Expect updates and edits on this thread, as I’ll be putting more .gifs up as they come. I will also be sorting them. Meantime, here are my best .gifs thus far in no particular order. They’re predominantly vore-oriented. Accessible here.
Best posts made by Leucan
Comprehensive Thread of Giant .gifs
RE: For vore fans: what's the appeal?
Many aforementioned aspects play into my enjoyment of vore as well – intimacy and domination, primarily. What’s more imposing and degrading and downright terrifying than getting eaten? As for being the one doing the eating, how can you be any more possessive? I love it through and through.
Twitter Archive
Here’s a comprehensive, mostly vore-oriented archive of my video posts on Twitter in high definition, as Twitter generally downgrades upload quality. Check regularly for updates, if it interests you!
RE: My new normal
@littlemax Thank you!! 🥰 I adore this read thoroughly, and am grateful for the care and compassion that went into it. It really got me excited~
RE: Comprehensive Thread of Giant .gifs
@jitensha Always love the input, hmhm. It really inspires me to keep at it~
RE: My little attempts at size art
@nataliethetiny These are awesome - a rave in a PC tower is especially creative!
RE: Comprehensive Thread of Giant .gifs
@gorrister Aaah! You know I love showing off to you
RE: Fun Times With Little Friends~
@pythonpie Holy shit, what a hunk, magnificent!
RE: DISCIPLINE Comic *mouthplay, humiliation*
@jitensha You already know my opinion of this one outstanding work!!