@CygnusJkins13 Love it!!!

Posts made by emilythetigercat
RE: Ladies, Relax! M/ff
@giantesslover45 Oh gosh this is a hot pic and a hot little story! I’d love to be one of them!!
RE: Nalani and the Planet of the Giants
@olo I like the way he’s just gently holding her as this all happens. His hand is just softly supporting her side while she places her hand in his.
RE: Where do you come from?
I’m from the United States in that horrible horrible place called Ohio. I’ve lived in the same town my whole life, and I can’t wait to leave lol
RE: A Close Shave
@2ndsolesurvivor I have never thought of this sort of scenario before with a giant man and tiny woman story. I love this though! I wish someone would draw something like this, because I bet it would be really cool!!
RE: An Idea
@normhorseman I wouldn’t think you would need to rebrand it too much Norm. Since this forum allows F/f, M/m, and along with (of course) M/f, the only thing you would need to really get rid of is the F/m aspect. This would only be because there are a lot of places for F/m, but this place isn’t one of them lol
But also @Jitensha, that would be so awesome if we had mobile chats on here! I use mobile most of the time to check a lot of websites, and I allow message notifications from my browser as well. That would be so absolutely incredible for other mobile users like me!
RE: Medical Mondays
@dr-tol I’d gladly be yours if I got such a thorough examination~
RE: An Idea
@normhorseman Well I’ll be honest and say that though I love Discord, I’m still more of a lurker anyways. I only own one server myself, but it only has 7 people anyways(private friend group one that I basically forced my friends into using for Discord calls.)
Though maybe if I’m able to get my schoolwork under control I could try and help you out with it some if nothing else. I definitely will be joining though! -
RE: The HOA Inspection
@2ndsolesurvivor This was so cute, and it was absolutely wholesome destruction!! I loved this so much!!
RE: A snack for a demon god
@cygnusjkins13 This picture is AMAZING and the little story excerpt just makes it even more so!! Bravo!
RE: SW Inspiration - Gentle Fluff
A Borrower is found in the giant’s home, and as she’s picked up to his face, she finds herself a little smitten despite the size difference.
Giant dangling a neko girl in front of his face with a playful smirk. Maybe she’s crossing her arms in annoyance.
Giant watches as his little girlfriend rides around on their cat as though they’re a horse.
RE: Doll Houses
@nataliethetiny I need to get a computer like this OMG!!
RE: Doll Houses
@marvin231 Lord have mercy I’m gonna melt. This is so hot!!!