Best posts made by Olo
RE: Enjoy The Show, Mousies!
@foreverlurk Nice render to go with that sentiment:
RE: Heidi Haak in: Toy Prisoner of Giant Hands (SW animation on Gumroad) (Lots of handheld interaction)
@Mrgoblinging7 Because women in size fantasy should only be giantesses with narrowly-prescribed personalities, and any deviation from this is offensive and threatening.
RE: Lesser Known Inconveniences of Being Giant/Tiny
@i-am-insane The biggest “inconvenience” that I hand-wave away is tiny voices being too faint and squeaky and giant voices being too loud and rumbly. I need my characters to be able to converse. Frequently and easily.
RE: SW in Gen V
Gen V Official Redband Trailer just dropped.
SW at 0:07, 1:18, 1:37, and 1:52.
It’s implied that Ashley is the one who drops the dixie cup on our tiny girl (who also seems to perform a grisly cranial autopsy).
I’ll try to get a GIF up later (having trouble downloading the MP4).
RE: Lesser Known Inconveniences of Being Giant/Tiny
@SmolChlo “No, he’s not a monster, he’s my seeing-eye giant.”
RE: Gulliver's Travels 2010 Giant man/shrinking woman scenes
@Giant-Man-1984 I remain bitterly disappointed that Gulliver never took the opportunity to handle the Empress of Lilliput (played by Catherine Tate).
RE: Question Tiny Ladies.
@i-am-insane Dear flat-chested giantesses and short-dicked giants: You are every bit as overwhelming as more endowed biggos. In love and awe, the tinies
Seasonal Reminder
Tinies who live in gingerbread houses taste like molasses.
RE: SW in Gen V
Also GTS City wants her to be big, ugh…let the SW folk have this one thing I swear to fuck.
I saw that, too.
What always amazes me is the sheer lack of reasonable expectations some of those guys have. “Well, there was that one issue where Spidey got shrunk, so that means that the next movie could have GTS in it!”