A commission I got from GoddessVore on twitter of my boyfriend teasing me~

Best posts made by emilythetigercat
My boyfriend teasing me with mouthplay
The Mansion (sort of WIP Story)
So here is a story I’ve ben writing more for myself than anything. My persona is in it, but really I just wanted some more action lol
I am trying to continue this though but it won’t be for a while I bet. School is tough. Anyways, thanks for reading!It was pitch black outside of the mansion when the tiny portal appeared by the door. It was a navy blue and black swirl that broke the plane of existence as it was known.
Anyone watching at the time would have seen a small woman tossed out of the portal onto her front with an “OOF.” It wasn’t a far fall, but it was like she had been pushed out of the portal.
Emily sat up with a groan and looked around. She had no idea where she was, but as she looked up at the door to the mansion, she felt the blood in her body turn ice cold.
She brushed off her pale face and adjusted her glasses over her green eyes. The last thing she wanted was to have hurt her glasses. Sitting up, she smoothed down her wavy pixie cut brown hair and looked about. She was chubby, so as she sat, her stomach and breasts jiggled a bit as well.
“What the hell did I get myself into?” She asked herself as she slowly rose to her feet. She was wearing a purple hoodie and jeans. She took a few steps with her black high top tennis shoes, and went towards the monolith that was the door in front of her.
Her orange with black striped tail swished back and forth as she scratched at one of the cat ears on her head. She would need to ask for help to get home. Was home smaller as well, she wondered? Or had she somehow shrunken as she was tossed through the portal?
Hell, she didn’t even know how she got in the portal, let alone what it had done to her. For now, she was probably only a few inches tall, and trying to figure out a way into the mansion in front of her.
Emily sighed, and inspected the door. She saw a crack under the wooden frame, and began to wiggle beneath it. It didn’t take long for her to squeeze under, but it was definitely a tight fit for the chubby neko.
Once she was inside, she was greeted to what seemed like Victorian art. Plush red fabric the color of blood rolled out beneath her feet as she walked the hall while paintings of men and women alike adorned the walls around her. She recognized pieces that should be in museums as well as she walked.
It wasn’t long before she found herself in what seemed to be a dining room. It was so large though that as she caught the smell of food, she could only imagine what was above her. She was just too small to see it.
“Look, Gram, I just don’t know what to tell you.” A voice echoed from across the long dining room. “We need to be saving up. A pet just isn’t an option right now. I know you’d like a snake or something but a familiar costs money!”
Emily’s eyes went wide as she watched two men step out from a doorway to what she could only assume was the kitchen from the plate of food one was carrying with them.
“I know but it just hit me at once. I’m probably one of the only wizards around these parts that doesn’t have some sort of familiar. Come on, Sylas, help a buddy out!” The other man said as he stepped into the room. His steps thundered as he stepped in next to the dining table quickly.
She stared up at the two of them as they sat down. The one called Sylas seemed to have wily look to his hair as it waved about in blond strays past his ears. He was well-built with what even appeared to be muscles beneath a black shirt. Emily could just barely see the sight of two narrowed grey eyes looking to the other man across from him. He gave a slight stomp as he groaned, his black boots imprinting on the ground and making Emily jump back as she rushed to the other side of the table.
“No, Gram. We can’t. Who do you think would be taking care of it anyways? You’re not exactly helpful around the mansion. I’m not your butler after all.” Sylas grumbled.
Gram let out a groan as Emily was left to hide beneath his chair leg. She looked up to see his short auburn hair shining in the light as he put his chin in his hand. His pale skin made his hair shine even lighter as his green tee shirt seemed to bunch up more in his lap as he leaned forward.
“Man…it sucks that we don’t have a butler either. I mean, my uncle left this place to me so why can’t it be the best bachelor pad around? Yet it’s just us….chilling all the time.” He groaned this last bit to show the boredom in his voice.
“I get it, I get it. Look, I’ll try to pick up another citing gig tonight. If I can hold it out all night for once, I’ll see if we can do something tomorrow.” Gram said as he began to pick at his food.
Emily could hear the sound of silverware above her as the two began digging in to their meals. She decided that maybe she should find another way to get help. She had had some bad run-ins with wizards in the past, and they usually didn’t end well for her. She thought this through as they ate, not knowing that they were chowing down quickly.
Without thinking, she took a step out towards the chair leg just as Gram moved his foot. He had barely twitched, but to her, it was like getting smacked down by a bus.
She groaned and fell over onto her back. She brought a hand to her head. “A-ah, fuck!” She said a little louder than she meant to as she struggled to sit up.
“What the-“ Gram said as he felt something tap against his boot. He heard a small voice as well, and blinked in surprise.
“What? What’s up?” Sylas asked as he thought he heard a soft voice beneath the table as well.
Grant scooted back in his chair with his legs. When he looked down, his eyes went wide at the sight. “H-holy…” He said softly as he reached down towards the tiny neko.
Emily looked up as he began to reach for her, and gasped before she tried to shakily get to her legs. She had barely stood up when his hand curled around her body.
“Dude, Sylas, look.” Gram said as he lifted his hand into the air and leaned over the table with his hand out to his friend.
The tiny neko was once again exposed to the light as the man held her up. She shielded her eyes with a groan as she looked up at the two men looming over her.
“What is that…a magicked doll?” Sylas asked as he reached forward and gently poked at Emily’s stomach.
She let out a hiss and glared at him. “P-p-paws off, pal!” She called up as menacingly as she could.
“Oh shit, she talks! Where did you come from, little lady?” Gram asked as he shifted to lift the tiny woman back up to his face.
Emily gulped and tried to put on her bravest face. “I-I don’t really know how I got here. I got thrown through some sort of spirally blue and black portal. I was gonna ask for help, but next thing I know, I got hit by what felt like a truck.” She called up.
Their eyes were wide. “A portal? Is that why you’re so small?” Sylas asked as he looked across the table to her.
“I guess so…maybe you two are just big? I don’t really know.” She said as she tried to sit up straight only to hold her head as she leaned back into Gram’s fingers with another groan.
“Oh crap, I must have kicked you without noticing. I’m really sorry er…do you have a name, kitty girl?” He asked as he curled his fingers up more so she could sit up against them.
“E-Emily. It’s Emily.” She said as she looked up at him.
“Well, I’m Gram, and this is my friend Sylas. Here, Sylas is really good with healing magic. Do you think you can fix her up again?” He said as he handed the small woman over to his friend who looked a little shocked for a moment before replying.
“I- er…sure. I can try. I’ve not worked on something so small since I was in middle school though.” He said as he brought his other hand above her in his palm. “You’ll probably feel very cold for a moment. It can’t be helped though, I apologize.”
With that, he focused on the neko in his palm, and let the magic flow out of him with a deep breath. He was right, her body was cold. She felt a shiver course through her body that she couldn’t expel as the magic pulsed through her body. Once he was finished though, her head was far clearer than it had been a moment ago.
“I uh…thanks. I appreciate it.” She said as she sat up in his palm now from her previous laying position.
“Don’t mention it. Though I do hate to say it, but I don’t think you should go anywhere tonight. I’ll look up some teleportation spells during my work hours in a bit. Why don’t you rest up in Gram’s room while I do my work?” Sylas said as he held his hand out to Gram who in turn held his at the same level.
“Yeah, I promise to be way gentler now that I know you’re actually around, Emily.” He said as he watched Emily slowly rise and walk over onto the other hand before sitting down.
“O-okay. That works.” She says as she looks up to Gram.
“Here, I bet you’re hungry. I’ll bring some of this fish I cooked for dinner for you to eat once we get up to my room. I’ll figure out something for you to drink out of once we’re there.” He said as he reached with his other hand to pick up his plate.
With that, he stood up and nodded to Sylas. “Good luck with work. Come on, Emily. I’ll show you around.”
Emily looked up as she was carried towards the stairs. The ride was bumpy, but Gram suddenly pulled his fingers around her more as he walked.
“Don’t want to drop you. I probably should have put you in my pocket since we’re heading up a long way.” He said to her as he brought his thumb up to gently pet her head.
Emily felt her cheeks grow a little hot as he stroked her head so casually. She wasn’t used to such gentle treatment, and especially by someone larger than her.
It was a good couple of minutes before the two of them reached the room. Once they were inside, Gram used his leg to shut the door since both of his hands were full. After that, he walked over to his computer desk and placed down the food first.
“Oh hey, I still have some soda here too. You okay with drinking that with this fish? I can like tip up the bottle when you’re thirsty.” He said as he deposited the tiny neko beside the plate.
Emily’s stomach gave a small growl as she looked up at the man looming over her. She smiled a bit and nodded. “That sounds nice. Thank you for the food, Gram.” She said as she slowly made her way onto the plate.
Once on it, she saw that the fish had been battered and fried slices that the two had been chowing down on. She licked her lips and moved in towards it, slowly sinking onto her knees to get at the right level to take a bite.
Gram couldn’t help but watch her as she began to nibble at the fish. It was precious in a way. She was like a little mouse with how delicate her bites and movements were in comparison to him. If he had not had stopped himself, he would have already been picking her up to pet her.
He didn’t want to think less of her, but she would definitely need protecting until she could go back home. He knew immediately he had to be that someone. She was just too small and adorable to take care of herself!
Emily ate as quickly as she could. She couldn’t remember how long it had been since she had eaten. Was it this morning? Was it the day before? When had that portal brought her here from?
She soon finished eating and stood up on the plate. “Gram? Can I have a drink?” she asked as she wipes her mouth a bit on her sleeve.
Gram smiled down at her and nodded. “Of course, cutie! Here, let’s try you drinking out of the bottle cap. I didn’t think about using that!” He said with a big grin as he poured her some of the soda. Once he had, he held it in front of her carefully.
She smiled and took the cap. It was bigger than her head and barely fit in her arms, but she drank from it anyways. Once she was done, Gram grabbed the cap back and placed it on his drink again.
“Now…what to do what to do….oh hey! I can show you some magic! Do you have magic where you’re from, Emi?” He asked as he grinned brightly at her.
She nodded a bit. “There’s some here and there… I-I know a wizard that I grew up with… I hope your magic is a lot… n-nicer than his.” She stuttered nervously.
His eyes went wide for a moment before his gaze softened. He brought his finger down and gently petted her. “I promise I won’t let my magic hurt you in any way. You are completely safe in my hands, Emily. Here, I’ll show you. I’ll give you a quick hex and you’ll be safe with both of us after it. Well, when Sylas is done with work I mean.”
Emily bit her bottom lip a moment even as he petted her head. She couldn’t deny she liked his kind touch and his sweet words. She hadn’t met magic users like that before. “O-okay, Gram.” She says as she brings herself closer to his hand.
He smiled for a moment before taking a deep breath. As he did, his eyes began to glow a dark magenta as if someone had stuck lights in his eye sockets. Then, Emily was suddenly aware of her body glowing the same color. She gasped, but Gram had gently put his thumb onto her back to steady her in place. Soon, the light faded away, and he smiled down at her.
“Okay. You’re all done. Let me demonstrate. Now, tell me if this hurts at all.” He said as he grabbed her by her tail and lifted her up.
Emily let out a terrified shriek and Gram quickly switched to holding her.
He quickly started to apologize. “Did it not work? Oh shit I-“
Emily quickly cut him off by shaking her head. “N-no! You just startled me. I-I’ve been small around people before Gram. I’m not used to someone being careful with me.”
He frowned and brought his fingers down again to gently pet her. Before she could help herself, Emily had slowly pulled herself into his palm as he stroked her.
“I promise you on my life that I will keep you safe. No one will hurt you while you’re here with me.” He said as he soon picked her up and brought her to his chest. He pressed her there as if he was hugging her. In a way he was after all.
Emily blushed again and pressed her face to his chest. “T-thank you, Gram…y-you’re very sweet…”
He smiled as he looked down at her. “Don’t mention it my adorable little pipsqueak. Now, what should we do together…” He wondered as he held her.
After a moment, he smiled. “How about some games? You can sit in my lap while I play some video games on my console.” He said as he stood up with the neko in his palm, and walked over to his television.
Emily found herself blushing a bit again as she was soon deposited in his lap. He was way too warm for it not to affect her some way as she sat there, but she stayed quiet. The last thing she wanted to do was make him uncomfortable.
She watched as he pulled up a monster hunting game on his console. His fingers danced along the controller as he began fighting, the clicking noise and the game’s music all you could hear.
“Do you play games at home?” He asked as he fought with what looked to be a dragon on the screen.
“Yeah. I love games like this. Though, I’m more for gentler games.” She said as she watched the drive-in sized television as she relaxed into Gram’s stomach.
As she laid there and watched, she could hear the sounds of his stomach behind her. It was no doubt working to get rid of his meal as he chilled out. Emily barely noticed that after listening for a few, she had turned her head to hear it better.
Gram was on the loading screen when he looked down to see her doing this. He found a small smirk on his face as he picked her up.
Emily hadn’t even noticed he was staring before his hand was on her. Before she knew it, she was being lifted to his face.
He chuckled as he looked down at her. “You like stomachs or something, shorty? You were just listening away!” He said with a laugh as his warm breath blew over the little neko.
Emily blushed heavily before she nodded a bit. “I-I…I just uh…I-I’ve been kept in them before, and they’re…they’re surprisingly comfy.”
His eyes went wide as he listened before he licked his lips. He hadn’t even noticed the involuntary action as he looked down at her, but Emily had. Her heart began to race, and she gulped a bit.
“You want in me for a while? That spell will keep you safe after all.” He said as he found himself sizing her up more.
She bit her bottom lip for a moment. “Y-you’re not upset that I…I like being inside people?”
That smirk on his face seemed to widen as he brought his finger down, and began to twirl it around her tail playfully. “Believe it or not, it’s common for wizards to practice protection spells on small creatures here by gobbling them up. At least in my school it was. There are plenty other ways to try them out of course, but I think I’d rather find out how you taste before we try anything else.” He had practically purred as he said this.
A chill ran down her spine as he teased her so casually like this. The way he was playing with her tail only seemed to excite her more as well.
“It is strange that a sentient being wants inside me though. Then again, I practiced with fairies a few times back in school. Some of them were really into it and practically begging for it.” He said as he suddenly brought the finger he had been teasing her tail with to her chest.
Emily could only let out a sudden squeak as she was pushed over onto her back in his palm. Her eyes locked on his, and she immediately saw a predatory glint in his eyes.
He then brought his face to her, and sniffed her. She thought with as hard of a breath as that that he might just suck her to his nose, but she stayed in his palm quivering with both fear and more excitement.
“You smell like peanut butter. That’s so cute.” His words practically dripped with sweetness now as he grinned down at her.
Her breath was picking up now as she stared at his mouth above her. She was about to reply when he opened his mouth, and his tongue slowly began to slide out.
Emily thought she might faint from how absolutely excited he was making her. Hell, she was pushing her legs together hard so he might not know how he was turning her on.
Sadly, it seemed Gram could easily tell. He chuckled before he moved his finger towards the waistline of her pants, and closed his mouth. “Now don’t be shy….gods, I’ve never really gotten to toy with someone like this. Eating someone is one thing, but knowing I’m getting you excited is getting ME excited, little kitten.” He almost growled with playful dominance in his voice as he stared down at her.
“Alright, I’ve made up my mind. No clothes for you. My mansion, my rules. You can have them back later.” Was all he said before he pulled his other hand back, and snapped his fingers.
“W-what do you m-EEEK!” She was cut off as her clothes suddenly disappeared from her body. She was left chilled as the air around her fell cold to her skin.
Gram chuckled, and brought his fingers back to her. He ran his finger oh so carefully along her thigh as he worked his way up to her stomach again. “Now, now…you can’t exactly do it, but don’t get your panties in a twist. I’ll give them back later. For now, come here. I’ll keep you warm.”
He didn’t give her much time to react before his tongue brushed across her skin. He closed his eyes for a moment as he slid his tongue along her stomach, and then slowly up to her large little breasts. She may have been small, but she was definitely a pretty little thing. It helped that she tasted amazing to him as well.
She didn’t just smell like peanut butter either. She tasted like peanut butter and honey as if she bathed in the stuff. He was almost tempted to ask when the tiny woman let out a squeaky moan from his licks.
He chuckled, and licked her breasts again. He could feel that this was turning her on by the way her nipples seemed to stiffen between licks. Soon, his taste buds were gliding back and forth to the sound of her little moans.
He smiled, as her breathing picked up more. He could see her chest rising and falling when he pulled his tongue away briefly. Her face was flushed as well, and it was glaringly obvious the little neko was enjoying every second of his touch.
Just seeing this brought a blush to his own face, and a made a tent in his pants.
“Mmmm….kitten loves getting licked, doesn’t she?” Gram practically purred himself as he stroked her head with his thumb.
Emily couldn’t even describe the bliss she was feeling right now. She was still a virgin, yet she knew this had to be similar to sex. After all, why would Gram be reacting to her this way if he didn’t feel the same.
He carefully maneuvered her in his palm so that she was soon lying down flat. With that, he began licking along her thighs as she let out a pleasured mewl in reply.
“Gods above, you’re getting me hard as a rock, kitten. Might have to eat you AFTER I’ve gotten off myself.” He teased as he pushed her legs apart gently with his tongue.
“G-Gram?” She began shyly. “C-can you go slow? I-I’m a…a virgin.” She would have hid her face if he didn’t have her spread out in his palm.
He smiled and rubbed the top of her head again. “Of course, sweetie. Wouldn’t be any fun if you weren’t enjoying it, after all. Well, at least to me. Now, relax. I’m only gonna make you scream my name after all.” He joked as he chuckled.
Emily couldn’t help but continue to blush, but she smiled at the playful nature of this man holding her. He was just so sweet that he was cracking jokes in the middle of playing with her!
Gram took a deep breath before he brought his tongue in towards her womanhood. The sensitive lips quivered as his strong taste buds began to slide about them. Emily shivered as well, but she also felt a taste bud hit somewhere far more sensitive than her lower lips as he went up. She let out a moan, and dug her fingers into his palm a bit for support.
He smiled as he tasted her slowly. He knew he was hitting her clit as he licked, but he didn’t want to focus too much on that yet.
“Pretty thing…” He cooed down at her before he licked her again.
He felt her body lurch a bit as she whimpered cutely in reply. He then pulled his face back, and smirked down at her a bit.
“Mmm…yeah, I think you’re plenty wet enough now, doll. Keep your legs spread for me.” He said as he slowly brought his pinky finger down to her slick little pussy.
As he did, Emily’s eyes went wide, but she did as he told her. When the digit pressed to her wet nethers, she shuddered, but nevertheless enjoyed his touch.
He carefully ran his finger up and down her little lips and against her clit. He wanted to make sure she was close before he did what he had planned.
“You know, that spell I used will make you mighty durable to anything…let’s test it though. Deep breath, kitten.” He said as he positioned his finger right at her entrance.
She nodded, and took a deep breath just as he pushed into her. She felt like she was taking a man at least three times bigger than her as he shoved his finger into her. Knowing that it was only his finger made the experience far hotter for her though.
She cried out, and dug her nails in more as he watched her pudgy tummy bulge out a bit more to his invasion. He then slowly began thrusting it in and out of her.
Emily was in heaven. She thought she might faint from the pleasure, but instead, she just continued to moan. He grinned when she began moaning his name, and even let out a moan of his own.
“Cum for me, Emily.” He said as he continued to push in and out of her. The way she looked and sounded as he pleasured her was making his pants almost too tight to bare at the moment. He would have to undo them soon.
When she finally did cum for him, she screamed out as her juices began to flow out of her. She then laid back in his palm to catch her breath.
Gram removed his finger and brought it to his mouth. He licked it clean before doing the same to the dripping neko in his palm.
“Fuck me, that was incredible.” He said as he kissed her stomach. Still, his face was blood red now as she slowly caught her breath. “Think you could do me now, kitten?” He teased as he began undoing his pants.
She looked up at him as she panted. “Y-yeah! I want to try!” She said as she looked up at his beautiful blue eyes. They shined like sapphires as he looked at her with a bit of shock.
When he finished setting himself free, he nodded. “If you really think you can.” He said as he began to lower her down to it. “If you need help though, believe me when I say I’ll give it to you.” He said with a soft chuckle.
As she was lowered down to the soft mound of auburn pubes, she was soon deposited down in front of him. He was massive even for normal men it seemed. She thought he must be at least nine inches as she slowly brought herself up to his shaft.
As she compared herself, she knew he was definitely nine inches. He was exactly three times her size down here. It was intoxicating. The sight, and his smell drove her to start rubbing and licking at him.
His moans echoed above her as he watched her below. She had just barely started licking when she began pulling herself up his cock. He was surprised at how good she was for a virgin. Then again, after that display before, she could hardly be called that now.
Emily worked her way higher and higher, only stopping to lick and rub herself into him more. When she soon reached his tip, she brought her mouth to his slit, and began to suck on it.
Gram’s moans seemed to get even louder with that, and Emily could feel his pulse quicken even more as she felt how close he was.
She didn’t stop or slow though. If anything, this made her work faster. She licked into his slit as well, making him lurch. She thankfully had a good grip on him or she would have been bucked off him.
“F-fuck!” He cried out as he brought his hand around her. He didn’t mean to be rough, but he held her a little tightly to his cock as he got close.
This didn’t deter her though. She just kept licking and sucking on him. Finally, she gave in to her lust once more, and gave him the tiniest bite on his head.
This did the trick. Before she could react, he came. He spurted up into the air above her before coming back down onto her body. It instantly coated her hair and ears as well as it began rolling down her back.
Gram breathed heavily as he loosened his grip, and let Emily fall back into his palm. “A-a-amazing…” He stuttered as he brought her to his face.
She blushed, and cuddled to his thumb as he looked down at her. “I-I’m glad I was able to make you feel good too.” She said as she purred softly.
“Better than good, sweetheart. Now, why don’t we both take a rest. Come here. Down you go for a while.” He said before he opened his mouth.
He didn’t even bother to lick her clean first. He just shoved her into his mouth, and closed it. With that, he began to push her towards the back of his throat.
She was delicious, but he was too exhausted after that to take time to savor her before swallowing. Soon, she was sliding down his throat as he smiled.
As she landed in his stomach, she curled up to his stomach wall and began to purr loudly. Emily yawned, and felt her eyes drooping.
“Sleep tight, little one. I’ll let you out after I rest.” He said as he patted his stomach, and leaned back in his chair.
With that, the two dozed off together.
Doll Houses
Out of curiosity, how many people here like the idea of either keeping a small woman in a dollhouse(whether to trap her or keep her somewhere comfortable), or be the tiny woman inside of said doll house?
I just think of this constantly and how I myself would love to have an enormous decked out doll house to be kept in. A phone as a TV, a bed made out of memory foam, and maybe even working plumbing. I would also love to have doll clothes even if they were too big for me.
I would love to be small and kept in one either as a place to keep me locked up, or as a way to make me comfortable. Or both lol Just laid down on the bed before being shut up in the house for the night sounds fun to me too.
Okay, rambling done. Enjoy your day!
An Idea
Hi there! So I had an idea just because I’m more of a phone user than a computer user when it comes to talking.
What if there was a Discord specifically for this site? I didn’t really know where to send this honestly since its just a suggestion.The only reason I bring this up is because I already have like four conversations going on this site, but since I’ve been using my phone, I don’t get any sort of notification, and I just have to keep checking compulsively to see if anyone has replied.
Sorry if this is a dumb idea since I know there are a lot of size discord servers out there, and also finding people to run an actual server like that can be a little hard at times.
Though I’m also sort of a lurker wherever I go. I just sort of thought it sounded like a good idea. Okay I’ll stop rambling and abscond like usual lol
RE: Favorite size for tiny ladies?
I really really love being about somewhere between 2 to 5 inches at most. My sweet spot is 3 inches. It’s the perfect hand-held size! I just love being scooped up at that size by a big guy who loves to play!
RE: Role call
Hi there! I’m actually pretty nervous typing this, I won’t lie. I’m kinda bad at talking about what I like. Anyways, I’m a tiny girl that also enjoys playing a cat girl, but will be human if requested. I also have some OCs, though only one I have an actual drawn reference for.
I can tell you right off what I’m not into, because honestly? I’m into a lot. What I dislike is as follows: scat/watersports. No hate, I just can’t handle those two. I really dislike death unless there’s a reforming option.
I lean towards gentle but very playful encounters. I am very spunky at times, but kinda shy at first.
My writing style is usually very descriptive, and all I really ask is for a sentence at least in replies. I run kinda dry on ideas when its only a few words of a reply.
Lastly, if you would like to role play via Discord, shoot me a message on here or on my linked twitter, and I’ll gladly give it to you!
Oh, and I’m a college student so I may be slow with replies. Okay, I’m done rambling. -
RE: SW Inspiration - Gentle Fluff
A Borrower is found in the giant’s home, and as she’s picked up to his face, she finds herself a little smitten despite the size difference.
Giant dangling a neko girl in front of his face with a playful smirk. Maybe she’s crossing her arms in annoyance.
Giant watches as his little girlfriend rides around on their cat as though they’re a horse.
RE: Look at that
@marvin231 Oh wow! This is wonderful! I definitely wish I was her!
RE: Ladies, Relax! M/ff
@giantesslover45 Oh gosh this is a hot pic and a hot little story! I’d love to be one of them!!
RE: Books?
@potie15 Well, my boyfriend is writing a book series and it has size elements in it. M/f, F/m, and it’s got some vore. The first book is out now.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0899PQZDJ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_8BFP088QHMNH9ZWBPZCA -
RE: Nalani and the Planet of the Giants
@olo I like the way he’s just gently holding her as this all happens. His hand is just softly supporting her side while she places her hand in his.
RE: Doll Houses
@marvin231 Lord have mercy I’m gonna melt. This is so hot!!!
RE: A Close Shave
@2ndsolesurvivor I have never thought of this sort of scenario before with a giant man and tiny woman story. I love this though! I wish someone would draw something like this, because I bet it would be really cool!!
RE: Medical Mondays
@dr-tol I’d gladly be yours if I got such a thorough examination~