@protect-tinies I… don’t disagree. It’s, as I like to say, something that women are already expressing sideways through werewolf erotica, vampire erotica, and monster erotica.
I myself come from that world. I discovered I liked vore through vampire erotica (the equivalent of a vampire going all the way) and I liked G/t as an outgrowth of large bestial characters (wolves, wear bears, the occasional minotaur in women’s erotica).
I’ve ensconced mine in romance and horror categories, where I walk the tightrope so it becomes perilously erotic.
I have noted that G/t fetish is definitely more accessible than vore; but if done right… you can seduce the reader with that, too… And vorific elements do exist in my web novel, but watered down. I’m not stupid, I want to enrich the reader’s experience; not alienate. It’s a hard sell…
But G/t stuff? Yes. Women seem to cotton to that quite well.
If you want statistics, presently my book is in 124 user libraries for pre-sale, since its inception April 15, on the app (ongoing serialization).
388k views on DeviantArt (in 4 months). And it gets 1k views per week on the Inkitt App.