across her body, and her eyelids suddenly felt heavy. She realized she was falling unconscious a second too late…After what felt like forever, she opened her eyes.
She sat up, and she felt like something was off. For starters, she wasn’t outside anymore. She was on a large flat area, surrounded by what looked like giant versions of desktop appliances: a lamp, a few stray pencils, and the like. Her attackers were nowhere to be found, and she felt light-headed.
“H-Hello?” she said quietly, unsure where she was.
“Oh! My goodness, you’re awake!”
A loud voice spoke from somewhere. Jeanette whirled about to find its source… then her jaw dropped. Standing over her was a boy with tousled silver-white hair, round glasses, and a shy expression. The boy was also a giant. He was easily over 50 feet tall, and he was looking down at her, eyes wide.
Suddenly, Jeanette got the bizarre feeling that the things on the desk weren’t gigantic.
“Um… y-yeah, I shrank you,” the boy (or young man, whatever one would call a male of around sixteen) said softly. “Sorry. I-I noticed your predicament earlier and thought I’d step in to help.”
Jeanette stared up at the giant in awe, observing his face. His face was boyish and young, with big blue eyes and a diffident grin.
“You’re… enormous!” she exclaimed.
“Y-Yeah… sorry about that. I cast a shrinking spell to deal with those guys earlier, but you got caught in the blast. I’m trying to conserve some energy so that I can put you back… if I can…”
“W-Wait… shrinking spell? H-How? Magic isn’t real… unless…”
The boy looked rather embarrassed at this.
“Well… magic is real… just not very common. I’m not a very good spellcaster, I know… but I’m trying to get better!”
Jeanette looked up at him silently. Her mind was racing with these new revelations.
Magic is real. I’m tiny. I’m talking to a wizard. A giant wizard…
“You okay?” The boy tilted his head, genuinely curious.
Jeanette stared up at the giant. He was kind of cute, she noticed, with a big shy grin and a likable aura. But that wasn’t what she was interested in.
“So… you’re a giant now. And I’m a tiny woman.”
She raised an eyebrow up at him.
“Yes…” the boy said hesitantly. “That is the issue at hand…”
He noticed Jeanette’s face. Then he blushed.
Jeanette didn’t understand what it was. But as she looked around the room, at the gigantic pencils and other items around her, she felt a strange tingly feeling in her chest. The idea of being so small and insignificant was… exhilarating, in a strange way.
“This could be interesting,” she said after a moment.
“You’re not… nervous?” the boy asked hesitantly. “I would have thought you’d be, you know… freaking out and stuff.”
Jeanette crossed her leg over her knee. She look up at the boy curiously.
“What’s there to be nervous about?”
The boy coughed.
“Um… you do realize you’re around 3 inches tall, right? That’s… miniscule. Tiny. Itty-bitty. If I were you, I wouldn’t take this so lightly – what are you doing?”
Jeanette had gotten to her feet, and walking around the desk and looking around curiously.
“So… magic?” she squeaked up at him.
“Uh… heh… yeah…” He scratched the back of his head shyly.
“That’s so cool!” she said excitedly, comparing her height to that of a nearby pencil. It was at least double her height, and she had to strain herself to lift it up. “Everything looks so different from down here!”
“Um… yeah. You are now small. That’s kind of a foregone conclusion.”
Jeanette laughed.
“Yeah, I guess.”
She looked up at him, and a thought occurred to her.
“What’d you do to those other guys?”
The boy’s face darkened. He glanced behind him.
“L-Let’s not worry about that.”
“Oh… o-okay.”
They were silent for a moment.
“A-anyway,” the boy said, clearing his throat. “I think I should be able to get you back to normal. Um… hold still. I don’t wanna hit a pencil and stab myself.” He raised his left hand, and closed his eyes. Jeanette tilted her head as she waited for him to say a magic word, or click his fingers, or something, but nothing happened.
“Um… is everything oka-”
Suddenly, wings – huge, shimmering wings like those of a dragonfly – spread from the boy’s back, and strange markings appeared on his face, glowing blue. Jeanette let out a squeak of fear, and a strange tingling sensation spread across her body…
Then, suddenly, it was over. She sat on a desk, looking down at a short boy of roughly sixteen. She was normal-sized again. The whole thing had happened in a few seconds.
“That was…” she managed, her voice shaky and stunned.
“Yeah. Sorry about that.”
He wasn’t looking at her, but his eyes were directed towards his small, pale hand.
“Um… i-it’s okay, really! Just… um… what…”
She flushed slightly as the boy finally met her eyes.
“What are you?”
He offered her a shy smile. “My name is Cornelius,” he said, “and that’s really all you need to know.”
Jeanette tilted her head. “Is that so? A strange kid appears out of nowhere, saves my life by shrinking me to doll size, and then puts me back without any explanation, and all I need to know is his name?”
The boy – Cornelius – looked at her, a strange look in his eyes. Then he sighed, and he shook his head.
“Ma’am,” he said quietly, “it isn’t safe. The fact that I’m speaking to you know could get both of us in big trouble. Just… go home, and forget that you met me. Please. It’d be a huge weight off my conscience.”
He adjusted his glasses, and sighed again. “I’ll show you out,” he said in a voice so quiet it may as well have been a whisper.
He led her to the door, and opened it with a gesture that clearly said thanks for coming, now get out. Jeanette stood still.
“Tell me what’s going on!” she demanded. “Who are you? How are you able to mess with people’s sizes like this? What did you mean magic is real? I demand answers!”
The boy didn’t meet her eyes.
“Goodbye, Miss Jeanette,” he said, lightly forcing her out onto the front steps. She tried to step back in, but he shut the door in her face.
She sighed and turned around. The rain had stopped, the morning sun (great, she’d been there all night)sparkling off the dew and droplets like stars brought down from heaven itself. Birds chirped merrily, and the sounds of car horns and morning chatter were already sounding as the city began to awaken from its short slumber.
Jeanette sighed again. She had to get home. She was grateful it was the weekend. Having to go to work like this would have probably killed her.
She started off towards her apartment, and could see it a few blocks away when she placed a hand to her sternum and realized she had lost her mother’s necklace. She must have left it at the boy’s house.
Groaning, she turned back, and headed off towards the run-down suburban neighborhood where Cornelius’s home had been. To her dismay, she couldn’t remember which building it was. She knocked on each of the doors, but none of the people who answered were the boy she was looking for.
Angry tears filling her eyes, Jeanette turned around once again, and started back towards her apartment.
I’ll find him, she swore to herself as she walked. I’ll find him, and I’ll get some answers.
Looking back, Jeanette would realize that had she kept her head down, and forgotten about what had happened, her life would have been so much brighter in the long run.
She wouldn’t have had to deal with the trauma, the sleepless nights, the hours spent crying alone in her bedroom. The nightmares, the interviews, the pain. The knowledge that she could have saved so many people.
But she’d made her choice. And, whether she knew it or not, her life would be forever changed from it. -
RE: Ople's New Friend
@Mrgoblinging7 Ah, excellent. I see yours is finished. Cute, simple, and sweet. I rank it a solid 7/10.
I’m currently working on my own story, I love the similarities ours have already.
I cannot wait for you to see the things I’ve been working on! -
RE: a fun idea
@Mrgoblinging7 dude that sounds so wholesome, I’ll definitely work with that. Much appreciated!
a fun idea
I’m a writer. I love weaving words into song and story, and I figured what better place to flex my muscles than here?
So give me either a collage, a prompt, or literally a word, and I’ll come up with something.STIPULATIONS:
-Please no cruelty or torture, I try to maintain my humanity as I write.
-I don’t have time to do EVERY story, but I’ll handle as many as I can.
-I don’t know how to write sex. That requires experience.
-Have fun. I would like to befriend some folks on this site, so let’s get to it!Ad astra et ultra