@littlest-lily American culture is also terrified of anything that actual portrays non-traditional procreative sex in a positive light. Going back to Twilight, as a non-reader of the books, it’s always been my understanding that they were written from a weirdly moralistic standpoint.
As ‘kinky’ as vampires are, the relationship that Bella pursues with Edward is exemplary of monogamy and involves a very formal courtship process. The actual sex is problematized as the source of a dangerous pregnancy that Bella can’t terminate because the author is a Mormon.
Or maybe I’m thinking of Buffy, which also treats sex with vampires as bad not because it’s with a vampire but because sex has innately transformative properties: one moment of happiness for a ‘reformed’ vampire makes them immediately turn evil again, and sex is how that happens.
Most TV sucks at portraying this sort of thing well. The mark of a well-written show or series, IMO, is the subversion of these tropes. Twin Peaks is a great example, probably the best. True Detective does it well in a couple of seasons, too.
Posts made by subasubaski
RE: Psychology of fantasies
RE: Kink shamed by Google AI
@Nyx I’ve left other sites over issues like this, just to avoid unwinnable flame wars. People trying to define all acceptable size content as F/m is a real problem.
RE: SW in Gen V
I’m a fan of what they’re doing with her thus far, although I don’t especially care about The Boys as a franchise. As long as she doesn’t end up dying in a stupidly pointless and mean-spirited way, I’ll be happy. It seems like they’ve done a very good job of avoiding the worst SW and growth tropes and hitting on the ones that work best for the story they’re telling.
I wouldn’t be surprised if at some point her binge eating at normal size and growing. Not that I’m rooting for it or expecting it, but it seems like the logic of her powers would allow that, unless I missed some dialogue contradicting the idea. There’s already been some decent action involving her at various smaller sizes, so someone is having fun with that–hopefully enough to sustain what we’ve seen of her in the first few episodes. After so many 50 Foot Woman remakes, maybe people are starting to come around.
She’s a strong character and I’m looking forward to the next episode.
RE: Does size have the potential of going above and beyond a fetish community?
@littlest-lily there’s definitely a place for SFW content, I just don’t want to have to feel like an outsider for enjoying NSFW stuff. I definitely have had some traumatizing experiences from this fetish, but not nearly as much as I’ve had from the community that would associate me with it were I to start identifying as a size fetishist.
RE: Does size have the potential of going above and beyond a fetish community?
Speaking as someone who is only into this for the NSFW stuff, that would be really unfortunate. Turning a fetish community into a social circle, then eliminating the sexual aspects, is essentially colonizing the libido and paving the way for marketing campaigns. I use size-based roleplay and writing to express specifically NSFW aspects of myself that do not have any way of being worked into my day to day life. I do not want to be a Puritanical giant living a friendly, happy life with little people. I do not want to be a Borrower living a contented life with a friendly Puritanical owner. I most certainly do not want to LARP these scenarios, especially if it involves expensive A/V equipment manufactured or sold by a corporation taking advantage of a new queer community that was recently pointed out by an economic hitman for aggressive marketing campaigns.
In my size-related fantasies, I am a leering pervert who dominates shrunken women, or a shrunken man waiting patiently for his turn to be eaten. It’s just a cerebral short-circuit that associates pleasure with those situations. Some people just like to be tied up or handcuffed, and I’m jealous–it must be nice to have an attainable fantasy and a community of people who can teach you how to get tied up safely and consensually. That is in principle impossible for the size community. There will never be a real sex shop that sells shrink rays or sex therapists that use them, or encourage their use, in couples therapy. But there are sex shops that sell whips and handcuffs and sex therapists who will encourage that sort of thing.
It’s like suggesting NSFW versions of BDSM. It completely defeats the purpose for those of us who enjoy the thrill of having a subversive and transgressive outlet away from societal expectations. An SFW shrinking story will either be too interesting to be defined by the shrinking aspect. No great size story has ever been written just about size. The best stories use it to illustrate elements of other themes. The Shrinking Man and the movies based off of it aren’t about shrinking–they’re about the society in which an individual shrinks. Gulliver’s Travels is social satire in the form of a science fiction adventure. Taking the edge out of the stories–making them SFW–would still leave us with something quasi-pornographic, at best juvenile entertainment, and they’re not perfect as it is.
Also, 2 things about the differences and similarities between this fetish and the furry community.
- Furries have been relentlessly bullied by everyone who isn’t a furry since the dawn of the Internet. Furry content seems unobtrusive to people who like it, but because they tend to congregate in the same places and support each other, it can become very obtrusive and be actually unpleasant for some people, who will inevitably complain and draw attention to the cliquey/kinky behavior of furries in general. I don’t want to become a target for people who think that this fetish is defined by the behavior of its most vocal participants. There are reasons that some of us “stay in the closet” about this with everyone but our closest partners. There is a lot of overlap in the furry and LGBT communities, which means that there are occasionally situations where a woman’s body isn’t involved at all in the objectification. That is probably a part of what makes the furry community feel safe for the women that participate in it. Not true for the heterosexual community. I know lots of straight women who don’t like being objectified by men. Leading into my second point…
- There’s a thing called the male gaze that is more relevant here than in conversations about the LGBT or furry communities. I don’t want the women around me to know that I fantasize about them being very small or very large, which is what would happen if I started wearing a “Size Pride” patch or something to identify with the community. Whether it’s shrunken women or giantesses, it’s hard to explain that you’re attracted to the idea of growth or shrinking instead of the actual body in front of you (or both, as the case may be). It just isn’t something that you necessarily want to put out for everyone to know. Hiding erections is a socially normal practice for a reason, and we’ve had #MeToo for years now. There is a specifically heterosexual awkwardness to the feeling, best summed up by The Simpsons’ Troy McClure:
“Are you gay?”
“Gay? I wish! If I were gay, there’d be no problem! No, what I have is a romantic abnormality, one so unbelievable that it must be hidden from the public at all costs…”The point isn’t that gay people have more problems than us. Rather, we don’t actually share any kind of common struggle on the level of LGBT oppression. For that reason, nobody’s going to advocate for the rights of size fetishists. The consequences of coming out are also nowhere near as bad as they still are in some places for being gay.
“Oh, you like short girls? That’s not weird at all.”
You’d have to go out of your way to get weird looks for some of this stuff. Even the giantess fetish has some fairly obvious appeal, even if you need imagination to realize exactly how big a “giantess” is supposed to be.Finally, it seems like a case of glass houses. We (speaking specifically for cishet users of this site who come here for the cishet content it hosts) don’t need a community in the way that LGBT people do. LGBT advocacy is literally life-saving. Children are still routinely kicked out of their homes for being gay. The people who throw them out of their homes typically believe that they have to worship a giant who lives in the sky if they want to live forever, in a cruel twist of…something. Nobody is lynching us for being into size stuff. Nobody is discriminating against us in the job or housing markets. There is no need for us to form the interest groups and organizations that would lead to closer association. We really shouldn’t try to find a need, either, because that’s just asking for trouble.
RE: Story Requests
@kinkytink Here you go! Sorry for the format, not sure how to upload a text file up here–let me know if you have trouble reading it!
We had arranged things so that Lindsey, my wife, would trigger the security system when she came home. The shrink ray built into the door would hit her without any warning or notice, and that would be the end of it. With Becca and I already hard at work pleasuring each other in the bedroom, we just had to sit back and wait for Lindsay to try and enter the house that she thought of as her home. She had no idea about Becca, but she’d find out soon enough. “I can’t believe she doesn’t suck your dick,” Becca said as she rode my cock. She was a yoga instructor and had the body to prove it. Her plump ass bounced up and down in front of me as we fucked cowgirl style in the bed that I’d shared with Lindsey for twelve years. My cock disappeared and reappeared as she took it into her wet, hungry pussy. As I thought about Lindsey disappearing up there, trapped inside my mistress as my cock entered her, I felt myself starting to cum. Becca moaned as my jizz shot deep into her, both of us knowing that she wasn’t on the pill. It was fine. If she got knocked up tonight, it would only be more humiliating for that bitch Lindsey. Maybe that wasn’t fair. She had just gotten boring lately. We still had plenty of sex, but it was always the same thing: missionary, then a little doggy, then that was it. She had no adventurism left in her. So really it was her fault that Becca had seduced me. She should have kept my interest. Now she was going to end up as our little toy. And, thanks to the Shrinking Laws, once she was tiny, she wouldn’t have any rights. She would be legally my ex-wife and my property. Minutes passed, with Becca continuing to pump up and down even after I came. I was prepared to go right into round two, and we probably would have. But we heard the door open, then an alarm and a brief scream that trailed off and got very quiet very quickly. Becca pulled herself off of my cock and ran out the bedroom door, sweat and cum and blonde hair flying behind her. The alarm shut off, and she quickly returned carrying a pile of clothing. “She’s gotta be somewhere in here,” said Becca, throwing the clothes unceremoniously onto the bed. I looked around for my phone, finding it on my bedside table and opening the MicroSec app. It showed that one human-sized mass had been reduced in the past day, and showed its current location... ...as being right in the crotch of Lindsey’s thong. “Maybe you should put on her underwear,” I said. “I want to see how you look in her clothes.” Becca’s tits were at least a cup size larger than Lindsey’s, and it would be a real treat to see them bulging out of her shirts. Without missing a beat, Becca did just that, and as she did a tiny little Lindsey fell out. She was barely an inch tall and completely naked. I bent down and grabbed her, scooping her up and bringing her to Becca’s face. “Lindsey, hon, this is Becca,” I said. “She’s willing to do all kinds of things for me that...well, you just didn’t have it in you anymore. She’s going to be your world now, and probably have my kids. Get used to the idea if you want. Or don’t. We don’t plan to let you out of our sight for the rest of your life.” I lowered her down to Becca’s crotch again, grabbing her waist with my free hand and turning her around. Becca’s ass was her best asset. Her tits were amazing, but she worked for those cheeks. They devoured the little black G-string that was still covered in Lindsey’s sweat even as it soaked up Lindsey’s juices and my own cum as it dripped out of her. Pulling that string back above her cheeks, I dropped Becca into the sweaty crevice and let the thong snap back into place. “Oo!” laughed Becca. “That stings!” “I’ll sting you,” I said, sitting down on the bed and motioning for her to lie down across my legs. Giggling, Becca waddled over and draped herself over me, with her tits rubbing up against my cock. It was a slightly awkward position, but it must have been humiliating for Becca as I spanked the woman that was going to replace her. “How do you like that?” I asked as her ass jiggled and red handprints appeared where I struck. She moaned and moaned as I spanked her faster and faster, before finally reaching two into her crack and feeling around for the shrunken Lindsey. I found her, plastered centimeters from Becca’s butthole by sweat and cum. I peeled her away and rubbed her face in Becca’s asshole. “Should I put her in there?” I asked. “Not yet,” she said, reaching a hand back towards her own ass. “Give her here.” I handed over my shrunken wife to the giantess, wondering what was going to come next. She pulled away from my body and went down into a squat in front of me, her free hand moving to start fingering her greedy pussy. “I just want to give her a little tour of the hotel before I send her to her new room,” said Becca. She rubbed Lindsey up against her asshole some more, then traced her way across her taint to the hole that her fingers were rubbing so fervently. She slammed Lindsey’s face into her clit for a brief moment, savoring the feeling of her struggles, before moving her up toward her belly. Becca’s perfectly shaved pussy gave way to her tummy, which I knew had already been the demise of several shrunken people as unfortunate as my wife. Then, up toward the tits, the massive mounds of soft beauty that were rivaled only by the sculpted ass that my wife had already been acquainted with. When she passed up to Becca’s face at last, Becca opened her mouth wide and let out a great *buuuuurp* louder than anything I’d ever heard come out of her. That must have been why she’d insisted on drinking so much soda earlier--some way of torturing Lindsey that I hadn’t thought of. She dropped Lindsey into her mouth next, locking her lips tight as the woman screamed from inside, then grabbed my knees and slammed her mouth down onto my cock. Her tongue and my wife’s struggles fueled my pleasure. Occasionally, Lindsey would slip slightly out of the lips and I’d catch a hint of a scream, but there was never any chance of escape. Becca was laser-focused on sucking my cock. Until she wasn’t. She spat out my wife and unceremoniously rammed her up her pussy, then sat down roughly on my spit-covered cock. I let out a little oof sound as her weight came down on me, and then felt Lindsey’s movements inside her pussy. It was unlike anything I’d experienced before, as the tiny woman got rammed into the fleshy canal every time my cock entered, getting closer and closer to the giantess’ cervix and a likely point of no return. Becca’s pussy clamped down on my cock again and again as orgasms spasmed through her body. I could only imagine how good it must feel for her to have me and my wife that deep in her. “Wait,” she said. She got off of me and reached up into her pussy, pulling out a still-alive, but absolutely broken, Lindsey. She licked my wife’s tiny form clean before reaching back and handing her to me. “Put her up my ass now,” she said. “Then fuck her in there as far as you can.” She got down on all fours in front of me, her cheeks jiggling and flexing as she did, parting to give me a good view of her asshole. She had been training for this for some time, I knew--she had sent me pictures of the buttplugs, both in and out of use. It was easy to work Lindsey into the hole, which accepted her as if she had been tailor made to fit up an ass. Once she was in, I spat on my cock and grabbed a bottle of lube from our bedside table, pouring the lube on and working it with one hand as I massaged my dick with the other. Then I moved my cock in close and teased Becca’s butt a little with it, rubbing it on her cheeks and around her taint, before finally sliding it into the waiting hole that contained my wife. I let Becca set the pace as she moved her body around my cock, pumping me with the tightest hole on her body. Minutes went by, and I finally felt myself getting close. “I’m almost there,” I said, and Becca immediately pulled away from my dick. Lindsey came out with it, saving us the trouble of searching for her in Becca’s colon. Not caring about where it had just been, Becca dropped Lindsey on the head of my cock, planted her hands on my knees and went down on me. I could feel Lindsey moving around in there with her tongue and I knew I wouldn’t last long. Finally, with one last swish of her tongue, Becca finished me off. This load filled her mouth and covered my wife’s body, which had been thrown around like a lozenge for awhile by now. I looked down at Becca when I was finally able to open my eyes, after experiencing the most powerful orgasm of my life. She was looking up at me, and briefly opened her mouth to show me a bubble of my jizz, filling the space between her lips. Inside the bubble was Lindsey, struggling to hold onto the tongue that had felt so good on my cock. Then, mouth open, Becca swallowed, and Lindsey vanished into the depths of her body. “I’ll go get some water,” said Becca after she had swallowed my wife and jizz. She shuddered with pleasure as she rose, not seeing me reach into the bedside drawer again as she turned to move toward the kitchen. She never suspected the shrink ray that I had hidden there. It hit her hard, and I lay back in my bed secure in the knowledge that nobody would ever find her. Choosing not to look for the slut meant that she’d spend the rest of her life scrambling around on the cum-covered carpet, and it was a double guarantee that Lindsey wouldn’t be an issue anymore. I went to sleep confident that the next girl I chose to put my dick in would be worth keeping at normal, human size.
Story Requests
Taking requests for SW stories! Give me a scenario and I’ll do my best to write it out in at least 2,000 words. I prefer to write cruel giants and unfortunate tinies. Wanna get stomped on? Eaten? Stuck in a fleshlight by your boyfriend’s ex? Check out this post’s tags for the kind of stuff I’m good at. Give me a shot and I’ll do my best.
RE: Out of their Element
I love your writing
you’ve got a really well developed voice and a great imagination when it comes to SW stuff.
RE: For vore fans: what's the appeal?
@i-am-insane there’s one book that I always think of when I read that sort of story. Flux, by Stephen Baxter, is about very small people in the far future, living inside of a neutron star and the kinds of problems they’d have to deal with in an environment on that scale. It’s ostensibly “hard” science fiction, and the author is pretty well-known for the outlandish but supposedly plausible concepts that he brings into his stories. He’s also one of the grimmest hard SF writers I’ve read. His worlds are just very, very bleak. BUT he wrote a story that deals with the actual physics of a society of microscopic people, so props for that.
RE: A Tinies Taste
The image of an intact, beautiful body getting swallowed whole is half of what does it for me. The less damaged they are when they get on, the more they get to enjoy and appreciate the ride
Sometimes I worry about how it’s supposed to work with bones, logistically, but blood isn’t really a big part of it.
I’m sorry you have nightmares about this stuff, but I totally get why people aren’t into vore–it’s a horror movie premise turned into a fetish even for a lot of people who have it, myself included.
RE: For vore fans: what's the appeal?
It’s a form of very assertive or committed intimacy. As someone who doesn’t enjoy gentle content at all, there’s really no other way for a particularly “cruel” scenario to end without the tiny being just a bloodstain or a hopeless prisoner. Vore (especially soft vore with a description of the prey’s “bad end”) for me is an effective way of providing narrative closure to shrinking scenarios without making the whole thing seem pointless–you can always say that the prey’s death amounted to something, even if you never apply that sort of logic outside of size content where a strict dominance hierarchy is essential to the appeal.
It’s a dominance/submission thing for me, as noted above, but it also has to do with the realism of the world. The impossible nature of the size fantasy requires that we posit alternate forms of relations between people who might otherwise be equals in the eyes of society. This doesn’t mean that everyone should always be a dildo. It means that there have to be other reasons for prey characters to exist, beyond just sexual gratification, for me to enjoy it. It’s not really about realism, more about my ability to be immersed in the world of the story on terms that I’m willing to accept.
In shrinking scenarios with, say, a shrink ray, this is easy; someone acquires power over someone else by shrinking them. What happens next depends entirely on the personality of that character (Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, for example) and the world around them. The tiny’s experience doesn’t need to be justified with a place in an already-existing ecosystem or world order.
In a world already inhabited by tiny people, though, it just seems inevitable that they will be on the food chain somewhere. Even if it’s just part of the superstructure or the background of the action of the story, the idea of a world where tiny people are never in danger of being eaten just makes my brain turn off. Although it is one of the most interesting parts of the fantasy for me, I don’t personally identify as either predator or prey, and I don’t insert myself into my stories at all, and usually not even into my fantasies. I’m more a fan of F/f vore, of MF/f (but only if I’m the M) than of anything involving tiny men.