@hentaihunter1 The giant bear and also I wish I was that pretty
Posts made by sloppy_amy
RE: Time For A Bear Hug
RE: Time For A Bear Hug
@hentaihunter1 Is that a rocker launcher in your pants, Mr. Bear, or are you just happy to see me?
RE: Thumbed
@mrgoblinging7 Ohhh the effortlessness of the choking with one finger
So hot
RE: Getting Rid Of The Wife
Oh that is so hot yet so terrifying. Or are they the same thing?
RE: Mika's Interview, a F/f comic
@diminution-man Ha yea it’s great
Roar! The evil hand!
RE: Time For A Bear Hug
@giant-keith Oh I think that was it
So cute and I love the look on her face when he splattered it all over her.
RE: Time For A Bear Hug
@giant-keith I forget but basically the teddy bear was raping its former owner
RE: Time For A Bear Hug
Has anyone seen that picture of a girl now tiny, and her teddy getting revenge for all those years of unwanted snuggling?
RE: Tiny & Normal Resort
What a shapely ankle, would love to dangle from that bracelet
RE: For vore fans: what's the appeal?
@i-am-insane Yea, I hadn’t thought of it much, but I think that’s how it works for me. I love vore. But cannibalism is super disgusting.
How do those two mix? I don’t even know. I guess it’s the size. A tiny person would just crunch or squish, there wouldn’t be much messy gnawing on bone. I usually don’t envision vore over 1ft in size, sometimes a bit more, where I can imagine the bones would just crack and split like if you ate quail. So vore never feels “nasty” to me and somehow, in my mind, is completely different from cannibalism.
RE: For vore fans: what's the appeal?
I agree with Olo, it is a weirdly deep domination aspect. Getting eaten is even pre-human.
It is at the same time one of the most cruel and most intimate deaths. Being ground to shreds by giant teeth, drowning on an underground cave of acid. At the same time you’re literally inside the giant, and if he played with you in his mouth, he heard your screams and pleading before he decided to end you.
And I also have a huge mouth fetish to begin with, I love watching those ASMR videos of people eating. Especially oysters or things like that. I always imagine the giant smiling face at the top of the screen is actually looking down at a village of tiny, helpless people, or tiny people in oyster shells to slurp down, or tiny women tied to sushi rolls…