If you actually had the be ability to shrink someone or get shrink would you?
@thumbloverver2 it’s tricky.
I first dreamt about shrinking girls when I was around 9 years old… I hated one of my classmates, and my plan was easy: I’m gonna ask Santa to give the power to shrink people. Man… I had vivid dreams of the moment and everything. When my mom knew I wanted to ask for superpowers she gave me the talk about Santa not being real but ever since then, the desire to be able to do it has been there.
Now, many years after that, I don’t know. I feel I would only do it with consent, as Ollo said. But I don’t know if the power rush could take over. Would I know when to stop? Would I use the power to shrink people with responsibility? I won’t think I would. But I guess I’ll never be 100% unless it one day actually happens. And, then again, as it has also been said here, absolute power can corrupt even the brightest fantasy…
@bigjacinto So true, I first went through wanting to shrink girls at 7 years old , too much power does corrupt so I was worried also I’d take it too far also if I had that power. I had dreams of shrinking attractive classmates to keep as pets and crushing bullies at an early age. I figured out Santa Claus wasn’t real before I was 8 though, instead I asked God for powers and now sometimes I don’t believe in him either
. Anyway I would rather have a woman who wants to be shrunk if it were real. I realize that now after reading more into it.
@thumbloverver2 that’s why I have to be super careful! Stay close the walls, listen and feel for his giant vibrations. If he had company, I would completely hide myself (maybe under the couch, in a closet or I’ll just keep myself busy rolling around in his laundry basket lol) and wouldn’t come out until I knew everyone else left
@smolchlo Hiding can be so exciting as well as finding.
@giant-me For sure! Maybe two different kinds of excitement lol the thrill of listening to his massive footsteps knowing that he’s going to eventually find me and not knowing what he would do to me once he found me (I get so giddy thinking about that) and then the excitement a giant would feel upon seeing a tiny and knowing he has her all to himself! Such a marvelous fetish!
@smolchlo Definitely, the thrill of surrounding you/a SW with my/a giant’s fingers then lifting up to eye level, ending with doing kinky things with you/a SW, catch and chase can be fun, adult hide and seek.
@giant-me Haha I also love a good chase! I would definitely try to run if I saw his hand reaching towards me but I’m sure I wouldn’t get very far
@smolchlo and you/a SW can now struggle and fight the fingers of the other hand as they touch, poke and caress you/a SW anywhere at random. (most roleplays start this way, boundaries are set, a safe word is also agreed upon) If this were real I’d be gentle with you/a SW, but it’s roleplay I could be as rough as the boundaries are set, treating you/a SW as a toy for giant’s pleasure.
What I’d like to say is like the others. Only a willing and reversible.
But studying history tells of human nature. Power corrupts. So then it slips to how do I shrink people. Worse and most corrupting would be a remote ability to shrink and summon. A portal or teleporting device. Then I know I’d get curious. Tempted. Some pretty girl would catch in my imagination. Just this once I’d say. Wearing a mask. She doesn’t know me really. But likely once I had that access, that control. I’d want it again. Then I’d be a supervillain planning out how to manipulate my device/power to gain riches and increase my harem.A device or even by mind that requires me to be in the presence. The chance to get seen would hinder me. Might even stop me. But one slip up and I think I’d fall again. As a kid I got addicted to shoplifting. I got a rush from it. It likely wouldn’t be long before I was on the news in some foolish costume claiming that the police can never hold someone of my power!
@hentaihunter1 Fun response, I did a collage with shrinking and teleporting of a cam model recently. It would certainly be easy to become a supervillain, The shrinker would be loose on the populace, but some superhero/vigilante would catch you though, big fan of old DC and Marvel comics.
@giant-me I prefer the Old Dc/Marvel comics as well.
@hentaihunter1 Superman, Spiderman, and Batman is what I read most as a kid.
@giant-me I was more X-Men and Hulk in Marvel.
DC I preferred the C-level heroes. JSA and their connected heroes. I did like Wally-Flash, but mostly because they used Jay-Flash a lot when I was reading them. That and I have a real fondness for Flash’s Rouges over the other DC villains.
@hentaihunter1 I really enjoyed the flash not my most favorite hero, but the CW show, and the Justice League Synder cut, and the upcoming movie made me like him more.
@hentaihunter1 Yeah, no doubt power would corrupt people. The ability to shrink anyone would be really hard power to pass up.