The Coin
@size_master Glad to see that Mike has admitted to himself that he needs a cure fast, too bad he had to goringly eat someone to realize it needs to happen as soon as possible, or more death will follow him to a more personal level. I’m loving this story, also glad he got Kanya help proving Mike is still human and not a total monster yet, but the demon is working him over with blood lust now like a werewolf or vampire has but with tiny women.
@size_master His honor always surprises me. Like, one moment, he will violently ravage some poor woman’s body, and the next, he makes sure they are safe and sound. Very morally complicated, but I am sure that the worst of it comes from the beast in the Coin.
Chapter 10…Revelations
Mike entered the Buddhist temple and under the young man’s request, took off his shoes. Before him was the main room with a very big gold painted Buddha but the young man did not lead him inside. Mike felt the Coin vibrate as his gaze lingered on the Buddha. “In here please” the young man said. “Please sit, the Master will be in shortly” he said. Mike sat down on a regular sofa in front of a coffee table. Mike felt oddly nervous in the room. Looking around, sutras written in Sanskrit hung on the walls. He felt strange just looking at them. “Good evening” an old man dressed in robes said entering. “H…hi” Mike muttered. “You told my acolyte you wish to learn how to fight an Asura?” he asked. Mike didn’t readily answer. The old monk laughed. “Yeah, this was a mistake” Mike muttered getting up. “No, sit. It is just exceedingly rare to even hear the word Asura, especially coming from a white westerner. And to ask how to fight one to boot!” the monk said laughing. Mike took the Coin from his pocket. “What if I told you one was trapped inside this coin?” Mike said. The old man picked it up. Within a second he dropped it like it burned him.
“The scriptures spoke of artifacts imprisoning them. How did you come to have this?” the monk asked. “Grandfather owned it before me. Now the damn thing is bound to me curse and all” Mike said. “Curse?” he asked. Mike sighed and told him the entire story. “And you ate someone before coming here?” the monk asked. Mike grew very nervous. “Relax. Even if I called the police and they did find human remains in your stomach, it would not solve the bigger problem. Asura don’t give up their familiars easily. Shrinking magic? Most novel but not unheard of” the old monk said. “Wait…you’ve heard of this before?!” Mike asked. “Shrinking magic? Oh yes. But before I go further I must tell you that you can’t fight an Asura” he replied. “Why? If you can’t fight them then how did this bastard get trapped in an old ass coin?” Mike asked. “This may take a while” the monk said ringing a bell. The acolyte from before entered. “Tea please Shen” the monk said. Not long after the acolyte returned and poured both some tea and left the pot on the table. “To answer your question, you must first understand the nature of the world. What your senses perceive as real is only half of what’s really the world. Next to the physical is the spiritual. The binding energies of reality” he said. “Like the Force” Mike chuckled. The man gave him a look. “Sorry” Mike muttered.
“It is said that in the very beginning, there was nothing but darkness and light. Brought together created what you call reality and we its children. But what existed before, what gave each side spiritual meaning was two…for a lack of better term, races. On the side of darkness were the Asura. Beings of evil, malice, and chaos. The negative spiritual energies of reality. And on the side of light were the Yaksha. Beings of good, hope, and order. The positive spiritual energies of reality. Each side immortal forever locked in war. It is said our world is a result of their greatest battle. Then we came along, mortal beings that could tip the balance either way. No longer content with waging their war in the spiritual plane, they descended down here. However, both sides knew full well their battles would turn our world to cinders so they used us as proxies. The Yaksha became fairy like creatures drawing their strength through nature and exporting their magics to the chosen. Shrinking magics being the most common. As to why I’ll get to that later. As for the Asura, they possessed those willing to form contracts and imbued them with destruction magics. Fire being the most common, but others were known to be used. They drew their strength from pain, misery, chaos, and death.”
“For many, many centuries, their proxy war raged until their numbers dwindled. The Asura sealed off and forgotten. The weakest ones starved to death cut off from their sources of spiritual energy. As for the Yaksha, a tradition emerged between a Yaksha and acolyte of different genders to shrink their acolyte and sire children. This is why shrinking magics were the most common. Common enough both sides used it for different purposes. However, when a Yaksha sires a child, a portion of their power is directly passed down to it. Over time, a Yaksha became mortal the more children they had” he said ending the tale. “I don’t understand. That doesn’t tell me why I can’t fight one” Mike said. The old man stood up, went to a bookstand and lit a stick of incense. “Come here” he said. Mike walked over. “Strike the smoke using your hand” he said. Mike chuckled thinking this was silly. Mike went to wave it away only to find the smoke just curl around his hand never touching it. Even fanning it didn’t do jack. “This some kind of trick?” he asked. The monk shook his head. After 10 minutes Mike gave up. The monk placed one hand on one side of the smoke and used his other hand to suddenly clap. When he opened them, there was a faint trace of soot. “You didn’t say I could use both hands” Mike said. “Neither did I. Not once did my other hand try to touch the smoke. Asura are beings of negative spiritual energy. Formless and immaterial just as smoke. To fight one, you must use positive spiritual energy. Formless and immaterial like the air itself I used against the smoke. You are not capable of that” he said. “So, I’m fucked” Mike said. “I wouldn’t go that far. You can be taught to by a Yaksha or at least a close descendant of one” the monk replied. “Would a descendant be able to see auras?” Mike asked wary. “Most certainly. Spiritual sense of the cornerstone of their power” the monk replied. “Oh goody. Kanya is gonna love this” Mike muttered. “Unless this Kanya has been trained in the spiritual arts I doubt she can help you” the monk said. “Is being a waitress count as spiritual training?” Mike asked. “Not in the way that matters” the old monk said chuckling. The monk wrote a note. “This is someone that can help you conquer your literal demon. I should warn you that she’s…eccentric” he said handing him the note. “I’ll take any help I can get” Mike said. The monk bid him farewell as he left.
Mike returned home at almost 3am. The tv said. “Are you still watching Netflix?” as Kanya and Katie slept on the sofa cushion. Mike gently picked Kanya up and carried her upstairs. He placed her in a clean sock stuffed shoebox and propped her broken leg up on the edge. She murmured in her sleep as Mike covered her with a shrunken blanket. Now comfortable in her makeshift recovery bed now on the nightstand, he returned downstairs. Mike sat on the sofa cushion, but this time Katie awoke. Mike saw the fear in her eyes. “I might’ve found someone that can help me” he said quietly placing the note on the coffee table. She could see it was an address. “I should apologize. There is a difference between punishment and flat-out cruelty” he said. Katie found herself growing back to her previous five-inch height. “You still have to look after Kanya” he said. “I was jealous okay! You were spending all your time with her…” Katie said sniffling. “Why buy the milk when you can get the cow for free?” he asked. “What?” Katie asked wiping her eyes. “This…thing flat out eats misery and pain. Instead of hunting girl after girl I had planned on using Kanya as a source I could keep it feeding off of. But…but when she genuinely wanted to help me, my feelings changed. I’ve only told you the bare minimum of what is demon whispers in my head day after day. And tonight, while I was out, I gave into it. A girl around your age, nothing special about her at all and I ate her” he said. “You’ve eaten…”
“Not like this. I chewed her to pieces. Chewed her alive. I remember every crunch, every scream. Like chewing a sardine. Katie…I remember what her brains tasted like” he whispered. Katie sat on his thigh. Mike picked her up and kissed her. “I was a good person once. I wasn’t always like this” he muttered as a tear fell down his cheek. “Mike, you’re emotionally exhausted. Let’s go to bed” she said. Mike simply nodded and carried her upstairs with him.
The next morning…
“I’m sorry. Could you repeat that?” Kanya asked as they ate breakfast. “I said you’re a descendant of a Yaksha” he replied. Kanya burst out laughing. “What’s a Yaksha?” Katie asked. “An Asian version of a fairy. Thanks Mike. Been awhile since I laughed that hard” she said giggling. “Is it so hard to believe? You’re a four-inch-tall shrunken Asian chick that can see dark energy” he said. “Point taken” she muttered. “Haven’t you ever wondered where that power really came from?” he asked. “Grandma just said it’s a bloodline thing. Mom would get really mad whenever it came up, so we never really spoke about it” Kanya replied. “Mad? Why?” Mike asked. “Dunno. Guess mom just thought it was old Thai superstition. Nothing an “American” family should believe in” she replied. “After breakfast I plan on going to this address that monk gave me. Hopefully I’ll be back before it gets late” he said. “Just be careful” Katie said. Kanya nodded. After eating, Mike left open a lunchable for them to eat on while he was gone and then left. He typed in the address 1233 Pine Road, Bedford Hills New York and drove off.
It wasn’t a long drive. Just 45 minutes on the highway but it did give him some time to think. A female Yaksha. Mike didn’t know what to expect as Googling them didn’t help much at all. Just the myths and legends had them look like just about anything. Some pictures grotesque. Mike chuckled wondering who would fuck something that ugly. The monk did warn him she was…eccentric. Mike wondered what he meant by that. Bedford Hills was a small town with less than 3,000 people. The address had him drive deep…deep into a forested road until the pavement turned to gravel. “You’ve arrived at your destination” Waze told him. The destination was a rusted beat-up mailbox at the end of a dirt road. Mike sighed as he turned onto it and went up. Five minutes, nearly a quarter mile in he came across a log cabin. Parking the car, Mike got out and looked around. No car, no telephone pole, nothing to show it was inhabited. Mike knocked on the door. No answer. “Hello? Anyone home?” he asked. Mike was startled as a large bird landed next to him. It appeared to be staring right at him. It flapped its wings and hopped 10 feet to his right and made a small screech. Weirded out, Mike approached it. As soon as he did it did the same thing. Over and over as if leading him somewhere. Now at the back of the cabin, Mike could see someone chopping wood. “Hello? Are you the owner?” he asked. The person split a log in two and looked up. Mike saw it was a woman. She wiped the sweat off her brow. “Yeah I am” she said now walking towards him. She suddenly stopped looking dead at his left pocket. The same pocket the Coin was in. The wind began to pick up.
Now closer, Mike could make out the fact the woman was clearly Asian. No more than 20. “What brings someone like you here?” she asked. Mike reached into his pocket and the sky began to darken. He pulled out the note. “I was told to come here” he said. She cautiously approached him and took the note from his hand. She nodded and sighed. “A monk told me to come here. He said a Yaksha could help me with my problem” Mike said. “Well, you found one” she said as the sky grew brighter, and the wind died down. “You’re a Yaksha?!” Mike asked. “Yeah I know. Not what you were expecting. Come on in” she said leading him to her cabin. Mike entered behind her to see it looked entirely normal. “Coffee?” she asked. Mike nodded. She put on a pot and then began walking upstairs. “I’ll freshen up as that’s going. Be back soon!” she yelled disappearing upstairs. 15 minutes later she returned but her return left Mike astounded. A four-inch woman wearing a bathrobe floated, yes floated, down the staircase and right towards the kitchen. “Ahh…fresh brew” she sighed as she waved her hands and the pot, and two cups levitated into the air. The pot perfectly poured two cups of coffee, in which cups floated to Mike and the coffee table. “Aren’t…you uhh…more guarded than this?” he asked. “You’re no threat to me even with that cursed artifact in your pocket. Even if you were I could’ve killed you with a snap of my fingers. And two, my grandson would’ve never sent you to me if you really were a threat” she replied. “Grandson? There was a young man that answered the door, but an old monk sent you to me” Mike said. “Yeah, that’s my grandson” she said. “What?! How old are you?!” Mike asked. “Hmm…stopped counting after 600” she shrugged. “So Yaksha really are immortal” he said. “Pureblood ones with no children are. The more children they have, the more mortal they are. Same deal with how pure the blood of their offspring is. My grandmother was a pureblood. I was her 17th child. So I’m not immortal, just really, really long lived” she said.
“Forgive me but you don’t look anything like the myths and stories” Mike said. “Ha! Artistic license so to speak. Would you fear a four-inch Asian woman?” she asked. Mike hung his head. “A great deal about us was made up. Even most of our origins. We weren’t at the beginning or any of that shit. We came to be around the same time humans did. The first of our kind ascended to the spiritual form along with the Asura. To make ourselves seem important we…spun the truth” she said. “So, this never-ending battle with the Asura isn’t true?” Mike asked. “Oh that shit is very true. The Asura wanted to dominate humanity. We wanted to protect it. Drink your coffee before it goes cold” she said. She shrunk her cup before levitating it to her hands. “So this is your real form?” he asked. “You mean my size and appearance? Appearance no. I tend to change it every 25 years to avoid snooping humans. As for my size yes. Holding human size is like flexing a muscle. Flex it too long it starts to hurt” she said. “Nice choice in appearance” he said. “Why thank you young man” she said grinning. “Mike” he said. “Mike…I’m Ora” she said. “About my problem” he said. “Ah yes, take it out” she said. Mike took the Coin out of his pocket. “SQUASH THAT BITCH!” a voice shouted in Mike’s head making him spill the coffee. “That was rude” Ora muttered. “I’m sorry. A voice…”
“Wasn’t talking about you spilling coffee. I heard that craven fuck in your head. My my. It’s been a long time since I laid eyes on a genuine artifact prison. Think the last one was Kublai’s wine jug during the Boxer Rebellion. That takes me back. Place it on the table please” she said. Mike did and she approached it. “Whew! Aren’t you just a nasty fucker. All that malice and pain you soaked up over the centuries. Must got a body count in the thousands by now. All that negative energy is making my damn pussy hair stand on end. So Mike, what magic did he give you? Flight, mind control, fire, lightning?” she asked. “Shrinking magic seemingly geared towards females” Mike replied. “Stingy bastard. That’s low tier stuff. The female part is probably because a female Yaksha sealed him away” she said. She looked at him. “And he got his hooks in you real good judging by your spirt aura” she said. Mike grew quiet. “How do I beat him?” he whispered. “Well, I’m sure you were told you can’t just beat his ass like he owes you money. Spirt magics and spiritual techniques can only harm an Asura. Having said that the thing is already imprisoned. The trick we need to focus on is severing the connection you have to him. I’m assuming you have a blood bond to him” she said. Mike simply nodded. The first thing we need to do is find out why you were so vulnerable to him. Something about you, a chink in the armor that let him in. Tell me about yourself” she said. Mike spent the next three hours rambling about his life.
“You told me everything and absolutely nothing at the same time. One moment” she said leaving him, she returned wearing a simple shirt and khaki shorts. “Mike, why exactly did you shrink your first victim? Tell me the reasoning behind it” she said. “If I could do it. No, I knew I could do it. I saw my grandfather dominate a girl. I wanted to feel what he felt. Total complete control” he muttered. “Did you even consider her life? What you would rob her of?” she asked. Mike shook his head. “Apathy. In my centuries of life, I learned what evil is. It’s not doing shitty horrible things. It’s the lack of empathy. Well, we know what the chink in your armor was” Ora said coldly. “You can’t judge me solely on that?!” Mike yelled. “Oh? Tell me what redeeming qualities you have Mike” she said. “I don’t break promises and I keep my word” he quickly replied. Ora burst out laughing. “In one hand you got a total apathy for what you do and in the other your honor in your oaths. One of these things don’t flap like the other” she chuckled. Mike glared at her. “Do it…you know you want to” a voice in his head whispered. “Shut up demon. He doesn’t need your help right now” Ora said. Mike calmed down slightly. “What stopped you?” she asked him. “You said you could kill me” he replied. “What if I said I wouldn’t stop you? Hell, what if I said there were no consequences at all?” she asked. Ora reached underneath her panties and flinched. She pulled out a plucked pussy hair and dropped it on the table.
To Mike’s astonishment, the hair turned into a perfect naked copy of Ora. “A little trick taught to me by a descendant of the Monkey King a long time ago. A perfect copy right down to the mole on my butt. Show him the mole” she said to the copy. She turned around and flashed her tiny ass to him. “So go ahead. Kill her. Get it out of your system” Ora said. Mike snatched the copy up. Mike couldn’t believe how perfect it was. If Ora was naked, he wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. Mike hesitated. “Oh…I see” Ora muttered snapping her fingers. Suddenly the copy began to show fear. “Please…please don’t hurt me” it begged. Mike felt something inside him bubbling to the surface. “It pissed you off to no end when I called you out didn’t it?” Ora asked. “…yeah it did” Mike growled. Mike jammed the copy into his mouth ignoring the screams coming from it and worked it to the back of his mouth. “Please…” the copy begged sobbing as her head stuck from between his lips. With a slurp and a loud gulp, it was gone. Mike felt it struggling in his stomach for a brief moment until it stopped. “How do you feel?” Ora asked. “POWERFUL! Fuck! That…that felt good” he gasped. Ora studied him for a moment. “That feeling slowly coming to the surface. What is it?” she asked. “…guilt” he whispered softly. “So not a total lack of empathy. That’s a start Michael” she said floating over and sitting on his shoulder.
“We will stop him. It’s going to take you going to places inside yourself you won’t like. It’s going to be hard, painful, and shameful but we will stop him. Okay?” she asked feeling him shake. “See that door to the right? Go to it and open it” she said. Mike got up and went over to the door. He opened it to find a simple room with cushions on the floor and a metronome on a shelf. “The first thing we had to do was narrow down what made you susceptible to him. We did that exposing your apathy towards women. Now we need to see the root cause. Sit down” she said. Mike did and Ora snapped her fingers causing the metronome to begin ticking back and forth. “This is my meditation room. That metronome helps me get going. Now Mike, what we’re about to do is far more than some bullshit mediation you see on infomercials. It’s going to be intense. It’s going to feel very, very real. You ready?” she asked floating down to the floor. “Ready” he replied. Ora knew he had no clue what he was in for but had no choice but to proceed. “Close your eyes” she said. Mike did and for a time felt nothing. He did notice the sound of the metronome seemed to get further and further away. And when it disappeared, he opened his eyes. “I don’t think…what the fuck?” he asked seeing himself seemingly floating in space. “Welcome to the Astral Plane. The realm where spiritual energy meets thought” Ora said coming up beside him. “It looks like some NASA shit” he said. “Because you currently lack spirt sight. Most of this place is a void to you. What you see as stars are really the spirit energies of people like me. Mike, I want you to focus on where your sense of keeping your word came from. Why exactly is it so important because you seem to resist your worst impulses because of it” she said. “Oh, that’s easy. Grandpa instilled that in me when I was little” Mike said. As soon as he said that the scene changed to his living room. “Whoa! Warn me when you do that” Mike said. “Wasn’t me. Your mind did this” Ora said. “Is that me?! Holy shit I was a cute kid” Mike said seeing his 7-year-old self on the floor watching cartoons. “Yes…cute” Ora said distracted by shouting form the kitchen. Ora approached and was blocked by a translucent barrier. “Mike?” she asked. Mike walked over to her.
“You said you wouldn’t do it again! You promised…” a female voice shouted. “Mom?” Mike asked. “Your mother?” Ora asked. “That’s her voice. Mom abandoned me with grandpa when…when I was his age” Mike said quietly. Neither could see past the blurring of the barrier. “Mike. I’ve seen this before. It’s a suppressed memory” she said pulsing her hand against the barrier. Suddenly the scene “glitched” and now his grandfather was bent down with his hands on young Mike’s shoulders. The boy looked considerably frightened. “Where’s mom?” Mikey asked sniffling. “You mom left. She said she’s not coming back” his grandpa said. Mike began to cry. “But she said she would be back in a few days!” Mike sobbed. “She broke her promise. Mikey, I want you to never break a promise. A person is only as good as the promises they keep. Do you understand?” he asked. Mikey nodded and hugged the man sobbing. “I remember that…” Mike whispered. “Mike, something isn’t right. A suppressed memory and then his weird skip?” she said waving her hand. The scene changed back to how it started. “We have to see what you’re suppressing. Michael, this will not be easy on you. Your unconscious mind suppressed it for a reason” she said. “In for a penny…” Mike muttered. “So be it” she said using her power to break the barrier before them.
“Mom!” Mike yelled seeing her clearly and for the first time in nearly 20 years. “You promised me. You promised that if I agreed to be your partner, you’d stop hunting innocent girls. Remember the deal? I’d find women deserving it and you satisfy this…thing of yours. But what’s this?!” she asked holding in her hands shrunken clothing. “Stacy was my friend! She slept over here as a kid dozens of times for fuck’s sake! So, what did you do to her? Crush her? Eat her? There’s a goddamn candlelight vigil at her house right now!” his mother screamed. “The urge got too much, and I bumped into her grocery shopping…” the man muttered. “That’s it. I don’t care what they say now. I’m going to the cops!” she yelled. “No you won’t!” the man yelled holding the Coin. His mother was shrunk instantly to five inches tall. “Grandpa? What was that light?” Mikey asked walking into the kitchen. He immediately saw his shrunken mom on the floor being picked up. “Go back to the living room and watch cartoons!” the man yelled. Mikey scampered off and hugged his legs to his chest in front of the tv. “What…what did…he couldn’t have…WHAT DID YOU DO!” Mike screamed at his grandfather. Mike began to stagger, and the meditation and scene was broken. They were back in the meditation room and Mike bolted out. Ora followed him. “At least you found the downstairs bathroom” she said quietly watching him wretch into the toilet. "I tried to warn you. This form of mediation is very intense. Not to mention the emotional toil uncovering a suppressed memory holds.”
A half hour later…
“How could he?” Mike asked sitting on her sofa. “Michael. He had been under the influence of that Coin for decades. His sense of morality would’ve been long eroded. An Asura’s influence is like a cancer that slowly eats away at you until you’re just a shell of what you once were” Ora said quietly sitting on his thigh. She saw the pain in his eyes. Ora wondered if she did more harm than good. “We should stop today. I…I don’t want you to give up so please come back tomorrow” she said. She floated up and kissed his cheek. “Ora…when I ate your copy, what if I didn’t feel guilty about it?” he asked softly. “I would’ve killed you on the spot” she replied. He looked at her. “Guess good thing I did. Hope for me yet?” he asked with almost pleading eyes. “Some. Go home. Rest” she said. Mike left her soon after that.
The girls badgered him about how things went. Mike barely responded. His mind was somewhere else. The more dwelled on that memory, the more he could remember of it. Then a part of that memory came forward. His grandfather going into his study moments later. When the girls were asleep, Mike entered the study. He had been in there countless times. A room filled with old memorabilia of his grandpa’s time in the army. Old uniform, patches, pictures, models of fighter jets he worked on as a mechanic. An old antique desk he bought long ago. As a kid, his grandfather didn’t let him enter the room without him. Now Mike wondered if there was a darker reason behind that. Mike has cleaned the room, before the attic, shortly after inheriting the house. He hasn’t been in it since. Had no real reason to. Now he did. Mike spent over an hour searching the room to find nothing. Then he began searching the desk itself as though it was an obvious place to hide something felt his grandfather was smarter than that. Nothing. But when Mike went to shut the lowest drawer it was slightly stuck. He placed his hand underneath to raise the drawer slightly. “What?” he asked feeling the weight to be completely off. “Shouldn’t be that heavy” he muttered. When Mike felt inside the drawer, he saw the bottom shift ever so slightly. There was a small gap between the drawer bottom and the sides. Using his fingernails, he pried the bottom up. “A false bottom and…the hell is this?” he asked finding a book inside. Mike opened the book to find pages after pages written by his grandfather. “He kept a diary?” he asked himself. As he looked to see how thick it was, he noticed somewhere inside the book pages was a bump. He opened the book to that page to find something that confirmed his memory to be true. Shrunken and perfectly preserved was a yellow dress, panties, skirt, and sandals. The very same clothing his mother wore in the memory. Mike held them in his hand.
“Grandpa…what have you done?” Mike asked broken hearted.
@size_master HOLY FUCK! That was intense!
@mrgoblinging7 I was going to remain speechless on this chapter but Damn, amazingly heart wrenching on many levels.
Chapter 11…Hard Truths
Mike had been holding the shrunken clothes so long the sun had risen. “Mike! MIKE!” Katie yelled roaming downstairs for him. Seeing a normally closed door cracked open, Katie entered. “There you are. You never came to bed. Mike? Are you okay?” she asked concerned. “For most of my life I hated my mom thinking she abandoned me” he muttered. “I thought you said she died” she said. “No, I had thought she skipped out because it was too hard raising me when I was 8 years old” he said. “What about your dad?” Katie asked. “Was never in the picture. In her senior year of high school, mom hooked up with some jock on the football team. Prom night came and one thing led to another. Fast forward six weeks and mom tells him she missed her period. Dude freaks out saying it ain’t his and after graduation hauls ass to a college with a full ride scholarship. Mom gets stuck working at Waffle House” Mike said softly. “And your grandpa?” Katie asked. “Don’t remember too much early on but he did send money. Mom seemed irritated with him” he replied. “So how did abandonment come up?” she asked. “One night mom dropped me off here and said she was going on a trip and would be back in a few days. Grandpa came to me and said she was never coming back. Said she broke her word and that your word meant everything” he replied. “That where you learned your…obsession with keeping your word?” she asked cautiously. Mike simply nodded. “You said you thought she skipped out on you. So, what changed?” Katie asked.
Mike bent down and showed her his mother’s shrunken clothing. “Oh my god. Your grandpa shrunk your mom?! His own daughter?!” Katie asked. Mike nodded. “You guys must be hungry and I bet Kanya needs to pee” he said quietly getting up still holding the clothes. Mike went upstairs and saw to Kanya and then came down with her. After placing her on the table, he began cooking breakfast. “What’s up with him?” Kanya whispered to Katie. “He just found out his mother didn’t abandon him. His grandpa shrunk her!” Katie replied. “Holy shit” Kanya whispered. “Mike? How did you find out about all this?” Kanya asked. “That Yaksha I saw yesterday unlocked a memory and it led to me finding my grandfather’s diary. Inside was this” he said placing the shrunken clothing on the table. “Did the diary say anything about her?” Kanya asked. “I haven’t had the courage to read it” he muttered. “You don’t have to be alone. We’ll sit with you” Kanya said. Katie quickly nodded. Katie and Kanya ate their breakfast as Mike slowly, very slowly ate his. They finished before he did and Katie, being curious, took a closer look at the clothes. “They’re really well preserved for something nearly 20 years old” she said looking at the dress. “You can try it on if you want” Mike muttered. Katie slipped her shirt off and put the dress on. “Hmm. Doesn’t fit right” she said. “Back in high school, mom was very athletic so the chest may be too small and the shoulders too wide” he said. Mike put down his fork and picked up one of the sandals. “She’s right. It’s incredibly preserved” he thought looking at it between his fingers. Leather sandal with the strap still intact. Sole still connected. Mike could even make out the prints in the sole where his mother’s toes worn it in. “Your mom had big feet” Katie said trying on the other one. Mike chuckled. “Mom usually bought her shoes in men’s size. She wore a size 12 men’s” he said. “You remember that?” she asked. “Used to complain about it all the time. She usually didn’t wear anything that showed her feet. She was embarrassed at how big they were” he said slightly smiling. “You loved her very much” Kanya said. “Yeah I did” he muttered. Mike looked in the direction of the study. “Whenever you feel like it” Katie said. Mike picked them up and headed into the study. He sat down on the floor with the book and the girls sat on his thighs.
May 8, 2002
“I never meant for it to happen like that. I panicked. I…I fucked up. All I had to do was keep my shit together when I saw Sharon. My god she grew up nice. Hadn’t seen her in years. She wasn’t the same girl that dressed up as a Pikachu for Halloween all those years ago. And then there she was right in front of me at the grocery store. Tank top hugging some big fucking tits. Brittney did mention something about her having a kid not long ago. Guess those monsters filled out being pregnant. She wore some grey leggings that were tight as fuck all showing off her ass. And on her feet were some flip flops. Her toes painted bright red. “Mr. Newsome? It’s me Sharon!” she said spotting me. I had thought she moved away for college, but she had come right back. Apparently her mother came down with cancer and she was taking care of her. We made brief small talk, but my mind was on taking her. Making her another prize. The urge grew and grew the more she talked. I could feel the Coin urging me to do it. But this is Sharon. My daughter’s friend. Fuck, I remember taking them both fishing. Sharon…I have to take you. It was so easy doing it in the parking lot. Nighttime, no cameras, nobody looking. I just held the Coin at her and muttering I was sorry. Moments later she was in my pocket, and I was heading home”
“She thought it was a dream. Four inches tall in a now much bigger world and then of course me pulling her clothes off. Her begging and pleading…it just made it worse for her. It’s so much more…exciting when they do. She covered herself and sobbed looking up at me. Sharon…I’m so sorry but it’s like your body was begging for this. She cried and struggled as my tongue parted her legs and began licking her pussy. Sweet and musky. Oh time had ripened her to perfection. She whimpered as she came on my tongue. She couldn’t look at me anymore. The shame of cumming forbade that. She just has this faraway stare as I continued. Licking her tiny feet. Nibbling her thighs. But when I sucked her tits into my mouth she came alive once more. Like something primal awoke. My mouth was flooded with the sweetness of her milk. Now I understood. Her primal instinct of a mother. A mother in danger. It came to nothing obviously as she was spent and groaning as she rubbed her now sore tits. I spent two days raping her. My tongue, my cock, cotton swabs just to hear her beg for me to stop. And then on tv the growth of my fuckup was clear. They were looking for her. My biggest rule of never hunting near home and I stupidly broke it. “No…no please…the sleepovers! The pool parties! The fishing trip! Don’t eat me!” she screamed as she realized what was coming as my lips passed her tits. I slurped her entirely into my mouth and swallowed. I could hear her screams as she slipped down my throat. I just sat there waiting for her to stop moving in my stomach. 6 minutes and 6 seconds. That’s how long it took to kill her. And the next day I took a shit and saw what was left. A skull, a leg bone and that was all I could recognize. The evidence forever flushed away. It had been a long time since I felt pity for a victim. She was a good girl. A great friend to my daughter. My daughter…my daughter found out days later.”
“She was suspicious of me right from the second she walked into the house with Mikey. When I tried playing it off she held the shrunken tank top in her hand. Thought I had that thing. She screamed at me that I broke our deal, and she was right, I had broken it. Years before when she found out what I had been doing at first she was curious until she came to realize that this Coin had a hold on me. I told her everything. Showed her everything and told her my deepest fear. That one day she would end up a victim. She promised me she would find girls nobody would care about. Girls that to her deserved it. And she did. She found girls at shopping malls, high school football games, you name it. I had learned to…stretch out my time with a victim to a matter of months so while the police were very concerned, they didn’t connect the dots. When Carol got older, she used her job at Waffle House to find me victims. You’d be surprised how many homeless girls show up there during a month or so time. Sharon didn’t prefer homeless girls but if she couldn’t find anyone else, that’s what I got. If I’m honest, I preferred homeless girls. Usually younger than the drunks and whores Sharon sometimes found, tastier, and I got more out of them. A lot of them were foster girls that aged out of the system. Perfect targets. A system that worked well for me until I got greedy.”
“She threatened to turn me over to the cops and I panicked. A shrunk her on the spot and worse yet Mikey saw her. I yelled for him to go back to his cartoons as I hid her away. I don’t know if he did see her. I don’t know if he’ll even remember but that’s the least of my problems now. I stuffed Carol into one of my cages I use and returned to Mikey. I told him one of the worst lies a man can tell a child. That his mother abandoned him. If I wasn’t sure I was going to hell before, I damn sure know now. After Mikey had gone to sleep, I returned to Carol. By then she had awoken screaming at me. Demanding she be let out. Asking what I was going to do to her. I had no answer as I myself didn’t have a fucking clue. I couldn’t kill her. She’s my daughter for fucks sake! But I couldn’t let her go either. I left her in the cage for now.”
May 9, 2002
“I gave her food and water. The only thing I was certain to do. She asks about Mikey, and I told her what I said to him. It had been a long time since I heard my daughter cry that hard. After that she don’t even acknowledge me of anything for that matter. She just sat there.”
Mike flipped the pages. “What else does it say?” Kanya asked. “Not much. He just says she wouldn’t eat or drink anything and he had to literally force her too. I…hold on” Mike said stopping on a page.
June 5, 2002
“She died this morning. Most likely heart failure. Whatever I forced her to eat she would just throw up later. Day after day, over and over. I promised Maggie I would care for our daughter, and I failed. I failed. I buried her under the rose bush I planted when I found out Maggie was pregnant with her. I oak box stuffed with fine linen. I don’t know how long I spent cleaning Carol’s body. Painting her tiny finger and toes. Washing and combing her long hair. The dress I picked out, same dress she wore to the prom. My baby girl…”
June 6, 2002
“It’s more than just shrinking. It’s more than just the cravings. IT WON’T LET ME DIE. I waited until Mikey was visiting a friend before I did it. Drank a shitload of beer, placed my gun cleaning kit on the table, and made sure only one round was in the chamber. People would think my drunk ass forgot a round was inside and rule it an accident. Mikey would still get the insurance money when he turns 18. Positioned it just so and pulled the trigger. It hurt, fuck did it hurt and the blood but I watched as my body spit the damn bullet right out and heal. It’s evil. This goddamn Coin is cursed! It won’t even let a man die in remorse. The whispering. The whispering isn’t my insanity. It’s the Coin”
Mike stopped reading out loud. He placed the book on the floor. Mike whimpered where he sat. “Mike, we’re with you” Katie said. Mike looked down at her. “Didn’t you hear what he wrote? It wouldn’t let him die. It made sure it milked him until his goddamn body gave out. This thing is fucking nightmare fuel and I am so fucked it ain’t funny!” he yelled. “The Yaksha said she could help you Mike” Kanya said. “You don’t get it. It took him dying to break the bond. Dying of old age! That’s how it can be broken. That Yaksha knows it and probably is trying to find a way to kill what can’t be killed” he yelled. “I don’t believe that. I think she really wants to help you. What you’re saying is a mix of grief and the influence of that Coin. It wants you to give up. It needs you to” Kanya said softly. Mike broke down sobbing as the girls tried to comfort him. At their urging, they had him leave the book where it was and come to the living room.
“How much of it was me and how much was the Coin? Even his habits were the same as mine” he asked them. “You told me I was beautiful. That I should have more faith in myself. I’m sure that was you” Katie replied. “You put yourself in harm’s way to save my life. That’s beyond keeping a promise. Remember when you had to help me go to the bathroom the first time and I cried because I was so embarrassed? You just smiled and said don’t worry about it. I can see the goodness in you like flickering light struggling to stay lit” Kanya said softly. Mike brought them both to his face and kissed them. “You need to heal up so we can have sex and as for you Katie…” he said placing them on the sofa. Mike surprised them both shrinking down to their size. He stripped off his clothes and walked on the sofa cushions over to Katie. He began taking her clothing off. Both naked, Mike pushed her down and lined his cock up to her pussy. Katie nodded in approval before he pushed it in. Katie groaned until Mike paused. Holding her hands, he thrust forward ripping her hymen away. He gave her a moment to adjust. Mike was slow and tender with her. He wanted her first time to be special. Kissing and nibbling her neck, gently squeezing her tits, their tongues intertwining. Mike began to pound her hard. Katie gasping at the force. Her legs locked behind his back as he pushed her down hard and came. The feeling of his warm semen shooting within her made her cum. Mike groaned as her pussy milked him for every drop. Mike laid there for a moment before shifting over to Kanya.
He knew he couldn’t fuck her with her injuries, but he could be intimate. Kissing her, rubbing her tits, caressing her cheek. Kissing and licking down her body. His hand grazing the sutures on her side. She could see a pang of guilt in his eyes. Playfully, she raised her right leg and draped it over his back. Kanya ground her bare heel into his back. Mike moved taking it off him and kissed down her leg stopping to nibble the back of her knee. “That tickles!” she giggled. Mike looked into her eyes as his hand rubbed the sole of her foot. He let go of her leg and scooted up her body. Using his fingers, he pulled her pussy lips apart and stuck his tongue inside her. “Oh…fuck…” she groaned. Mike spent his time licking, sucking, and slurping her pussy and Kanya twitched and whimpered. Her body shuddered and she winced in pain as she came. “You okay there?” Mike asked worried. “Just sore. It was worth it” she said grinning. Mike stayed his shrunken size for some time enjoying the two women leaning on his left and right side. They watched tv but they were more focused on one another. Mike chose to grow back to normal size as he needed to take a piss. As he returned, his eyes lingered on the back door of the house. “Something wrong?” Katie asked from the sofa. “Thinking about mom. The book said she’s buried next to the rose bush” he replied. “You want to go see don’t you?” Katie asked. “You want us to go with you?” Kanya asked. Mike silently nodded. Mike carried them outside to the back of the house. Wasn’t much there other than a BBQ grill, lawn mower, a tool shed, patio with simple sun deck, and of course a very large rose bush. Mike carried them over to it.
“So, your grandpa planted this when you mom was born?” Kanya asked. “Roses were my grandmother’s favorite” Mike replied. “You never mention your grandmother” Katie said. “Never knew her. She died giving birth to my mother” Mike said sitting on the ground. “It’s…it’s beautiful!” Katie said now on the ground looking up at the massive (to her) bush. From her perspective it towered over 30ft. into the air. The flowers themselves were as big as a compact car. “I don’t think rose bushes grow this good normally. Especially this far north” Katie said. “Your grandpa must’ve spent a lot of time and care on it” Kanya said. Mike began looking around as did Katie. Katie felt the ground strangely hard under her bare feet. “Mike” she said pointing to the ground. Covered in dirt, Mike uncovered a small rock. He bent closer and bushed away the last traces of dirt. “Carol Jones. Born April 8, 1976. Died June 5, 2002. Twinkle twinkle little star…” Mike read on the small rock. “The detail to…”
“He commissioned a gravestone, shrunk it, and placed it here. Mom really is buried underneath and all these years…all these years I thought she abandoned me she was just a few dozen feet away” Mike said softly. Kanya and Katie held his fingers as Mike just sat there silently staring at the gravestone. They only returned inside the house because the sun had set. Mike cooked dinner and they ate but he said not a word since confirming his mother’s grave. Later on the night, Katie and Kanya were in the bathroom bathing. “I feel so bad for him. Can you imagine finding out your mom was shrunk, died in a cage, and was buried under a goddamn rose bush?” Katie asked soaping Kanya’s hair. “Katie, I don’t think anyone has an imagination that good. I hated him so much for what he did but seeing who raised him, what that Coin can really do, it’s a miracle were not both dead” she said. “I doubt he would do that. You saw how passionate he was today” Katie said. “He ate my pussy like it was ice cream, so I know how passionate he is. He may not want to kill us, but he might not even be in control one day. That’s what scares him the most. Did you see how freaked out he was when he found it the Coin won’t let him die? That was his backup plan. His plan b. I’m sure as shit it was. Mike is one of those people that keeps shit in” Kanya said. “And how do you know all this?” Katie asked. “Being a waitress teaches you how to read people. Jesus that felt like a lifetime ago. I’d trade sore feet and shitty customers over this anyway” Kanya said. “So, it’s all bad? All of it?” Katie asked. “I wouldn’t say that. Mike’s caring and even though he treats us as pets sometimes, his attention is sincere. Like how he stayed by my side when I was hurt. Never had a man that doted on me before. The last guy just had an Asian fetish” Kanya muttered. “Well Mike has a foot fetish” Katie said laughing. “Yeah I know. Not breaking news there. But I don’t care if a guy has a kink as long as he truly loves me” Kanya said sighing. Katie grew quiet. “You’re not going to push me off the ledge again are you?” Kanya asked. “No! I…I get I’m not the only one with feelings for him” she stammered. “I was joking. A shitty joke. Sorry Katie” Kanya said. Katie smiled and nodded.
After a nice bath and some cozy time in bed, Mike was still awake. “Can’t sleep?” Katie whispered. Mike shook his head. Katie climbed onto his chest and rested over his heart. “Was it just sex for us or was it more?” she whispered. Mike sat up slightly. “I can count on one hand how many times I’ve had sex with a woman. The things that happened earlier…the pussy sucking, nibbling your tits…you know. Those things were mostly power tripping. Well, that and lust. This afternoon, I wanted you. I wanted to feel…connected. Before all this my biggest fear was being alone. Katie, I’ve never been in a real relationship before. It’s scary and exciting at the same time” he said. “Same for me. I was either too nerdy or a prude for boys” she said. “Nerd girls can be cute. What did Shakespeare once say? By any other name does a nerd girls’ pussy taste as sweet?” he said. “Hahaha! I don’t think the bard said that” Katie laughed. Make scooted her clothes to his face where he planted a kiss. “I do love you Katie. Whatever this thing brings out in me, please don’t ever forget that” Mike said solemnly. “…how strong is it truthfully?” she asked. “His voice gets louder every day. It wants me to do very bad things to you and Kanya. And the only way to get it to shut up is to…”
“Find more girls” Katie said. Mike quietly nodded. “Are you going back to see that Yaksha?” she asked. “Yeah” he replied. “I’ll come too. I’ll be your emotional support pet” she said snickering. “Me too minus the pet part” Kanya muttered. “You’re awake?” Mike asked. “How can a shrunken girl sleep with you flirting?” she asked. Mike placed Katie back on the bed, leaned over and raised Kanya’s nightgown. Kanya jumped feelings his lips kissing her tiny ass. “Sleep now, kinky foreplay later” she groaned. “Yes ma’am” Mike said settling in.
The next morning…
They were all eating breakfast as normal as Katie kept fidgeting. “Something wrong?” Mike asked. “Pussy still sore” she muttered eating a bit of scrambled egg. “For real?” Kanya asked. “He bred my virgin pussy like a man possessed” Katie replied. “Well technically he is possessed. If you don’t mind, after I get better could you share him?” Kanya asked. Mike coughed out his coffee. “Well maybe. He has this thing that he looks into your eyes as he just rams it in. But when he cums he has this cute smile. And fuck does he cum” Katie said. “A lot?” Kanya asked. “Like a fountain. Not like when we’re jerking him off with our bodies. A pop and dribble. No, it’s just a steady torrent” Katie said snickering. “Hmmm…makes me not want to wait. After breakfast I want you to fuck me” Kanya said to Mike. Mike dropped his fork. Both girls laughed. “Funny, ever so funny. Playing with fire the both of you” he told them. “In all seriousness, I do want to get closer to you” Kanya said. “I can’t. After what I took from you I can’t” he said quietly getting up. Mike returned fully dressed holding their daily clothes in his hand. He was quiet dressing them. Both girls had fresh clean clothes and simple dresses. Katie had sneakers and socks as being shrunk meant a LOT of walking and hurt her feet. Mike’s solution was a good shoe to wear. As for Kanya, a pair of flip flops as walking was not much of a thing for her with a broken leg. “You do know most of that was the Asura” Kanya said. Mike paused holding her right foot between his fingers. “I understand you favor Katie over me but why make up excuses?” she asked. “Because this wasn’t part of the plan! I was going to milk you for pain and misery for weeks, maybe months so I didn’t have to hunt anyone. Getting attached to you, hell you having feelings for me was the last thing I planned for. And then…”
“Then what?” Kanya asked. “If I break, if I lapse and it comes down to you or Katie. We both know who dies. So, there you have it, I’d pick Katie over you. I ate your mother, fed your brother to a fish, and condemned your grandmother to die by dust mites” Mike said to her. “And I forgive you” Kanya said softly. Mike grabbed her head with his fingers. “Don’t! Don’t you dare forgive me!” he yelled. Kanya knew he could crush her head like a grape but also knew he never would. “Why?” she asked. “Because it would hurt more” he replied with a whisper as he let go. Mike went back to holding her ankle between his fingers. A tear rolled down his cheek. “You have very pretty toes” he muttered. “So you told me. Please don’t push me away” Kanya begged softly. “One day you’ll regret the feelings you have for me” he said. “I’ll burn that bridge when I get to it” Kanya said. “You mean cross not burn” he said. “I meant what I said” she said. Mike sighed and slipped the flip flop on her foot. He loaded them into the car with him. “Mike, maybe you should bring that book. Can’t hurt” Kanya said. Mike nodded and went back into the house for it. Returning with it, he started the car and drove to Ora’s.
Mike arrived at her home and carried the girls with him to the door. Before he could kick it opened for him. “Come on in Mike!” Ora shouted from the living room. Mike entered. Ora floated from the living room sofa to him. “Whoa” Katie whispered. “And you didn’t come alone. You must be Katie and you’re…interesting” Ora said looking over Kanya. “Actually, my name is Kanya” she said. “I like this one. It’s been a while since I’ve met another carrying the blood of our kind. Please sit” she said. They did and Ora followed them. “You look worse for wear dear. Mike have an episode?” Ora asked Kanya. “No! It was an accident. In fact, he saved my life. He looked after me” Kanya replied. “Interesting indeed. Let’s see, broken leg, very small crack in the skull, bruised hip, and a lacerated kidney. Lucky to be alive” Ora said. “How do you know that?” Katie asked. Ora picked up her teacup and sipped from it. “I drink and I know things” Ora said chuckling. They looked at each other. “Always so serious. Well let’s heal your injuries. Can’t have Mike distracted” she said. “How are you…” Kanya said before being shushed. Ora placed her hand on Kanya’s head. Her hand began to glow. Then she placed her hand on her hip. “It’s warm” Kanya said. Then her leg, and finally the side of her abdomen. “All done!” Ora said cheerfully. Skeptical, Mike unbandaged her leg which Kanya tried moving. “It’s fixed. It’s really fixed!” Kanya yelled. “Of course. Healing magic is an affinity to my kind…our kind. How strong are your powers?” Ora asked. “Grandma could see auras with ease. I can just sense things. If I really concentrate I can sometimes see energy” Kanya replied. “Ehh. It’s something. Speaking of auras, I can see physical attraction radiating off you two. I bet being shrunk down really changed your sex lives” Ora said grinning. “Actually, I was a virgin until last night. Before that it was umm…mostly oral and stuff” Katie said blushing. “Same here except I’m still a virgin” Kanya said. “You’re kidding. With his level of lust?!” Ora asked. “Sitting right here” Mike mumbled. “No offense Mike but it is what it is. You’ve been wanting to suck my tiny pussy since we’ve met. Not offended and you’re by no means the first. And you’ve been with him how long?” Ora asked. “Three months now” Katie replied. “Little over a month and a half” Kanya replied. “Normally a shrinking victim would be a cum rag by now if not dead. You got more self-control than most Mike” Ora said smiling. “If we’re done focusing on our sex lives, can we get back to it?” Mike asked. Ora nodded.
“I was worried you wouldn’t return when you didn’t show up yesterday” she said. “I found my grandfather’ diary. He wrote down everything he did with that Coin. Including my mother” he said. “…what did happen?” Ora asked softly. “He imprisoned her in a cage. My mother literally died of a broken heart and was buried under a fucking rose bush” he replied. “I’m sorry Michael. I’m curious as to exactly how long your grandfather used that thing” she said. “Actually, I have it with me” he said. “Please get it for me” Ora said. Mike went and returned with it. “Oh my…” she said looking at it. “Yeah it’s big” Mike said. “Beyond that. It’s radiating spiritual energy. Your grandfather poured all his feelings into it. We can do more than just read it, we can see it” she said. “Wait a minute now” Mike said wary. “You have good reason to be cautious after what happened last time. But understanding your grandfather’s suffering can help understand yours more clearly” she said. “What good will that do? Those memories are painful! Mike was really hurt!” Katie said. Ora sighed as she cast a spell which blinded them for a second. “What…the hell?!” Katie asked as the world was now filled with swirling colors. “A temporary spell that allows you to see spiritual energy in the physical world. Many of the things here in my home is permeated with it. Look at Michael” she said. “THE FUCK IS THAT?!” Katie yelled. Mike looked down at his chest and freaked. Attached to his chest was a thick, menacing looking ethereal chain running down to his pocket. Mike reached into his pocket and pulled out the Coin. The chain connected right to it. "When I say he’s bound to the Coin I’m not just speaking metaphorically. Mike touched the chain and recoiled in pain. “Yeah don’t do that” Ora said.
“Mike’s trauma created his coldness and apathy to women. That apathy made him a prime vessel for the Asura. To break that chain, we have to make him unsuitable to the thing. That means fixing what’s broken inside of him. Uncovering the reason was just the first step. Understanding the pain, finding empathy is next. And with that book we can go right to the root” Ora explained. “But why his grandfather? Wouldn’t we focus on Mike?” Kanya asked. “Unfortunately, trauma and pain can be passed from parent to child. Hate and apathy from one generation to the next. That book is a roadmap. We must take the journey” Ora replied. “Well he’s not doing it alone” Katie said. “What she said” Kanya said nodding to her. Ora gestured to the door nearby opening her meditation room.
“Then let’s begin” she said.
Chapter 12…Recollections
“Please take off your shoes. Mike, please place the book in the middle of us” Ora said. “Our shoes? I get Mike but I doubt my half centimeter feet are going to dirty your carpet” Katie said. “Tradition Katie” Ora said flatly as she floated down onto her cushion. Katie and Kanya chucked their footwear as they sat on Mike’s thighs. Ora started the metronome. Following Mike’s lead, Katie and Kanya closed their eyes and steadied their breaths. Within minutes they all had entered a trance state. “Open your eyes” Ora said. “Whoa. Feels like floating in space” Katie said. “Space? Feels like stepping in an acid trip. Did we grow or did Mike shrink” Kanya asked. “This, the Astral Plane reveals itself differently depending on your level of spiritual senses. We’re all the same size as this is not a place that physical logic matters. Do not be afraid Michael. If we encounter strange resistance, we can back off” Ora said sensing his anxiety. Ora held out her hand and the diary appeared before her. It was bathed in a kaleidoscope of energy. “Freaky” Katie muttered. Ora gestured and the book flipped to the very beginning. “Now to see how it began and hopefully learn from your grandfather’s mistakes” Ora said to Mike. “And we’re going to relive what he wrote down?” Kanya asked. “In a way. Using the spell…well it’s hard for you to understand the word but to westerners it’s called psychometry. Using a spiritual imprint to see a recorded event. To us it will seem like we’re inside a movie complete with a narrator. Think of it as being inside a director’s cut” she replied grinning. Ora began an incantation and the entire world seemed to change.
June 10, 1974
Korat AFB Thailand“Goddamn oil pumps. You can’t use cheap ass rubber in this humid climate!” I said as I pulled the part loose. “Cursing out another engine Johnny?” a man said walking to me. “Ain’t the engine’s fault. It’s the cost cutting eggheads stateside. You flyboys got enough to worry about. If it ain’t SAMS or MIG’s, it’s some moron who thinks bicycle tire rubber is good enough for a Pratt & Whitney engine” I replied. “Old Geronimo is doing okay” my buddy Alan chuckled. “Still stuck on that name?” I asked. “Well, the plane is called a Thunderchief” he replied laughing. “True. When is the 388th going back up?” I asked. “North Vietnam stepped up its help in the Civil War down there so they got a sortie planned for us tomorrow at dawn” Alan replied. “Jesus Christ. Why can’t it be easy like my dad had in WWII? Back then the enemies and allies were clear” I sighed. “Who you telling? Drinks later in the officer’s lounge?” he asked. “Naw. Going to see Phan” I replied. “Suit yourself” he said grinning. I finished up on this bird not long after and went to service Alan’s. F-105D Thunderchief barely 6 months old but you’d expect it to be older. AA flak had scuffed the shit out of the paint. I popped the maintenance hatch in the ass of the plane and began my work. Tightening bolts and clamps that rattled lose during afterburn. Adjusted the fuel intermix. And of course, the damn oil pump. I ended up being distracted thinking of Phan. As dad would’ve called her my “war scooch”. Nice girl of 19 years old. Works at a bar near the base and speaks decent English surprisingly. We’ve been fucking for two months but I’ve found myself really thinking of taking her back stateside and marrying her."
“Hey dad, something fell out” Mike said looking at the floor. “He can’t see our hear us Mike. Remember, this is only a memory” Ora said.
I finished with the maintenance two hours later so Geronimo is good to go tomorrow. With that out of the way I hitched a ride with an MP to the bar to see Pham. As usual she’s there helping her father who owns the place. Nice enough guy who doesn’t mind a westerner seeing his daughter. Phan sees me and flags me over to an empty table. She brings a tall beer and salted nuts. She yells at her father to ready up some fried chicken for later. “Tough day John?” she asks smiling. “Another day serving glorious Uncle Sam” I reply before sipping my beer. She scoots close to me and rubs my chest through my maintenance uniform. Like many Thai here, they don’t agree on this bombing Cambodia and neither do I. But they also know we’re stuck doing what we’re told. How many girls like Phan have died in this conflict? It’s a thought that comes to me every time a warbird takes off. Warbirds I worked on. She asks what I did today as she rubs her leg against mine. “Now how was your day?” I asked. She tells me about various customers, her father, a friend of hers. She asks about my home again. I tell her about Stamford again. How the leaves change color in fall, the massive snowfalls from a nor’easter. She’s never seen snow before. She must’ve slipped her sandal off because I can feel her toes rubbing my leg. “Would you like to come home with me? My tour will be done in six months” I asked her. She’s not surprised I asked her as it’s not the first time I suggested it. “But…but the bar, my father…” she asked. “Who I’m sure wants me to marry you” I said. “I do. Go with John. Go to America” her father says dropping off fresh fried chicken on the table.
After chicken and beer, I go back to base. Wanted stay and fuck Phan but with that sortie early in the morning I had to turn in before it got late"
June 11, 1974
Korat AFB ThailandI watch as they pull Geronimo out of the hangar to the Tarmac to mission load. “Johnny!” Alan yells coming up behind me. “What’s the plan today?” I asked him knowing he just was briefed. “Carpet bomb Bravo 1 with Freddy and be back before final call for lunch. Geronimo ready to go on a warpath?” he asked. “Ready and willing” I said slapping the fuselage. “Take you word on it?” he asked. “You know it. Watch out for AA and SAM’s. Heard Viet Cong is getting frisky in Bravo” I said. “I’ll pucker my asshole if the alarm sounds” he laughed as he boards the jet. I walk away as they strap cluster bombs on the hard points. Within 20 minutes, he and Freddy are roaring full burn into the air.
Three hours pass and I’m getting worried. That sortie shouldn’t take this long. Sitting drinking coffee I’m worried he got hit by a SAM. “Johnny, Freddy just landed. Alan ain’t with him” a friend said. I bolted up and ran to the Tarmac. I find Fred popping his canopy open. “Fred! Where’s Alan!” I yelled. “We were over the target point about to drop when Alan radioed a master alarm on his engine. Oil pressure dropped like a rock. His engine seized and he ejected. Parachuted right into enemy controlled territory” he replied. It couldn’t have happened that way. I went over the goddamn engine myself! I want back to the maintenance hangar to check to see if anyone else worked on it after I did. Soon after I got there I found something on the floor.
“That’s what fell out” Mike said.
A hose clamp. I forgot to screw in the hose clamp. The hose must’ve popped off. This is my fault. I even gave my word the engine was fine. This is all on me. I told the base commander what happened and volunteered to go after him. “Absolutely not. That area crawls with Viet Cong and Cambodian sympathizers. It’ll be a week at least before we can even think of sending in rescue” the base commander said. “He’ll be dead by then. You know what they do to pilots? Do you?!” I yelled. “AT EASE CREWMAN! I know how you feel but my hands are tied. Dismissed” he said. This wasn’t over. I’ll do it my goddamned self.
I waited until nightfall. I got a map marking where Alan bailed out. Bravo 1 sat near the Thailand Cambodian border. You control that and set up air defenses, then you can limit what our flyboys can do. Sure, Thunderchiefs and Phantoms can dodge a SAM but a B-52? Those lard ass birds would get their feathers plucked. So Bravo 1 needed to be cleared. I load every Jerry can I can find with gas and put it in the back of a jeep. A long ass drive of 500 miles on back roads. Won’t be many service stations along the way. I know if I go they’ll court martial my ass and throw me in the can but fuck em’. Where I come from a man’s word means something. Jerry cans check. Food and water check. First aid kit check. M-16 and pistol check. I start the engine and head to the entrance. I tell the MP I’m heading out to the bar and will be back by 2200. They know me so they don’t say nothing. Once I’m far away enough I pull off the main road and follow the map to Bravo 1.
June 12, 1974
Northern Cambodia borderAround 0300 I’m so deep in the backlands there’s no placed to fuel up anymore. I was lucky though, compass and map says I’m only 20 or so Mike’s from the border. I keep slogging through the jungle roads until I’m sure I passed the border. I stop to sleep but keep my pistol ready. Not too much worried about a Cong but the fucking snakes. Pythons bigger than my fucking forearm. I wake up at 0808. They know my ass went AWOL by now. Don’t care. I load up my supplies and leave the jeep. An American jeep sticks out around here. Last thing I need is attention. I begin walking. Bravo 1 is about 53 miles east of me. After an hour I find an old man tending water buffalo. With my broken ass Thai, I ask if he saw a pair of jets the other day. He did pointing east. He says they spoked the buffalo. I ask for spare clothing I may wear. He says yes and hands them to me. I hand him a fistful of bahts for his trouble and silence. I don’t stick out as much anymore, so I stick to the dirt roads and keep my face hidden. I’m probably 20 miles from Bravo 1 when I spot a young girl tending a rice paddy. She’s frightened of my western face, but I give her a chocolate. Probably the first she ever seen. She only eats it when she sees me eat one. I ask if she saw a plane. She nods and points east but then says it…fell down. She saw people with guns carry the debris away. I ask if she saw a man with my skin color. She shakes her head. I give her another chocolate before I leave.
I get closer and now I can see smoking debris. Utterly destroyed but I can tell it’s a Thunderchief. Nearby an ejection seat. First good news I got so far. Alan bailed before it crashed. I don’t see anyone nearby, so I sneak closer. Footprints, lost of them and furrows in the mud. Alan was dragged away. In the far distance I can see a small village. I choose not to approach at daytime. Better to wait and watch. The nearby hill backs into a jungle so I hide there watching with my binoculars. “Shit” I muttered seeing Viet Cong. At least two squads. Strangely though I don’t see any male villagers or children. Plenty of women though. Not my concern. Darkness falls and I sneak closer. Haven’t seen any Viet Cong since sundown. The air is filled with he sounds of loud croaking of frogs and laughter of men as I get closer. No doubt Cong soldiers. I find one young woman all alone pissing. She jumps as I come out of the shadows. “No afraid. Man like me. Where?” I ask in broken Thai. She barely understands me. Thai and Cambodian sound kinda similar but they’re not the same thing. I have a picture of Alan when we went drinking last Christmas. She gets what I’m a saying now. She points to a nearby mountain. “There? They took him there?” I ask. She nods. I turn to leave her, and she attacks me. My rifle falls into the rice paddy muddy water. It’s fucked. My pistol falls to the dirt, and she grabs it. I take my utility knife and stab her in the chest. Her eyes go wide and falls on top of me. I killed her. I’ve never killed anyone before. I roll her off me and drag her body to a rice paddy. I toss her in so nobody can find her body before I find Alan.
I trudged up the mountain. Only light I have is the full moon. Closer I get to sounds I can see the light of fires. The Viet Cong must’ve camped up here. I get closer and not only camped but camped inside and outside an ancient temple. Two soldiers sitting outside. I can see a shadow moving inside the temple. The rest of them must be inside the village. I’m nervous as hell as I sneak up behind one of them. I’m not a soldier. Yeah I got trained but I’ve never seen combat. My hand holding my knife is shaking. I thrust the knife deep into his back and a wet gurgle comes out of his mouth. His buddy hears it, turns to face me and raises his AK-47. I fire my pistol twice into his chest. The sounds ring out into the night. I’m blown for sure. I race into the temple and a soldier opens fire on me. I get lucky as the rounds hit the stone wall behind me. A small statue sitting on a pedestal attached to the wall shatters from a stray round. I empty my mag and kill him. I know they’re coming and now I’m out of ammo. I pick up the AK and its spent too. In the far corner of the room where the light is dim I can see someone slumped against the wall. I get closer with my knife in hand. He’s wearing a flight suit. “ALAN!” I yelled. I could barely recognize him. They him so badly. Tortured him. Eyes swollen shut. Dislocated jaw. Fingers broken. He barely turns his head. “Jo…hnny?” he asks. “It’s me man! It’s me…” I said bending down. I don’t dare hug him he’s so badly fucked up. “Dumbass. Had to come after me for that $20 I owe ya” he chuckled. “We gotta go brother. Cong is coming” I said. I don’t have a choice; I have to move him. I can hear his broken ribs jangle in his chest as I heft him up. He can barely walk as we start out of the temple.
“The…villagers. They’re not responsible…” he said before coughing blood. “Stay quiet or you’ll puncture a lung” I said. Just as I said that something struck me on the side of the head. We both fall to the stone floor. I turn my head to see my own blood on the butt stock of a rifle. I don’t know where he came from. He says something in Vietnamese and shoots Alan in the back of the head. “BASTARD!” I scream seeing my friend, by buddy killed before me. He’s laughing. The motherfucker is laughing. He kicks me in the side over and over yelling at me. I’m willing to bet my pay he’s the one that tortured Alan. His toy was broken so he got rid it him and I’m next. I feel a rib break and he grins as I vomit blood. My left hand reaches out for a rock, anything to kill this asshole with and I feel something. It’s small and metallic. I thought a spent casing but it’s flat and round. A coin? A Coin. I don’t know why but I pull it towards me. It gets smeared in my blood and as it does I feel something. Like static electricity through my body. Feelings, foreign instinct fills my mind. I…feel…POWER!
I pick myself off the floor as the pain goes away. He points his pistol at me and suddenly freezes. I look at the hold holding the Coin to see a reddish glow coming from it. It’s going up my arm. My whole body is surrounded by it. I grin at him knowing he’s fucked. Don’t know how but I just know. One simple thought, one word in my head and I speak it. “Shrink” I command and suddenly he’s gone. The size of an ant collapsed at my feet. I crush him like its nothing and I’m not satisfied in the least. They need to die. THEY ALL NEED TO DIE. I walk towards the front entrance of the temple and see Viet Cong soldiers ready to mow my ass down. 15…20 easily. “I was beginning to worry you wouldn’t come” I said not in English. Perfect Vietnamese and I can’t tell you how I knew it. They raise their rifles as I raise my hand. They open fire. They burn through their whole mags and then just stand there awestruck. I laugh. I laugh so hard I can hear it echo off the mountain. It was easy shrinking the bullets to the size of grains of sand as they left their guns. Killing them like bugs would be too easy. No, I wanted them to suffer. The first five I smile as they grip their chests. Their hearts shrunken to the size of grapes. Instant death. The next five their brains.
They try to run. Doesn’t matter as I will them to shrink slowly. Either they shrink to nothing, or this big dangerous world does the job for me. Did I mention the sound of frogs in the air tonight? I think so. I hope Mother Nature enjoys her feast tonight. I’m still pissed. No, pissed doesn’t describe it. Alan had a wife and kid back home and now they’re getting a letter from Uncle Sam saying he’s never coming home. They took him from them, and those villagers helped. The villagers…
I walk down to the village and find a few women standing outside wondering what happened. The closest one I shrink to about an inch. The others scream and flee into a stone house. The only stone house in the village. The one I shrunk is stuck in the mud. I slowly walk to her and she’s trying her best to run pulling on her legs. Then she looks at me. The giant with the westerner face. The enemy. She screams as I raise my boot over her. She’s begging for her life. Then I just slowly bring my foot down on her pressing her puny body into the mud. I can feel her tiny bones crack and break under my sole. I twisted the ball of my foot a few times grinding her crushed corpse into the muck. “One down. Hopefully a lot more to go” I said smiling as a walk to the stone house. It’s old, ancient. Probably built around the same time as the temple. I laugh remembering the story of the three little pigs. They were safe behind stone and brick, but the wolf couldn’t shrink things. I can. “Little pigs, little pigs, let me in…” I mutter. The thick wooden door seemingly disappears before me as I shrink it to the size of a playing card. They’re screaming as I enter. 5…10…14 of them. One of them looks 16 or so. The oldest 70. One tries to stab me with a knife, and she’s shrunk on the spot. “You brought this on yourselves teaming up with the Cong. My daddy used to say, you lie down with dogs don’t complain when you get fleas. Speaking of fleas…” I mutter shrinking the oldest woman to the size of one. They start begging and pleading with me. I tune them right out. “What to do…what to do…” I mutter. My stomach growls as I haven’t eaten since early afternoon. “Waste not. Want not” I said grinning as I will each and every one of them to shrink.
They’re all unconscious on the floor now shrunk to two inches. The smell of alcohol coming from barrel catches my nose. I pop it open to find it full of Sombai, a strong ass Cambodian rice wine. Had it once and it put me on my ass. I grab a rice bowl and fill it with it before sitting back down near my collection of shrunken Cambodian women. I pick up the closest one, one in her early 20’s looking at her and began tearing off her flimsy clothes. Naked between my fingers I dunk her in the rice wine to wash off the sweat and dirt. She stirs as I slip her past my lips. I savor how she tastes, sharp from the wine and her natural sweet flesh. She screams just as a swallow her. I felt her land in my stomach. She’s moving around, pounding her little fists against my stomach walls. I take a moment to savor the feeling as she slowly succumbs. I’m extremely hungry so I know my stomach acids are probably stronger than usual. Her movement stops and I go to the next one. Over and over the same process. Strip, dunk, suck, and swallow. Making sure to savor their deaths. It’s not all that different from eating shrimp. Shucking their clothes is like shelling, flicking off their tiny sandals like pinching off the legs. Dunking them in wine like dunking shrimp in butter. I drink half the bowl I’m so thirsty. I fill it again to finish off the rest of them. By the time I get to the last one, she’s waking up on her own. My vision is kinds blurry from the drinking by then. She finds clothing scattered on the floor and she’s panicking. I lick my lips hoping she struggles. The stupid girl tries to run away, and I shove her down with my finger.
“Dad, for the love of God…” Mike muttered watching. “No God would be had here Michael” Ora said quietly.
She screeching as I apply more pressure until there’s a tiny cracking sound, her legs jerk and run go limp. I laugh…I laugh so loud as I realize I broke her puny back. Paralyzed. I pluck her up and hold her between my fingers. She just looks at me when I tear her clothes off. Her limp legs unmoving as I slip her straw sandals off. Just for fun I use my fingernail to tickle her bare feet. Nothing. I bring her closer to my face. Pretty little thing just barely out of her teens. “Nice little tits you got there. Not as nice as my girl Phan but not bad either. Let me see that pussy you got” I said prying her legs open. She’s sobbing harder as the reality of being paralyzed kicks in. Her little brain is telling her legs to stay closed. Her crushed spinal cord says I can’t hear ya. Black bushy hair but I can see her little slit. “How many Cong did you fuck with that? How many of those killers did you fuck?” I hissed at her. I roughly dunk her in wine and her hands are flailing around. She gasps for air when I take her out. “All those days tending fields. Time spent with your parents, friends, siblings maybe, and it all just led to being my fucking dinner. Say hi to your family for me” I said pushing her into my mouth headfirst. Her crying and sobbing are cut off as I seal my lips. Just her tiny soles sticking out and then not even that as I slurp them in. Being paralyzed, she won’t wriggle around. Not even when I suck on her. And when her flavor was gone, I tilted my head back and let gravity do the rest. Like the others, she slipped down my throat effortlessly like a raw oyster. I finish off the bowl of wine and relax patting my stomach. I let out a huge belch and I swear there was a tiny scream in it. “They won’t be helping the enemy anymore Alan. Not anymore” I muttered as sleep takes over.
June 13, 1974
Northern CambodiaI wake up as the damn sun is blinding me. Fucking head is pounding. I stagger to my feet and walk outside to piss. Its dead quiet outside. And for a moment I wonder why until it comes back to me what I did. My already upset stomach keels and I puke. Bones, tiny bones, tiny little skulls. And then I remember Alan in the temple. My anger slowly comes back, and I kick dirt over the puke. The only burial I’ll give em’. If I can’t bring him back alive, at least I can bring his body back for a proper funeral. I make my way back to the temple and there he is. But there’s more. Now with sunlight in it, I can see steps leading down to the side. Probably where the asshole that hit me with the butt of his rifle came from. But there’s more, I can hear voices. I go down the stairs ready to finish off the rest of them. Shrink their fucking asses to the size of ants. And what I see, what I find will forever haunt me. Men and children locked in a cage. Then I remember what Alan muttered before he died. “They’re not responsible.”
My god. They weren’t friends with the Cong. The Cong kept the men and children here to make sure the woman cooperated. They were just victims. I ate them, murdered them for no reason. What have I done?! I used a rock to bash the lock off and they come out thanking me. I wish they had killed me. I follow them up the stairs and I pick up Alan’s body. I carry it over my shoulders leaving. I don’t get far when I hear anguished cries. I’m sure they don’t know what happened, but they know something did. Their wives, daughters, mothers, sisters, cousins are gone. Gone and never coming back. I think about it so long I don’t even remember walking back to the jeep. I placed Alan in the back and head back to base. By the time I get back its dark and the MPs are ready to arrest my ass but when they see Alan’s body they put two and two together. The base commander has to order them to put me in cuffs. I sit in solitary for three days before I’m let out. Turns out while I was in, word got around what I did and now I’m some hero. The soldier sneaking off to get his best friend’s body. They uncuff me but now left with a problem. Court martialing a hero fucks with morale and public relations. God knows the folks back home hate this war enough. Everyone on the base looks at me like I’m fucking Captain America. I’m not. Just a crazy murdering bastard that can shrink people. I’m given a deal where I’m honorably discharged and sent home which saves face for everyone.
June 17, 1974
Lucky Dragon Bar ThailandPhan was more than happy to see me again as word got out I went off to get Alan. Crying and hugging me she made me swear I’d never do something so dangerous again. I told her that was an easy promise to make as I was leaving the military and going home. Poor girl looked utterly heartbroken. “I want you to come with me” I told her as I held her in my arms. It was something we joked about, but it was no joke anymore. She wanted to go with me, I could see it in her eyes. But she was too worried about her father. Part of me just wanted to shrink her and take her with me anyways. Oh… I haven’t told her about that. I spent the night there talking to her and her father. Her father wanted her to go, to have a better life in the States. He laughed saying he’d burn the bar down if she didn’t. It was settled, she was coming with me. Before we slept, I told her what I found in the temple and what it could do. She laughed at me until she found herself a few inches tall. Frightened at first until I kissed her little cheek and held her. She was in awe of me. I liked how that felt. She knew I wanted more than just to talk that night especially then as she took her clothes off. She felt so fragile in my hands. She protested she was sweaty from work as I began kissing and licking her little body. Even so she tasted so good. My cute little Phan cumming as she sat on my tongue. I could just slurp her in and swallow her. I…I really thought about it. How could I forget what I did? I dared not tell her. “Hey Phan, you should know your boyfriend shrunk and devoured every young woman in a village the other day”.
I can’t tell her ever and I can’t forgive myself for not doing do. Add that to the list I find myself I suddenly making. She naturally curious about how big my dick is to her now and I laugh at her shocked expression. Phan goes to town on it. Riding it, hugging it, kissing and licking it, even giving me a footjob with those tiny feet. My cutie isn’t a bit mad when I cum all over her. I realize seeing coated in semen from head to toe laughing how much I love her. Maybe, maybe if I have her by my side I can come to terms with what I did. A quiet life in Stamford fixing cars like dad taught me. Phan pumping out a kid or two. Leave this war, leave this godforsaken place behind. As for the Coin. I decided to take it with me. No sense just tossing it away with the kind of power it has. Besides, me and Phan can use it to have fun now and then.
“Great. Just great. If I didn’t have enough evidence that grandpa was fucked up, now I do. Thanks Ora for the backstory. Now we see how screwed he was” Mike said as the scene froze. “That’s not the point Mike” Kanya said. “Oh? We know how this goes Kanya. Phan’s shrunken skeleton is sitting behind a wall panel in my attic! He couldn’t escape it!” Mike yelled. “It’s not that simple Mike. Did you hear what he said at the end? He hoped Phan could quell his literal demon. He wanted a peaceful life and to reconcile what he did…the curse robbed him of it. Your grandfather was denied something precious that can help break the hold this Asura has on you” Ora said. “And what’s that?” Mike scoffed. “The chance to forgive himself. In many ways, guilt is like water. It can ebb and flow. It can help us seek a better path in small doses or drown us in sorrow. It is a link in the chain that binds you to the Coin. You must forgive yourself for what you’ve done” Ora said. Mike went to touch his grandfather only for his hand to pass through him. “Easier said than done. Kanya’s family is gone. Katie’s life in shambles. And those are just the ones still alive. What in all creation makes you think I’m even deserving of forgiveness?” Mike asked shedding tears. Ora stepped in front of him and collected a falling tear on her finger. “This does. We should all rest for now. Let’s eat something” Ora said ending the joint meditation.
Ora, Kanya, and Katie awoke only to find Mike still in a trance. “Uhh…why’s he still sitting there like that?” Katie asked. “I don’t know” Ora said touching his shoulder. An invisible force threw her hard into the wall. “ORA!” Kanya yelled running over to her. “It’s the Asura! He’s the one behind this!” Ora yelled coughing blood.
“Uhh…guys?” Mike asked seeing himself all alone in the starry astral plane. Suddenly, he caught sight of someone walking towards him. Footsteps echoing into eternity. Mike flinched in shock as the person was revealed. “…the fuck?” he whispered seeing a mirror image of himself standing before him. “Hi Mike. I figured it was time we had a chat. You heard her side. Thought you should hear mine” he said. “Who the fuck are you?!” Mike yelled. “Oh, you know who I am. Search your feelings” he said smiling.
“…the Asura” Mike whispered.
@size_master Cool. Another great chapter, Hope Ora wasn’t hurt too badly, now to hear the demon’s twisted point of view.
Chapter 13…The Other Side of the Coin
“I have nothing to say to you” Mike spat. “Oh, come now Michael. It’s not often I have a full conversation with my avatar. I’ve done it probably three times in the last 2000 years. Aren’t you even slightly curious to what I have to say?” the Asura asked. “You’re all liars. Even now you’re lying about your appearance” Mike replied. “Everyone lies Michael. Even those holier than thou Yaksha. As for my appearance, I just chose one you’re familiar with to not frighten you” he replied. “You’re fucking with me to get deeper into my head. I won’t help you so you might as well turn off this meditation or jutsu or whatever the fuck this is” Mike said walking away. “Even if what I have to say depends on your life?” the Asura asked. Mike paused. “You threatening me?” Mike asked. “Oh, by no means Michael. Let’s just say Ora left out a few details concerning spiritual contracts. Now, shall we have a civilized conversation” he asked. “And how do I know you’re not lying?” Mike asked. “Ora told you. In the Astral Plane there are NO lies. Ready for my side of things?” the Asura asked. Mike nodded. The Asura snapped his fingers and Mike found himself in a park. “Stamford park” Mike muttered. “Yes I borrowed this from your memories. I remember this day myself. July 4, 2006. Warm sunny day, picnics, kids playing like you over there. Your grandpa…well he was more interested in some of the women than celebrating your holiday. Come and sit” the Asura said.
Mike sat down at a picnic table looking at his younger self playing with kids. “Where should I begin? Well, might as well tell you what my kind really do. Yaksha make us out to be demons hellbent on death and misery. That we want to destroy or enslave the human race. Pfft…no. The Asura are the other side of an equation that must be balanced. A balance that is lost because of you humans. We Asura balance the scales but that’s not all we’ve chosen to do. Okay, every apex predator on this planet is kept in check by various forces of nature. Prey population, natural resources, diseases to name the most common. You humans are different. You evolve to get around these problems. The standard checks and balances stopped working on you. So we Asura have to, prune the tree so to speak” he said. “You mean killing us off to lower the population” Mike scoffed. “To be blunt yes. We feel responsible for this because in many ways we’re responsible for your progress” he said. “What?” Mike asked. “Long, very long ago we Asura argued with the Yaksha about how to guide humanity. The Yaksha argued order and harmony was best. We argued that conflict, pain, misery, and chaos was best” he said. “Yeah I’ll take order and harmony any day” Mike told him. “Little problem with that Mike. An orderly and harmonious species stagnates. It’ll eventually reach a cultural, technological, and genetic dead end” he said. “Even if I buy that, how would your way be better?” Mike asked. “Progress can arise out of conflict. Technology progresses fastest amidst war. Chaos forces change. And of course, survival of the fittest. Consider the everyday mundane things in your life.”
“The Internet was created from the ARPANET as a communications system that could survive a nuclear war. GPS was created by the military. Satellites wouldn’t even be a thing if it weren’t for Nazi scientists. Then you have medicines like morphine, sulfa drugs, penicillin, and whatnot created because of war. So much of your technological progress in the last 200 years is a result of conflict. And because of that progress, humanity has undergone a population explosion. Your progress threatens the world. So we Asura help stem the tide. If it was left to the Yaksha, you humans would still be using leeches for fevers and wiping your asses with leaves” the Asura said with a slight grin. “You hinted my life was in danger. That Ora lied to me. What do you mean?” Mike asked. “You remember that chain you saw attached to your chest? As she said, that’s the connection our contract has. Ora would have you believe that breaking the bond is as simple as snapping that chain with her bullshit therapy sessions. Well, truthfully changes in your personality would sever our contract. However, that chain is deeply anchored in your soul. Breaking it would kill you or at best put you in a permanent coma. A meat puppet with a broken shattered soul. After all, that’s what killed your grandfather” the Asura said nonchalantly. “You killed my grandfather?!” Mike yelled. “No, he killed himself. While you were away in the Army, your grandfather went to great lengths to not shrink and torture girls. At one point he went two whole years” he said. “While you screamed in his mind to do it no doubt” Mike hissed. “Hey, our kind literally feed off that shit. Not everyone can live off of cheeseburgers, pizza, beer, and weed like you. Anyway, during a drinking binge and crying over your mother’s grave, he realized you would one day find out his secrets. And to avoid a repeat of your mother decided to get help. Care to guess who helped him? I’ll give you a hint. It rhymes with Ora” the Asura whispered smirking.
Mike sat there stunned beyond belief. “Didn’t you find it strange she knew exactly what buttons to press? How to go about precisely helping you? Contracts and those that make them, are all unique. She wasn’t even shocked you showing up at her door with an artifact. It’s because she did it before with your grandpa. She never told you any of this. Doesn’t sound like someone I’d trust” the Asura said. “But she said she knew my problems because of the Astral Plane, her spiritual sight” Mike muttered. “The Astral Plane is capable of great things such as revealing hidden emotions, but it cannot reveal the causes behind them. She let you draw your own conclusions using your memories like a fake Coney Island psychic” the Asura said smiling. Mike’s heart was pounding. His breathing deeper. “Good, embrace it” the Asura muttered. Mike glared at him. “The anger. Embrace it because angry GETS SHIT DONE” the Asura said excited. The Asura stood up and sat next to him. “If you embrace my power. Concede that you’re my avatar, I’ll grant you more power than just shrinking magics and a healthy body. Immortality. Mind control. Psychokinesis. Lightning. Real fucking power!” the Asura yelled. “Promise Katie and Kanya won’t fall under your gaze and you got a fucking deal” Mike hissed. “DONE” the Asura said with a booming voice. The sky in the scenery grew stormy. The wind picked up. Lightning crackled overhead as they shook on it.
“He looks like he’s coming out of it” Kanya said looking up at the giant. “Get back! His aura shifted!” Ora yelled having the two shrunken girls on the floor scoot back a few feet. Mike focused his eyes and stretched his neck. “Michael?” Ora asked wary floating in front of him. His eyes narrowed on her. “You lied to me” he said coldly. “Lied? What…what are you talking about?” Ora asked. “You…fucking…lied to me!” Mike yelled. “The Asura…whatever he told you was a lie” Ora said. “We were on the Astral Plane. You yourself said lies don’t exist there” he said slowly standing up. “Mike what’s going on?!” Katie yelled. “This half-truth selling bitch lied to me. Her ability to break the contract the Coin has on me was true but what she conveniently left out was doing so would most likely kill me. Ain’t that right Ora?” Mike asked. Ora saw his aura grow darker, but more troubling was the magics she sensed in him earlier had grown considerably stronger.“Is this true Ora?” Katie asked. Ora didn’t answer. “You bet your M&M sized ass it’s true. Not only that, but she’s also the main reason my grandfather is dead. She helped him break his contract and it killed him. That’s why you weren’t shocked at all when I showed up here for the first time. You already knew about the Coin. That my grandfather had a grandson. Also explains why the Asura shouted in my goddamned head to squash you. He knew how big a threat you truly were” Mike said coldly. He suddenly grabbed Ora as she hovered in the air. Instinctively, she began to use her magic to strike him down or at least let her go. “No bitch” Mike hissed as he commanded lightning to course though his hand painfully shocking Ora. She cried out and went limp. If it wasn’t for her near immortal body and natural inborn magic defenses, she would’ve been electrocuted.
“How did you learn about him? He come to you? You went to him?” Mike asked flicking her in the face with his giant finger. “I was meditating when a blip of shrinking magic registered in the Astral Plane. A freak chance really it happened when it did. It led me to him. When I found him he was a broken shell of a man and wanted to be free. It took nearly a year and a half before he was ready to be freed but he did it himself all alone in the end. Try as I could, I couldn’t find the Coin. But…but I knew…”
“You knew he had a grandson which would find it for you and make a contract of his own. Then all you had to do was bring me here and making sure the contract is broken here you could finally contain the Coin. Me ending up at the only Buddhist temple with someone that could point me your way wasn’t coincidence was it? WAS IT?!” Mike shouted squeezing her until a rib broke. “No, it wasn’t. My son cast a weak persuasion spell on you when you neared it” Ora whimpered. “With all your talk, you’re no better than the Asura” Mike said tossing her away. Mike put his shoes back on, shrunk his grandfather’s diary, and put it in his pocket. “But the curse…” Katie said. "I made a deal, so you and Kanya are immune from it. We’re leaving " Mike said coldly as he plucked up the girls. Mike walked to the front door. “Please…don’t leave. I admit I was wrong not telling you everything, but I truly wish to help you. I was struggling to find a way to save your grandfather at the end. A safe way to finally break the contract but he faced his final fear on his own and broke it himself. If you leave now the way you are, you may never be free of it” she said holding her side. Mike paused. “Please! Don’t give into your anger the way your grandfather did!” Ora yelled crying. “…you cross my path again and I’ll kill you” Mike said with glowing eyes. Ora fluttered down to the floor weeping. “I’m not going” Kanya said softly. Mike looked at her in his right hand. “Suit yourself. Katie?” Mike asked. “I’ll…I’ll stay with you” she whispered. Mike bent down and placed Kanya on the floor. “Look after him” Kanya whispered to Katie. Mike stormed out of the cabin. “This is all my fault. I should’ve told him everything, but I was too scared” Ora said crying. “Is he truly lost?” Kanya asked walking to her. “No, he let me live so some of him remains. But that light in the darkness is now flickering” Ora replied. As Mike drove home, Katie, sitting in the cup holder could see him wiping tears away. She realized he wasn’t just angry. He was hurt from being betrayed…again.
Hours later, Mike was sitting quietly on his sofa watching tv. “We going to talk about what happened?” Katie asked. “There’s nothing to talk about. You heard everything” he replied. “Is this what you really want in life? Shrinking and torturing innocent girls?” Katie asked. “…no” he replied softly. Mike stood up and grabbed his keys. “Where are you going?” she asked nervous. “I’m in the mood for hot wings” he said. “Are you going to…hurt another girl?” Katie asked. “It’s just wings dammit!” Mike yelled slamming the door behind him. Mike drove to Hartford which was about 35 minutes or so away. It gave him a little bit of time to really think on what he bargained for. It was true that it wasn’t what he wanted but seeing how freedom meant death, he saw little choice in the matter. The silver lining to him was at least if he went into withdrawals, Katie and Kanya would not be a target. He parked at Joe’s Wings and Beer. Best wings in town but the crowd left something to be desired. Biker gangs took it over so by no means was it a family diner. Think Buffalo Wild Wings with more felonies, tattoos, and fistfights. Mike walked in and it was like a cliche record scratch. Everyone paused at the strait-laced guy walking in. Mike sat at the bar table. “30 hot wings. Heavy on the sauce. To go. Meantime a beer on tap” Mike ordered. The bartender, wary of how others looked at Mike, served him up. A few minutes passed as Mike sipped his beer.
“You lost or something?” someone asked behind him. Mike turned around to find a rather large man in classic biker outfit staring at him. “Not really” Mike replied quietly. “Figured you might be as this is for Bikers. Diablos Bikers” he said pointing to a patch of the devil on the back of his jacket. “Thought this was a free country” Mike said sipping his beer. “Friend of yours baby?” a woman in her mid-20’s asked feeling his right shoulder. Dressed in a shirt too tight, chubby, way too much makeup, with boots to her shins. Mike found her unappealing. “Just saying he might want to find another place to drink” the man replied. “Look pal. I just want a beer while I wait for my wings. I’ll be out in 10 minutes. I don’t want trouble from you…or her” Mike said scrutinizing the man’s woman. “You got a problem with my wife?” the man asked catching Mike’s tone. Mike sighed. The man slapped the beer out of his hand sending its shattering onto the floor. “Now Lou, we don’t want no trouble” the bartender said. “Ain’t no trouble if this cockwart apologizes then fucks out of here” the man said. Mike stared at the spilled beer and broken glass on the floor. “I just wanted a fucking beer and wings” Mike hissed. “Tell me something…Lou was it? When you fuck her, is it like throwing a hotdog down a hallway? I mean does she even still have tread on the tire?” Mike asked smirking. “You motherfucker!” the man yelled throwing a punch.
Mike caught his fist and instantly fired off a lightning spell making the man scream as if being hit with a taser. The others went to get up. “You ain’t seen shit!” Mike yelled hitting them all with a mind control spell. All of them sat where they were talking and drinking once more as if nothing happened. Mike turned his attention to the woman who was too shocked to move. Mike grinned as he shrunk her where she stood to three inches tall. Getting off his barstool, Mike plucked her off the floor. Unconscious as expected, she just flopped around in his grip. “Get your ass up” Mike commanded Lou. Lou weakly stood up. Mike immediately placed him under his control. “No matter where I go there’s people like you. People that think they’re King Shit because they rule their sandbox. Well guess what Lou? I’m the new kid that just kicked sand in your fucking face telling you your “power” ain’t shit. And to prove my point, you’re going to eat your wife” Mike said with burning eyes. “One moment. Last thing I want is you to choke. Let’s get these ho ass starter kit clothes off little lady” Mike said tearing the shrunken clothes off his now tiny wife. Took him a moment with her boots and socks. Now with her naked, Mike focused back on Lou. “Open wide” he commanded. Lou opened his mouth and Mike placed his shrunken wife headfirst inside.
“Close your mouth and savor her flavor. Act like she’s the most flavorful piece of steak you ever fucking ate” he said. Lou sucked and ran his tongue all over her as he quietly moaned. Her tiny bare feet sticking out between his lips moving about as his giant tongue batted her around. “Good. Work up some saliva and swallow her” Mike said. Lou paused and slurped her in. Then he swallowed. Mike watched as the bulge passed down his throat disappearing past his collarbone. “You won’t remember a thing about tonight except in your nightmares. Let it drive you fucking crazy” Mike hissed as he sat back down. Mike dismissed him with a wave of his hand. “Your wings are up sir” the bartender said giving him the bag. “On you right?” Mike asked with glowing eyes. “Y…yes sir. On the house” the bartender stammered. Mike left and got into his car.
“Well now. It seems you’re enjoying your new powers quite well” the Asura said. “Let’s get something straight. I’m not your ride or die murder buddy. We do this it’s going to be my way. You’ll get your tributes, but I call the shots” Mike said starting the car. “Whatever you say Michael. Whatever you say…” the Asura said softly.
At the moment, the tiniest crack in the Coin formed…
@size_master Wow seems the Asura is about a step closer to getting free of the coin with a crack, and Ora should of told Mike the whole truth in the first place, Mike thinks he has full control, but it seems to be another trick to get the Asura his freedom. Again great writing, love the plot twists, and turns.
- 7 days later
Chapter 14…Collecting Ladybugs
Three weeks had passed since the day Mike made his Faustian bargain with the Asura. Three weeks since the incident at Joe’s Wings. In that time, Mike had been searching for a way to uphold his end of the deal while not trying to hunt girls he found “innocent”. However, his definition was Draconian at best. The other day by chance he stumbled upon an article about a prison transport for a semi-famous woman who murdered her husband for an insurance payout…again. She was a black widow and not the sexy Marvel kind. But what really caught his attention was she would be transported with 12 other prisoners. Mike figured if he could somehow capture them all, he could subsist off them for months. But such a thing wouldn’t be easy and surely garner attention. So Mike began to plan, and plan, and plan. He decided on faking a deadly bus accident was best. Going back to when he murdered Katie’s old friends, the best idea would be to severely damage the shrunken bus and toss it into a river. But unlike last time, timing was critical. A prison bus wasn’t just easy pickings.
He agreed to himself that if it was under escort he’d call it off. Now for another matter, containing 13 shrunken women. “What’re you up to?” Katie asked breaking his concentration startling him. “Sorry, didn’t mean to spook you” she said. “No, I needed a break. I was planning on kidnapping a bunch of female prisoners” he said flatly. Katie was beyond being shocked by him by this point. “Won’t that be noticed?” she asked. “Hence the planning. What’s really on your mind?” he asked. “Just lonely is all” she shrugged sitting on the sofa next to him. “I have been…preoccupied” he said picking her up. His giant lips kissed her cheek. “You think I made the wrong choice don’t you?” he asked. “I think you sacrificed your happiness in a fit of anger” she replied. “At one time, I did consider suicide to…to protect you and Kanya but having you in my life, I don’t want it to end. This way I can have some semblance of a life with you” he said quietly. He put her back down, got up, and grabbed his keys. “Need to run some errands. I should be back within the hour" he said leaving her.
Mike drove into town and made his first stop at an old hobby shop. The old shop sold model trains, cars, gunpla models, tiny buildings, doll houses, and even doll clothes of varying sizes. He knew of the place as his grandfather took him now and then to buy something. The bell dinged as he opened the door. The place smelled of old memories. Mike wondered once or twice why his grandfather had a tab here. He didn’t exactly play with models of any kind. But today, Mike realized this place would be very convenient for someone who shrunk people…like him. Mike picked out a few very intricate buildings that could fit in his hands, some cheap dollhouse beds made of plastic, and a few sets of clothing for Katie. All in all, it came to just under $200. A good investment for what he had planned. Now he was off to the pet’s store.
A small, franchised store in town that one could buy the expected pets of your choice. Dogs, cats, birds, even snakes. And a little groomer room one could pamper your pet. “Looking for a cute puppy or kitty?” a young woman asked as he entered the door. Mike found her reasonably cute. Her name tag said Hanna and appeared fresh out of high school. Mike was sorely tempted to shrink her and just take her home, but Mike was trying something different out. Shrinking those that deserved it. Part of him hoped she would show herself to be a bitch or at least an annoying Karen to justify it. “No, not today. Shopping for a terrarium” Mike replied. “Let’s see what we have to offer shall we?” she said leading him to the back. As they walked, he heard a woman cursing from the groomer room. Then what sounded like a painful yelp of a dog. “Bet your ass will keep still now” the voice said. Mike stopped as his view went into the room. Woman in her late 20’s was squeezing a dog’s leg hard trying to clip his nails. He found he could read her aura. It damn near looked like smog to him. “This way?” Hanna asked. Mike quietly nodded and followed. She took him to the reptile section. Turtles, snakes, lizards in their different terrariums. “Not your thing?” Mike asked seeing her tense. “Not quite” she giggled. Mike picked up a small lizard and held it. She flinched. “Maybe pretend he can speak with a British accent? Hello Hanna, may I interest you in car insurance?” Mike said with a fake accent. Hanna laughed and made a squeak as he placed the lizard on her arm. “Reptiles get a bad rap but many of them are totally harmless and are important to the ecosystem. They help keep the vermin population down. Speaking of which…I’ll be right back” he told her hearing more cursing.
“Shut your goddamn whining!” the woman yelled hitting the dog. Mike stood in the doorway. As he stood in the doorway, he fired off a cluster of small well placed lightning spells frying the cameras. “People that abuse animals are the same as those that abuse kids. Inflicting pain on those that only wish to love you. Weak, defenseless, knowing they can’t stop you. Don’t get me wrong, I abuse women but at least they have a some kind of choice when it comes to submitting” he said coldly holding the Coin in his pocket. “Who the fuck…” she said before Mike shrunk her down to four inches. “You okay buddy?” Mike said petting the dog. He picked her up and for a moment considered feeding her to the dog, but he had a better idea. He casually walked back to where he left Hanna. Mike placed her under a mind control spell for the moment. “Sorry Hanna, had to take care of something that irked me. Going back to reptiles, like I said they help reduce the vermin population. Case in point” he said opening the top of a terrarium with a baby Python inside. He tore off the woman’s clothing as she stayed unconscious. With a small jolt of electricity, he woke her before dropping her in the case.
She panicked seeing a giant and a very familiar giantess peering down on her. “Hanna! Hanna help me!” she screamed. Mike was curious as he could sense almost glee in Hanna. Fear and awe but definitely glee rising within her. Mike eased his hold on her. "You always were a bitch Janice. Giving me double shifts at the last second, me covering for you when you hurt customers pets. “Look behind you” she said. The woman Janice turned around to see the python moving towards her. It’s forked tongue taking in her scent. Sensing heat from prey it approached. To Janice it might as well have been a monster from Greek legend. The Python, the shrunken human was just another mouse. An oddly smelling one. Janice frantically beat her fists on the plastic wall begging and screaming for help. Then, the crackle of wood chips behind her caused her to stop. She turned around as the python rose above her.
Janice looking up sobbing as it came down upon her. Its jaws enveloped her head right to her bare tits. It lifted her off her feet and began to unhinge its jaws pulling the struggling woman inside. Slowly, slowly it pulled her in until only her thrashing legs were exposed. Another minute and they were gone. It closed its mouth and the last the world saw of Janice was her little toes. The snake lied down as a human shaped bulge made its way down its body. With no air, Janice began to suffocate. Thrashing and then convulsing. Then nothing. “How long does it take to digest a mouse?” Mike asked. “Three days, two if it’s not too hairy” Hanna replied with a grin. “Two days to digest a shrunken woman it is then. Learn something new every day. Make sure you clean up what’s left” Mike said. “About that terrarium?” she asked. “How silly of me. I forgot. One about a foot in length and three feet width” he replied. Hanna nodded and fetched one matching what he needed. Mike left a happy customer and Hanna apparently the new manager of the store. Mike made a mental note of Hanna. Even with the usual forget command, something about her demeanor made Mike think part of her did remember anyways…and she liked it.
Back at home…
“Kill anyone this time?” Katie asked as he carried his stuff in. “Only one but I assure you she deserved it. She beat dogs until they howled in pain” Mike replied as he carried the stuff down to the basement. Mike didn’t bother with the basement as it stored what was too large, unimportant, and bulky to be placed in the attic. Christmas tree, boxes of ornaments. Old clothing. Things you would expect in a dark dingy basement. Before, Mike forbid Katie and Kanya to explore it as even he wasn’t he wasn’t sure how safe it was for them. He set the things down and pulled out the folding card table. Then he set the terrarium on it. Over the course of the day, he built his makeshift prison. A half inch of dirt filling the bottom. Compacted flat and allowed to dry. Then he placed the buildings, the prisoners barracks. Next the beds as he popped their removable roofs off. Then gluing small LED lights to the ceilings for light. By afternoon, Mike had begun planting tiny plants in the terrarium like clovers and lavenders for a weak source of clean fresh oxygen. By nightfall, Mike had left and returned with two port o pottys shrunk and stolen from a construction site. Before bed, he showed it to Katie. “Whoa. You really put some thought into this. They even got a place to piss and shit” she said. “And tomorrow public bathing, laundry, and drinking water” he said. “When are you doing this?” she asked. “Tomorrow night. They’re transporting them at night” he replied carrying her upstairs.
Mike perfected his prison. By that afternoon with two small shallow bowls for bathing and laundry and bottle caps for drinking water. All he needed now was some shrunken prisoners. At sundown, Mike left and headed down 95 highway towards the town of Guilford. The prison bus heading towards New Haven would most likely take the less traffic route of Route 1. One would wonder how Mike would know such things. Truth of it is, back in the Army, convoys would usually do the same things for the same reasons. You don’t change what works. Mike parked his car on the side of the road, just before the Ipswich bridge, and turned on his hazard lights. Now he just had to wait. “Interesting plan of yours” the Asura said. Mike said nothing. Just a little past 9pm, the bus’s headlights came into view. He could hear the Diesel engine going as it approached. Tractor trailers wouldn’t be taking this road over the highway, so he knew this was it. Now came the risky part.
Mike stood in the middle of the road trying to flag down the bus. His smile growing seeing no patrol cars with it. The bus came to a halt and an officer stepped out of the bus with a shotgun. “You need to move out of the middle of the road sir!” the officer said. “Just a moment sir” Mike said grinning as he suddenly shrunk the bus to 3 and a half inches in length making anyone inside a half inch tall and now unconscious. The officer heard something and turned around. Mike then shrunk the man to an inch in height. He plucked him up and carried him to side of the bridge. “Ready for your first physics lesson Asura? The river below is 57 feet down and a normal sized person jumping or falling off would die. However, someone his size would survive. The reason is his shrunken body would hit terminal velocity within a second. But if I put some speed into his fall like so and then unshrink him…” Mike said throwing the shrunken man down as hard as he could and then willing him back to normal size. The man hit the water with a sickening splash and didn’t resurface. Mike then picked up the bus and carried it to the car. Using his car key, he broke the windshield, tore open the roof, and began plucking prisoner after shrunken female prisoner out. “Interesting. More than what was reported” he muttered counting not 13 but 21 of them. Mike figured this would work in his favor however.
Weeding out the older, unattractive ones, he left them inside along with another officer and the driver. Now having collected who he wanted, it was time to cover his crime. Mike walked back with the bus with 8 prisoners plus the two still inside. “You going to drop them too?” the Asura asked. “You’re close. Physics lesson number two. An object in motion will stay in motion unless a net force acts on it. You saw that already with the cop. Now here’s the cool part. If I throw this shrunken bus at 55 mph, even if I unshrink it, it will still be moving through the air at 55 mph even if the mass changes. Observe” he said. Mike threw the bus right at the guardrail and unshrunk it immediately. The 35 ft. bus slammed into the guardrail hard smashing right through it. The bus plummeted below into the deep river water. “Of course they’ll find it, but with the damage and the bodies conclude everyone was killed. They’ll search for the missing anyways, but they’ll give up soon enough” Mike said coldly walking back to the car. He started it, turned off the hazard lights, and drove home.
Katie was very eager to see him as he returned worried if something would happen. She had mixed feelings about his success. Mike immediately carried the box of prisoners downstairs and one by one with a very fine permanent marker, numbered them 1 through 13. “No sense in learning their names” he chuckled. After that he placed them in the terrarium and filled the caps with drinking water. Now he would just wait until tomorrow to begin his sick games. While in bed, Katie asked him a question. “Mike, if a wanted to build a life with you, I mean a real life, would you with me?” she asked. “You mean like marry you? I’m not the marrying kind if you hadn’t noticed” he replied. “Haven’t you even thought about it once?” she asked. “Well yeah but if you were paying attention, marriages don’t exactly work in my family. Almost like the men are cursed” he chuckled. “Not even me?” she asked. Mike didn’t answer. Katie rolled away from him and began crying softly taking his silence as no. “You would want us to bring a child into this? Seriously?” Mike asked. Katie turned to look at him. “Absolutely not” he said coldly. “THEN YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE CUM INSIDE ME!” she screamed. “Then I won’t” he said sharply. “Too little too late for that” she muttered. Mike picked her up and placed her on his chest. “Why do you say that?” he asked. “My period is a week late. I…I think I’m pregnant” she stammered. She saw wide eyed terror in his eyes. “Oh my god…oh my god…” he muttered. He rubbed his finger on her bare belly. Katie saw something she never seen him do before. Mike had a panic attack. “I can’t expose the baby to this…I can’t…” he said gasping. “Calm down! Take deep breaths” she said. Mike did and slowly calmed down. “We don’t even know yet. I just might be late is all” she said. “And if not?” he asked. “I do want a baby and I understand your concerns…I…”
“We’ll figure it out if it comes. That’s all we can hope for right now” he said softly. She crawled to his face and kissed his lips. “I guess I should unshrink you. God knows what stress on the baby would be you climbing and whatnot” he said. “I’ll be fine for now. Besides, I like being tiny around you. So weak and helpless” she said giggling. Mike used his fingers to tug her panties and night grown off. He took a sensual lick of her body before spreading her legs. Mike was gentle as he sucked her tiny pussy. Katie rubbed her wet little cunt against his tongue until she shuddered and came. He laid her back down and covered her with the bedsheets. He stayed awake petting her small bare ass until she fell asleep. Mike stayed awake worried about bringing a baby into his chaos. “Do I even have the right to be a father?” he asked himself deep into the night.
The next morning…
Deeply curious about what Mike was doing, Katie tagged along as he carried her with some bit of food down to the basement. “Good morning my little prisoners!” Mike yelled as he sat down before the terrarium. Before that moment, they had been running their hands along the expansive clear walls of the terrarium. Now seeing a massive giant, they scrambled to the center. Mike scraped some scrambled egg and pieces of bacon into the terrarium. Only a few raced over to eat it. “Oh, I assure you it’s not poisoned or anything. After you eat I’ll begin explaining what’s going on” he told them. Mike gave them 15 minutes to eat. During that time all kept their gaze on him. “Okay, let’s begin. First off, no this is not a dream and no you didn’t die and was sent to Hell. This is all very real. Two, yes you were shrunk. By me obviously” he said. “Why?” one shouted. Mike peered down like a god scrutinizing of his soon to be worshippers. He recognized her as the Black Widow from the news. Again, not the sexy Marvel one.
“For reasons only I need to know” he replied. “And her?” she asked looking at the mini giantess Katie. “My girlfriend” he replied. “Look asshole, whatever this is the cops are going to find you. You think a bunch of us going missing won’t get noticed?” she asked. “Oh, I planned on it. I seriously doubt they’ll come here specifically looking for ladybug sized prisoners. Maybe I should call you ladybugs from now on. Get it because you’re ladies the size of bugs now” Mike chuckled. Katie snickered but the others didn’t find it amusing. “Fuck you!” she shouted with a few others in tow. “You must be the alpha bitch in this pack. Well congrats, you’re about to become an example” he said suddenly plucking her up between his fingers. It took a bit of concentration not to crush her squirming body. Mike placed her on the table. “Figures, you’re number 13” he chuckled before getting up and looking for something. “You see, being that small probably screws with visual perspective. To show you how small and pathetic you all are…” he said dropping something on the table. It was an ordinary dime. Mike placed her next to it. As you can all see you’re pretty tiny. Bet you can’t even lift that" he said. The woman stood on top of it. “Whatever you got planned we ain’t doing it. Bigger…hehe…men than you have tried. Ain’t that right girls?” she asked. This time the other prisoners didn’t cheer with her. “Girls?” she asked. “Read up on you. Murdered three of your husbands for insurance money. First one by sabotaging his asthma inhaler. Second by allergic reaction. The third burned down the house. Killed his two kids in the last one. Got sentenced to death which is why you were being transferred. Let’s get something straight for every one of you tiny shits. I ain’t your correction officer, I ain’t your prison warden. I’m your FUCKING GOD” he said coldly plucking the woman up. He placed her on the tip of his finger and brought her close to the wall of the terrarium. “Since you were supposed to be executed, I don’t think society should be cheated out of it. Ever hear of the expression “ride the lightning”? Ride the lightning ladybug” Mike said coldly as he fired off a small but deadly to her continuous burst of lightning. She didn’t scream. She gripped his fingertip with her hands and ankles tighter. “Holy shit. You’d think she’d fall of or jump or something” Katie said watching the static electric looking spark from his fingertip.
“She can’t. Electrocution is a motherfucker. A little small current like a shock from a wall outlet will make you jump and knock you back but real current like this here fucks with your nervous system making your muscles just lock up. The victim literally grasps harder because of it. Ohh…” Mike said ending his lesson as the tiny woman caught on fire. She dropped to the table smoking like a burnt-up match head. “Reminds me of the time I forgot about a hotdog on the grill. Anyway, hopefully that’s the last outburst of rebellion from you little bugs. Now on to the important stuff. What’s going to happen to you all. Have any of you seen Squid Game?” he asked. One broke down crying. “Apparently she has. For those that haven’t you’re all going to participate in a series of challenges. For the first few, you’ll be in teams of six. You get to pick your teammates. Now before you scout out the beefy bitches around you not all the challenges are physical. Some require some thinking, so I suggest you pick some smart girls to balance your teams. The losing team of a challenge gets shrunk even smaller and end up being the playthings of the other team for the week. Also, the losing team votes on who was the worst player among them. The one voted worst dies. Now I know what you might be thinking. That’ll all this will go on until you’re all dead. Nope. Here’s the carrot on the stick. You get to go free. The final winner gets to leave full size. With some of you serving life sentences, I bet that sounds good right?” Mike said finishing up. The shrunk prisoners looked at one another. A few nodded. “Great. I’ll see you all later. In the meantime, pick your teammates and may the odds be in your favor” Mike said laughing. Mike picked up Katie and carried her back upstairs. Mike sat in the sofa quietly. “Now do you understand my concern about having a kid? You get it now?” he asked her. “That woman…” Katie muttered. “Was evil. Did she deserve to die that way I’m in no right mind to judge. I’m the worst kind of hypocrite. A hypocrite with power” he whispered.
“We’ve been at this for three weeks! What you’re asking for is impossible!” Kanya yelled. “No, it is possible. All those that carry even a drop of Yaksha blood are capable of magic. You already know you have the ability of aura sight. If Michael is to be saved, it will take more than me to do it. It will take someone he trusts, someone he loves. Someone with magic” Ora told her. “So you said before, but you also said that meditation can unlock my magic. My tiny ass has been sitting here meditating day in and day out for three weeks and nothing’s come of it” Kanya said. “Those of mixed blood come into their magic in different ways. Some it’s there at birth like me. Others it comes during puberty. Some even as they lose their virginity. And for the others…” Ora sighed growing to human size. She picked Kanya up. Ora petted her for a moment. Kanya grew anxious as Ora had a sad look upon her. “And others what?” Kanya asked. Ora began pulling off Kanya’s clothing. “What…what’re you doing?!” Kanya yelled. Ora held the now nude Kanya over her head. “And for the others, it comes on the verge of death” she replied opening her mouth. “Ora…Ora stop! DON’T EAT ME! ORAAAAAA!” Kanya screamed as she was lowered into her mouth. Ora closed her mouth trapping her inside and with a loud gulp sent her down into her stomach. Kanya landed with a splash surrounded by darkness and foul barely breathable air. “Ora let me out! LET ME OUT!” Kanya screamed battering her fists on the stomach walls.
The stomach acids very slowly began to rise sensing a morsel to be digested. Ora patted her tummy feeling Kanya struggling inside. “I pray to the gods you succeed Kanya. If not, it is a less cruel end than what would come when fate sends you his way unprepared” she said whispering.
Chapter 15…Let the Games Begin
After the allotted time, Mike and Katie returned to the basement this time holding a chess set. “Alright my little ladybugs. Have you all picked your teams?” he asked. As if anticipating his next command, they visually separated into two groups of six. Closely inspecting them, some that didn’t cringe as the giant got closer, showed signs of a scuffle. Mike chuckled seeing that the selection wasn’t unanimously agreed on. Mike began setting up the chessboard. Once he was done, he lowered his hand into the terrarium. “Group one get in my hand” he said. Nervous and frightened, they obeyed. Seeing the swirls in his flesh made them realize how tiny they were. Six adult women picked up effortlessly like bugs. Mike moved slowly for them and set his hand down on the table. “Now hop off” he said. They did as told. He repeated the process for the next group. “As you probably guessed, you all are going to play a game of chess. The rules are almost the same as a normal game of chess. One exception though. You won’t be picking up the pieces. You’ll be pushing them with you whole body” he said. “That’s not fair! Even that pawn must weight 700 lbs. easy!” one shouted. Mike looked upon her and she immediately regretted opening her mouth. “You have a point ladybug #7” he said before shrinking the board and pieces to 1/4 its size. Now it’s just 175 lbs. for you. If a piece falls, I’ll pluck it up for you. It goes without saying stamina as well as brains will be required for this. There will be a one-hour time limit. Once time is up, the side with the lowest number of points loses" he said. “Ladybug #7. Call it in the air” he said dropping a dime on the table. “Heads” she squeaked. The dime landed close to them knocking the shortest weakest ones on their teeny, little asses. “Heads it is. What color?” he asked. “White” she replied. Mike pulled his phone out. “And begin!” he said starting the timer.
Mike watched as they started off with pawn G2 to G4. Two of the ladybugs shoved the pawn to the location. The black team countered with the same. Mike scooted back with Katie to allow the ladybugs to play without him leering over them. “That’s a good strategy” Mike muttered watching black team. “You play chess?” Katie asked. “Not for a while but it’s not the game I was talking about. Two of them push the piece and then trade off to rest. Playing chess is one thing, shrunk down and forced to move the pieces like that is another. It discourages you from using long range moves like bishops and rooks. Then again, it’s pretty hard to win without them” Mike replied watching with a grin. White knight took pawn and Mike plucked it away startling one of the players. His words about those that lose once again fresh in her mind. She scrambled back yelling at one of them. Apparently the one giving the moves. They argued and the one giving the moves was slapped. “Tick tock ladies” Mike warned. The ladybugs now moved the bishop from C8 to C7. White knight takes another pawn. Black bishop takes a pawn. White team rallies with four ladybugs pushing their bishop across the board taking the black bishop. Mike watches grinning knowing the outcome.
15 minutes later…
“No…no please…” one of the ladybugs of black team begs as the entire white team pushing the Queen into position. “CHECKMATE!” they yelled. “And the winner with 11 minutes left is the white team! White team, please board my hand to return to your home” Mike said. Their happiness at winning was shadowed by the reminder of their circumstances. "Please vote on the MVP of your team today as he dropped them back inside. “As for the back team, vote on the one you consider the reason you lost. You have 10 minutes” Mike said. Mike and Katie watched as they squabbled until they singled out one. “Her” one said pushing her forward. Mike recognized her as the main one giving out moves. “May I ask why?” he asked. “She told us where to move them. Because of her she lost the game” she replied. “ME?! I told you it was stupid to move that bishop!” the one singled out yelled. “She has a point. You were doing well until you panicked” he said pointing to the one that answered him. “Yeah see?! It wasn’t me!” the tiny young woman squeaked. “But the rules are the rules. I don’t decide, you do. Sorry ladybug #11” Mike sighed growing her to two inches tall. Mike picked her up. “Please don’t eat me. I did my best” she whimpered. Mike petted her with his fingertip. “I know you did so I won’t let you suffer” he whispered now holding her head between his fingers. Mike twisted quickly snapping her neck like a toothpick. Her teammates cringed at the now lifeless body they condemned. Mike tore off her prison clothes until she was naked. Looking at them below, Mike placed her body on his tongue and brought it back into his mouth. They nearly fainted as he swallowed with a loud gulp sending her to his stomach.
“As for the rest of you. Time for your penalty” he said slowly shrinking them even smaller to now a quarter inch tall. Mike had to squint to make out their faces. “Back into my hand” he said coldly. Terrified, they did now holding one another. Mike placed them back in. “Winning team, you may use them for your pleasure if you want. Just don’t kill or injure them. Later this afternoon I’ll return with your food reward and the MVP of your choosing” he said. “What…what do they get?” one asked. “Time outside this box” Mike replied. One or two of the white team grabbed a defeated back team member, who stood pussy high to them now. The screamed as they were carried off. The others seeing this fled, and the white team ran after them. Soon, almost all of them had a ladybug of their own to do with as they pleased.
“Come on little one. I’ve protected you long enough” Ora muttered taking her glowing finger off her belly. Kanya had been sitting in her stomach for just over an hour and normally a shrunken person would’ve perished by now. Ora however, had been using her magic to sustain the oxygen inside her tummy as well as keep Kanya’s bare flesh from being dissolved by stomach acids. That just ended. Kanya, who has been sitting down crying, felt the acid levels rising once more. "No…no no! “Let me out! Let me…out” Kanya sobbed kicking her bare feet into the stomach walls. The acids began to make her skin itch. “This is it. I’m gonna die” she whimpered. Kanya reflected on the people in her life. Her parents, brother, grandmother. The boy she had a crush on in seventh grade. Katie…and then Mike. A swirl of emotions began to form thinking of him. How he killed her family. Raped her. Toyed with her. Sent her on this path leading to her death. “Fuck you! FUCK YOU!” she screamed standing up. Her voice almost drowned by Ora’s heartbeat and the gurgling of her stomach. The acids burned her skin now. “Mike…” she whimpered as she remembered his kindness, guilt, self-loathing, the desire to be free…and the sacrifice he made to keep her safe. Her anger and rage transformed into a desire to save him. To love him. “Please…I just want…to see him…again” she said as the stale air made her dizzy. Kanya fell into the stomach acids. Her final wish was to be loved by him one last time.
Kanya felt a hand grasp hers and pull her up. An ethereal light the resembled her stood before her. It smiled briefly before entering her body. Suddenly, she felt a surge of power and rocketed up into Ora’s esophagus and out her mouth. Dizzy and vision blurred, she felt Ora pick her up. “Oh thank the gods!” Ora yelled feeling her throat. Kanya, with her tiny hands, punched Ora in the nose bloodying it, before passing out in her hand. “I deserved that” Ora said holding her nose.
Mike had begun cooking lunch. Humming to himself as he flipped burgers on his pan. “You seem…happier” Katie commented. “I feel better after eating that girl. Our resident Asura was going through withdrawals. Seems like not killing them myself doesn’t pay out as much like if I did” he said. “Sounds like drug addiction” she said. “You’re not far off. Killing them. Eating them. Ending their puny lives gives me a rush. A burst of euphoria that slowly tapers off. And when I go awhile not doing it I get urges and cravings. I look at women on the street as playthings…as prey” he said checking the burgers. “What makes me different?” she asked. “Maybe you’re the first I shrunk? Maybe I got to know you? Or maybe…maybe you still love me even because of this” he replied quietly. Mike finished cooking and quickly fried some fries to go with it. “Time to get our guest” he said leaving her on the table. Mike went to the basement. “Okay. Who’s the MVP of the game?” he asked. Nervously, one stepped forward. “The one giving the moves for you team. Come with me” he said plucking her up. The tiny woman looked up at the giant with a “please don’t eat me” expression as he walked back upstairs. Mike placed her on the table. “Hold still” Mike said slowly growing her to four inches tall. Now larger, Mike got a better look of her. 21 or 22 years old. Biracial apparently with her green eyes and peanut colored skin. Not a bad looking in his opinion. “You’re…not going to eat me right?” she asked. “No ladybug #5. You’re a guest for lunch” he replied serving the food. “Katie could you help our guest?” he asked cutting up the second burger. Katie gestured to her to eat. The young woman pounced on the food devouring it. “Slow down there. Don’t want to choke” Mike said pouring some water into bottle caps. Once he was done, he cut a portion of burger and grabbed a few fries to take to the basement. He dropped the food inside the terrarium where he saw a few of the winning prisoners raping the smaller losing ones. “Don’t mind me. Just serving the winners some better food. You losers can beg for your share” he said smirking before leaving again.
“So, what’s your real name?” Katie asked. “Sarah…Sarah Donovan” she replied wiping the grease from her face. “What you in for?” Mike asked. “Credit card fraud. Sentenced to 15 years” she replied. “Bet you never in your wildest dreams think you’d be shrunk and ended up here” Mike chuckled. “Not really” she muttered. “15 years?” Katie asked. “Well, I did steal about $86,000 before I was caught” Sarah shrugged. Mike watched quietly as Katie and Sarah made awkward small talk. “If you’re done eating, we can watch tv” Mike said. “O…okay” Sarah said. Mike carried them to the sofa and queued up Netflix. “Stranger Things has a season 3 and 4?!” she asked. “Must’ve been away awhile” Mike said. “2019” she replied. Mike shrugged and began playing episode one of season 3. After a few hours, Sarah noticed the giant petting Katie sexually. “That feel good sweetie?” Mike whispered rubbing his finger up and down her panty covered cunt. “Yeah” she sighed. Mike brought her to his face and kissed her. Sarah watched with morbid curiosity as they made out. “Uncomfortable? You can join in if you like” Mike said smirking. “I’m fine! I was just…how does that work?” she asked. “Not rocket science. Hold her steady and lick and suck her tiny pussy. It’s cute how she curls those tiny sexy toes when she cums” Mike replied. “Mike!” Katie yelled. “Well, it is” Mike shrugged. He looked at the clock. “Why don’t we take a bath” Mike said. He fit up and carried them to the bathroom. He ran the tub and sink. “He’s not going to rape me is he?” Sarah asked watching Katie strip. “He teases. If he wanted to, he would be far more straightforward” Katie replied. Sarah’s eyes got huge seeing the biggest dick in her life come into view as Mike took off his boxers.
“Like what you see?” Mike said smirking. Sarah blushed and turned around as she took her prison clothes off. Following Katie, Sarah slipped into the hot water. She sighed as she settled in. “Feels weird in a good way right?” Katie asked. “Yeah it does. Bathing in a sink but it’s the first bath I’ve had in three years” Sarah replied. “Hold still” Katie said soaping her hands to wash Sarah’s hair. “That’s okay I’m fine” Sarah said. “Don’t mind her Sarah. Her friend just moved out and she misses a girl her size” Mike said scrubbing himself. “He means Kanya. I did kinda get attached to her before she moved away” Katie muttered. “What was she like?” Sarah asked. Sarah listened to her talk about Kanya. Sarah returned the favor by washing Katie’s hair and back. Mike finished before they did and let the two soak for a few extra minutes. “Whys he really doing this?” Sarah asked. “That’s complicated. In his heart he really doesn’t want to but certain things kinda made it happen this way” Katie replied. “And that stuff about magic?” she asked. “Very real” Katie replied. “If I had that kind of power…” Sarah muttered. “And?” Katie asked. “Let’s just say I wouldn’t have been a broke bitch sitting in prison. Money and any man or woman I want” Sarah replied. “That’s how it’s starts. Power and control. But like him it came with a cost. The fear your own power turned on people you love” Katie said softly. “What? That magic is some monkey’s paw shit?” Sarah asked. “Something like that” Katie replied. “You ladies done?” Mike asked returning. “Pretty much” Katie shrugged. Mike has them sit on the edge of the sink as he drained the water. “You said any man or woman?” Katie asked. “Yeah I’m bi. That’s not a problem is it?” Sarah asked worried. “No” Katie replied. Mike heard them talking.
“Katie’s very cute isn’t she Sarah?” Mike asked as he tore toilet paper strips. “…yeah” Sarah replied blushing. Mike began to hold Katie in place as he slowly dried her body. Rubbing her little tits, rubbing her pussy until she squirmed. “I don’t think she’s ever been with a girl” he said. “Mike…stop…” Katie groaned. Mike kissed the back of her head. “She’s a precious little thing” he said whispering. Mike handed Katie a dry strip of paper. His finger nudged her closer to Sarah. “Always screwing around” she sighed as she dried off Sarah. Katie paused as she was face to face with Sarah. Sarah leaned in and kissed her. Mike picked them up and carried them both to his bed. With the slightest hypnotic nudge, he had them making out. Sarah broke off her kiss to begin kissing her tits. Katie gasped as Sarah sucked her nipples. Sarah went lower with butterfly kisses down her chest and tummy. She went past her pussy kissing her leg down to her right foot biting her arch. Katie squealed as the shrunken girl sucked her big toe. Sarah went back up, spread her pussy lips and began eating her out. Mike used his finger to raise Sarah’s ass up and leaned in. He nearly sucked her entire ass into his mouth as his tongue licked her cheeks. Sarah moaned into Katie’s pussy as his taste buds tickled her labia.
Mike was rougher with his tongue than Sarah, so she ended up cumming first. Mike drank her dew drops and let go. Katie leaned forward making Sarah stop and pinned her to the bed. Still high off an orgasm, Sarah’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as Katie ate her pussy. Mike turned his attention on Katie sucking her legs to the hip into his mouth. Her lean muscular legs sucked on like a Popsicle. Her tiny feet tickled by his tongue. Mike let go and kissed her bare ass and up her back finally ending with the back of her head. Katie let go of Sarah, her mouth slick with pussy juice and began to rub her cunt on Sarah’s. Mike watched contented as both shrunken girls made each other cum. Both exhausted, Mike picked Sarah up. “Guess it’s time you went back” he said. He collected her clothes and handed them to her. Sarah got dressed and once she had, Mike shrunk her back down to a half inch tall. He gestured for her to climb into his hand. “Can we do this again?” she asked. Mike strained to hear her squeaking. “If you win and voted the MVP again” he replied smiling. He carried her back to the terrarium and placed her inside. Seeing she was very much alive, the others bombarded her with questions. They quickly realized she got exceptional treatment just by her smell alone. Sarah made the very questionable decision to tell them everything that happened.
“She was a nice girl” Katie said enjoying her first lesbian sexual hookup. “Very nice but you shouldn’t get attached to her” he said. “You’d still kill her if she’s voted out?” Katie asked mortified. “Not that simple. The others are going to know she got very special treatment tonight. Some might be motivated to do better, and some might be envious enough to fuck her over” he replied. “You knew. You set this up” she said. “I can’t tell the future. It’s on them what they do not me” he scoffed. “But it’s up to you in the end” she said. “…Sarah is a smart girl. I left something in the terrarium that can help her team win the next game…if she realizes it” he said.
Kanya awoke to the sound of thunder. She was in a huge bedroom with Ora near her side. Ora’s finger resting on her bare belly. Kanya angrily shoved it away. “You’re awake” Ora said rubbing her eyes. She turned the nightstand lamp on. “No thanks to your ass! You goddamn ate me!” Kanya yelled. “To instinctively force your awakening. I even delayed your succumbing to my stomach for an hour” Ora said. “It doesn’t make it right!” Kanya yelled. “I did what I did to prepare you. Yours and Michaels paths are intertwined. You either die as a weak little human or have a fighting chance as a Yaksha. There is nothing else” Ora said coldly. Kanya moved her body and winced. “Careful. My healing magic fixed the burns to your skin but forcing that much magic out on your first successful attempt takes a physical toll” Ora said. “…thanks” Kanya huffed. “I…I did not wish to do it. I find previous experience making my decisions at the moment” she said. “You did this before?” Kanya asked. “Long ago with my younger sister. She was like you, one not born with magic. I was able to coax her magic out through meditation. With simple magics she could use at the time” she replied. “What is her name?” Kanya asked. “Aina. Her name was Aina” Ora replied. “Was?” Kanya asked. “She died at the hands of an Asura. She was not ready, and I am to blame for that” Ora replied with a whisper. “What happened?” Kanya asked. “It was the spring of 1508 in Siam, now known as southeast Thailand. There were reports of a village in a valley that worshipped an Asura. It was said that one would walk through mist and enter a village of bounty where none wanted for anything. And an Asura was its leader. Asura never do anything for the good of others, so my mother sent me to investigate. As soon as I entered the valley I came across the mist. Immediately I could sense shrinking magics woven into it.”
“I returned with my findings and my mother told me to return to dispel this mist and subdue the Asura. My sister begged to come with me. My mother asked if she was ready. I lied and said yes to not disappoint my sister. Mother said she was in my care. We returned to the valley and as soon as we dispelled the mist, the Asura attacked us. I traded blow for blow with the demon. Strong, powerful, more cunning than most of his kind. I was staggered by an attack. Blinded and deaf by the blast. My sister jumped into the fray and he…he laid her low with a single sky cracking bolt of lightning. My vision returned just as he picked her up by the neck and broke it. She was gone. My anger and rage boiled over and I pummeled the monster not caring about parrying or dodging his attacks. And when he was spent, I sealed him away in a stone which I chucked into a raging river. But my anger had not subsided. With their leader gone, the shrunken villagers turned on me. And I…I…” Ora said sniffling. “I killed them all. I crushed so many under my bare feet they were stained red. Men, women, children crushed flat under my feet like ants. I returned that night to my mother still stained in blood and told her everything. Kanya, of all things in this realm we call life, watching a mother grieve for her dead child is the hardest. And the second? To be exiled from your own home” she said. “They kicked you out because your sister died?” Kanya asked. “No, because in my anger and grief I did not consider something important. The Asura had used his magics to control those villagers. I had slaughtered hundreds of innocents because I lost control. Brought on the death of my sister because I chose to lie instead of the truth. It would not be for four centuries that I would see my mother again. And when I did…it was bittersweet” Ora said softly.
Ora sighed for a moment. “Anyway, back then I swore I’d never send a Yaksha into combat again without adequate training” she said. “Eating me was still kinda far Ora” Kanya muttered. “I will not lose family…never mind” Ora said. “What were you about to say? What about family?” Kanya asked. “Your bloodline is related to mine. One of your ancestors descended from my family. However brief it was, you magics were similar to mine” Ora replied quietly. “So, you’re my great aunt or something?” Kanya asked. “Or something. You need food and rest. I’ll return” Ora said leaving her. Ora stood outside the door wiping tears away as she rejoiced in finding another of her kind, of her family she was forced to give up so long ago. Even though she had a son, he was a monk and an old one at that meaning no children for him. She had resigned herself to be the last of her family. As to her other siblings, that’s a tale for another time.
5 days later…
Mike and Katie returned to the basement around lunchtime. As usual. The shrunken prisoners gazed up at the giant as he changed out their water and emptied their port o pottys. Oddly, while he got rid of the part of the burger that went uneaten days ago, he left a french fry behind. Mike smiled watching the prisoners wash their clothes naked. "Nice tits #6. About time to shave that pussy #1. The giant said squinting down at the ladybugs. It had been a full week since their new imprisonment and any hope of escape was pretty much gone. Not a hint of disobedience either. One particular bug sized woman rubbed her tiny naked body along the glass whenever he appeared. To gain his favor? A thrill of being shrunken so small and helpless? Or maybe just crazy? Mike didn’t know but he did enjoy it. “Teams one and two are to assemble in 15 minutes” he ordered. That gave them enough time to either get dressed, take a piss, whatever. Mike counted down the time. “Time is up. Good…good” he said seeing the groups. Of course one was a member short being killed and eaten days prior. Mike willed the losing team back to a half inch tall matching everyone else. “Time for game number two. And today’s game is…Tug o’ War” Mike said. He leaned down and when he leaned back up held one of his shoestrings. Mike shrunk the foot long shoestring to six inches before tossing it inside. Even shrunk, the shoestring was like industrial grade rope.
“Five minutes to strategize and come up with a plan to win” he said. Now, anyone that has played this game before knows that tugging as hard as you can is only half the battle. You have to know when to tug, how hard, how long, and how to get as much traction as you can. All of them huddled in their respective groups. When they finished, they all took off their shoes making sure they were barefoot. “Won’t their shoes get better traction?” Katie whispered. “Kind of but their teeny, little toes can dig into the ground better. Oh…now isn’t that interesting” Mike said seeing one of stockier ones rubbing her hands on the french fry. Mike drew a line in the dirt with his fingernail. “The rules are simple, whichever team crosses the line loses. Get into position” he said. They all grabbed the shoestring. Once it was taunt…“And begin!” Mike said. Both sides began tugging as hard as they could even with one member down, Team B was holding their own. Team A with Sarah barked orders when to tug harder and then letting the back rest as the front held. Strangely though, Team B still held. Then, it began to happen. Team A was losing ground. Tiny puffs of dust and dirt kicked up as they were dragged closer and closer to the line. And then the worst happened. Sarah stumbled. It caused a cascade from behind with them being pulled well past the line. “Team B is the winner!” Mike declared. Someone from Team A saw something. “She cheated!” she yelled pointing to the stocky one from before.
“I saw it! Your hands! Show your hands bitch!” the woman yelled grabbing the stocky one’s right arm. What she had seen was glints of light falling from her hand like snow. The others from Team A came closer to look for themselves. “Salt?! But from where would…the french fry! You did cheat!” Sarah yelled. “What’s going on?” Katie asked. “She used the salt on the french fry to get better grip on the shoestring. Similar to how some use dirt. Salt is obviously better and it’s not cheating. I left that fry in there on purpose. It’s on you Sarah you didn’t think of that. You didn’t even use the dirt. You got complacent from the last game. Team A…vote on your weakest link” Mike said coldly. It took only a minute for Sarah to be voted. “And the worst player is…Sarah” Mike said before plucking her up. “Mike…Mike please…” Katie begged. “Rules are rules” Mike told her. “Fuck the rules! I like her!” Katie screamed. “Katie…for you I’ll…” Mike was saying until he paused. His eyes began to glow faintly. Sarah was grown to three inches tall and promptly stripped in his hand. “Please don’t do this. The fun, what we had in bed, Katie… I don’t care about freedom. Just don’t kill me…” Sarah wept. Mike’s hand trembled. A single tear fell from his eyes. He pushed the screaming woman passed his lips and began chewing. Sarah’s life ended iPod the third chew. Her screeching abruptly ending. Katie watched in horror as the girl she had begun to befriend was chewed into a pulp before being swallowed like common meat. Mike braced himself as a wave of euphoria, far stronger than normal struck him.
And in his pocket the tiny crack in the Coin grew.
Mike didn’t know how much time passed when he came down from the morbid high he got. When he did, he saw Katie sitting there sobbing. He picked Katie up and took her upstairs. He sat down on the sofa. “Katie…”
“Don’t fucking touch me!” she screamed swatting his hand. Shocked, he let go of her and she fell onto the sofa cushion. She stormed off leaving Mike all alone. “I don’t…and yet I do remember doing it” he muttered. “And I’m glad you did. Her sorrow and pain were magnificent! A five-star dinner if I may say so” the Asura said. “You pushed me. I felt you just…that wasn’t the deal” Mike hissed. “Oh, it very much is. I never canceled the curse my boy. I just shifted the target is all. Kanya and Katie are safe but EVERYONE else is far game” the Asura chuckled.
“You bastard” Mike spat. “Not to sound childish but it takes one to know one Michael. Takes one to know one” he said chuckling.
- 7 days later
Chapter 16…Cracking Up
She hadn’t spoken to him for days. The smallest worry for her at the time was neither had he tried to speak to her either. The second was his little project of his he’d been working on since yesterday constantly with near manic intensity. And then there was the third worry which was the biggest of all. She had to tell him regardless of what was going on. Katie, who had been avoiding him by staying in the bedroom watching whatever on his iPad, left the bedroom and made her way to the living room where he was. There was Mike working away with a box cutter, craft glue, markers, and cardboard. “What’re you working on now?” she asked. Mike paused his work. “Decided to speak to me again?” he asked. “Can you truly blame me after what you did? You didn’t just kill someone I liked, you did it brutally. Even after I begged you not to you chewed her up” she said. “Would saying sorry make you feel better?” he asked. “You cold hearted bastard. I…I can’t keep doing this with you” she said. “Then go. Pick out your clothes and unshrink them along with you. I’ll erase your memories of us and send you on your way” Mike said coldly. “You’d really do that wouldn’t you?” she whispered. “What do you want from me Katie?!” he yelled. “TO CARE! To tell me to stay! To tell me you love me again…” she whimpered before breaking down crying. Mike picked her up and placed her in his hand.
“I’m pregnant” she told him. “Last time you said that you weren’t sure” he muttered. “Last time I was two weeks late. Now it’s three weeks” she muttered sniffling. Mike quietly nodded. “Katie, I wanted to spare Sarah I really did but I went allowed to” he said. “Your rules…” she was saying before he stopped her. “Had nothing to do with it. You know about the curse that was threatening you and Kanya right? The deal I made to make you two exempt had a…fine print thing going on. In a nutshell, only you two women on the PLANET are exempt. Anyone else is fair game. Anyone” he said. “But what if the baby is a girl?!” she asked. “…I can’t love her. I can’t love any other girl…ever. It would be too dangerous for them” he said. “Oh my god Mike. I didn’t know” she said. “Now you do and now you know why I’ve been cold. Have to practice” he said with a weak smile. She petted his check with her little hand. He held her wrist between his fingers and kissed her hand. “I do love you. Beyond all the weird kinky things I do to you I love you for who you are. Someone who can understand me” he said softly. His kissed her before placing her back on the floor. She sat down near him. “What are you making anyway?” she asked. “A maze” he replied.
“Here is fine. Please sit” Ora said placing her on the ground. “In the dirt?” Kanya asked. “Yes the dirt” she replied. Kanya sat down as Ora sat a foot in front of her. “Explain again what we’re doing?” Kanya asked. “While you did unlock your magic ability, you’ve yet to manifest it again. So, to remedy this we need a catalyst. Something to coax your ability to perform magic. In this case we use the natural positive energy of nature” Ora replied. “And me being naked?” Kanya asked. “Being naked makes us easily attuned to the energy around us” Ora replied. “That’s nice and dandy but a four-inch Asian girl on the forest floor is a nice meal for a snake or even the damn mosquitos buzzing around” Kanya said looking around. “That won’t be an issue” Ora said to her. “Easy for you to say. You’re human sized and don’t have to deal with mosquitos the size of poodles” Kanya griped. Suddenly there was an electric buzz and a mosquito exploded in a puff of smoke. “Like I said it won’t be an issue. Now stop complaining and close your eyes” Ora said gruffly. Kanya closed her eyes. “Deep breaths. All life is formed from positive energy. Right now, you’re surrounded by many forms of life infused with that energy. That energy is connected like strands of a web. From the bacteria in the soil to the pine trees above our heads. Let that energy connect you to the web” she said. “I feel a tingle” Kanya said. “Good. Let it start to flow through you. Like a steady pulse. Good. You’re doing it” Ora said seeing an ethereal faint light creep up her little body. Slowly it went up until it paused at her groin. The suddenly it faded out. “Shit” Kanya muttered. “Very good for a first try” Ora said. "This is harder than it looks. Why when I manifested my magic it was so flashy? " Kanya asked. “What you did was instinctive to avoid being digested. Your subconscious mind did that not you. Soul Resonance, a form of astral projection, is one of the easiest magics to perform. Alright, first thing you need to understand is we don’t control the energy that flows through us. The energy you felt cannot be controlled, we can only guide it to a desired outcome” Ora said. “I don’t understand” Kanya said. Ora fired off a small lightning bolt form her finger scorching a pinecone. “Take lightning for example. We cannot control it, but we can guide it. Ionizing the air and giving it a path for it to take. The bolt still strikes but we guide it to our target. Now begin again” Ora said.
Kanya began once again and ended with the same outcome. Over and over for nearly two hours. “I can’t do it!” Kanya yelled. “Yes you can but you need to stop thinking about Michael” Ora said. “I’m not thinking about him” Kanya swiped. “Yes you are and that’s natural. It’s no coincidence your failure to feel the flow of magic happens when it reaches your pussy” Ora said. Kanya looked at her blushing. “For those new to this type of training, it can cause…emotional side effects in older students. As I said before, life is full of positive energy and there are…parts of our bodies that resonate with it stronger than others. For females it’s our womb. For males it’s the testicles” Ora said. Kanya burst out laughing. “Where do you think the sparks of our kind of life come from Kanya? The energy when it touches your pussy is subconsciously triggering sexual emotions. Emotions connected to Michael” Ora explained. “Kinda fucked up I’m attracted to the guy who killed my family” she muttered. “Not at all. You’re a Yaksha Kanya. Our kind doesn’t focus on negative emotions or the energy with it. That’s why…that’s why my crime was so heinous to my mother and my people” Ora said. “So, I need to forget about Michael? I don’t think I can” Kanya muttered. “Then find a memory not rooted in sex” Ora said. Kanya closed her eyes and began once more. The energy like before crept up her body but when it needed her groin it fluctuated. In her mind, Kanya had chosen one particular memory. The night after the shrunken veterinarian performed surgery on her, Mike fell asleep next to her holding her tiny hand between his fingers. To Kanya it was a very precious memory.
Ora watched the energy then began to creep past her groin slowly. When it reached the top of Kanya’s head, Ora smiled. Kanya let out a breath and the energy faded away. “I did it! Did you see?!” Kanya yelled. “I saw. Good job. Now do it again and faster this time” Ora said. Kanya huffed and began again.
That night…
Mike had trouble sleeping. Katie was emotionally exhausted from earlier and Mike had finished his strange cardboard maze leaving him nothing to do until tomorrow. It didn’t help he was horny. Had hasn’t bothered Katie for days and didn’t feel like waking her up just to molest her shrunken body. Mike left this bedroom and went down to the basement. Sure, he could abuse the ten ladybug women he held captive if he desired but that would affect his sinister games. He quietly sat down and peered into the terrarium like some voyeuristic God. At 1:44 am, they were asleep. Quietly he popped open their barracks to find one or two of the recent winning team snugged naked with the smaller losers. Apparently, they were getting used to this lifestyle seeing how half-dressed they were. Then again, being half dressed was part of necessity seeing he didn’t install air conditioners in their little prison. Mike noticed one began to stir. She woke up and walked outside half asleep to get some water. She hadn’t noticed Mike staring at her. She drank from the bottle cap of water and wiped her mouth. Turning around she saw Mike. “Hi little buggy” he said grinning. She did not scream or even flinch. Instead, she quickly took off the clothes she had on and dropped to the ground. Mike was surprised to see her fingering herself looking up at him. “Ohh…I recognize you now. You’re the nympho bug that keeps rubbing her naked body on the glass” he said quietly. Mike plucked her up between his fingers. He laid her in his palm and sat down. “Hmm…wonder what your story is” he said looking at her closely. She kept licking her lips as she finger fucked herself. Mike grew her bigger to better play with her. Now four inches tall, he could see more of her. Mike was extremely curious as to what could land her in max prison seeing she couldn’t have been more than 19 or 20 years old. Redhead and fairly pretty by prison girl standards. “No stranger to sex apparently. Bet a girl like you gets passed around like a pack of cigarettes in prison. Ohh! A squirter” Mike said as she came in his hand squirting a tiny amount of pussy juice. She lay in his hand panting.
Mike caressed her cheek. He stopped himself. “I can’t get attached” he remembered. Mike knew if he did she’d be dead by morning. That didn’t mean he couldn’t have fun though. “Spread your legs” he said to her. With a smile she did, and Mike drove his tongue in licking up every drop of her spilt juices. Mike used his finger to keep her steady as he gave her an orgasm. “Already? Damn you’re horny but who am I to complain?” He grinned. He seized her right leg between his fingers and sucked it into her mouth. She squealed feeling his giant teeth nibble and bite her delicate limb. He pulled it out of his mouth with a pop and playfully licked her foot. He fought it again, a sudden desire to be gentle. He took her by the ankles and dangled her upside down as he began licking her tiny ass. He turned her around to face him. “You know what you are don’t you? A plaything, a toy” he growled. She nodded. “I am a plaything. A shrunken fucktoy for your pleasure” she said smiling. That surprised Mike. “She’s getting off being abused!” he thought. He placed her back in his hand. Holding onto her red hair, he yanked it back making her gasp. “Fuck me on your cock! Fuck me!” she begged. Mike whipped out his cock and smashed her to his shaft.
For a half hour he rubbed her every which way on his dick he could think off. Face up, face down, sideways, straddled, even bending her till she encircled it like a living cock ring. When it came time to cum, Mike held her face right into his piss hole and made her drink as much as she could. God knows how much semen she swallowed. Mike figured it was 20 ounces (to her) before she choked as it bubbled out and around her mouth. He let go and she lay in his hand coughing. Mike grew concerned. “You okay?” he asked. She moved but didn’t answer. Mike saw that through his play she was covered in bruises. He grew more concerned. “We should stop” he said. Mike had made a mistake. He was caring too much. She pulled his finger right to her pussy and began rubbing herself on it. “Eat me! FUCKIN’ EAT ME!” she screamed. Mike felt it just like last time. The Asura was taking over. Mike fought back as hard as he could. He shrunk the girl quickly knocking her out and dropping her back into the terrarium. That pissed the Asura off. “Mike…” the Asura whispered. “Fuck you” Mike hissed. Then blinding pain and he falling out on the floor.
Katie woke up that morning not finding Mike next to her. After peeing, she wandered downstairs. “Where is he?” she asked not finding him. She could see out the window the car was there, so he hadn’t gone anywhere. The only other places were the attic and basement. She did NOT want to go to the attic, so he made her way down to the basement step by step. When she got down to the floor…“MIKE!” she yelled racing over to him seeing him passed out with dried blood coming from his nose. She frantically beat her fists on his cheek. “K…Katie? Oww…” he said righting himself. “What happened?!” she asked. “I pushed back on the curse and our resident Asura had a temper tantrum” he replied. Mike pulled the Coin from his shorts. “Whys there a crack in it?” she asked. “Crack? I don’t see a crack” he said. Katie looked again. “Huh…could’ve swore a saw a crack” she muttered. “Apparently I can fight the curse” he muttered sitting in the chair. “Fighting and enduring are two different things boy. If it weren’t for my healing touch I gave you, you’d be a drooling vegetable” the Asura said in his mind. “Save it asshole. You need me more than I need you. I said before I call the shots not you” Mike hissed. “And you denied me a good meal. Don’t presume you can slight an Asura on a whim. Next time I’ll incapacitate you for a week. Let’s see how long Katie can endure without you giving her food and water” the Asura said coldly. Mike said nothing back. Mike carried Katie upstairs and made a simple breakfast.
“At least you proved you can beat it” Katie said after breakfast. “Yeah” Mike mumbled. “You can cuddle and pet me if you want. That usually makes you feel better” she said. Mike laid down on the sofa and placed her on his chest. He turned something on, not caring what, and just stared at the tv. Katie could tell something else disturbed him by how he just kept caressing her thighs. Normally he’d had petted her entire body by now. “It said something to you didn’t it. Something that really scared you” she said. “He told me that if I did it again he’d put me in a weeklong coma and let you die” Mike replied. “Then I’ll learn to drink from the toilet. Woof woof!” Katie said barking like a dog. Mike didn’t laugh. “This isn’t about us anymore” he said rubbing his finger on her bare tummy. Katie realized what he meant. She grew quiet. “They should be finished eating. Time for the next game” he muttered putting her aside and picking up his cardboard maze on the floor.
“Okay my ladybugs. Now that your bellies are full from delicious instant oatmeal we can begin the next game” he said placing the maze on the floor. After growing the losing team back to a half inch tall, he ushered them into his hands and cupped them to prevent any of them peeking at the maze from above. He placed them on the floor. “Number 3 you don’t look so good. Oh…it’s you” Mike muttered recognizing her from last night. “Anyways, I present to you the maze. First rule is to find the exit on the other side. No time limit. However, it’s your best interest to find the exit as fast as you can because all your times will be averaged out. The team with the longest time loses. The fastest time for the winning team is the MVP, the slowest on the losing team is the weak link. No other rules” he said. “None?” some asked. Mike grinned shaking his head. “Whoever wants to go first step up to the entrance. Good luck!” Mike said. First one went in as Mike started the count.
Interesting to what Mike could do when he really put thought into something. There were no cracks or leaning walls even though made of cardboard. The walls themselves were three inches tall making them 32.5 ft. tall to them…more or less. No chance of climbing them. To fuck with them, Mike wrote messages on some of the walls. “Someone’s getting eaten. Hello little bugs. You sure it’s this way? Good luck! Sucks to be you!” were some of them. The first one going in came out in 6 minutes 51 seconds. Then went the next one. That one came out at 7 minutes 49 seconds. The third came out at 10 minutes 11 seconds. Mike purposely called out the times to rattle some cages. With the last time the longest, this woman chose something different. Go down a corridor and come to a turn, she’d leave something behind. A shoe, the other shoe, a sock, another sock. Mike chuckled. “Wow, someone get this bitch google maps” Mike said as she was almost naked she was so badly lost. She made it out in her panties with a time of 16 minutes 11 seconds. Her team wanted to beat her ass. “Looks like team A might lose again” Mike muttered as he picked up her clothes. However, someone changed that. The last prisoner from team B. Mike started the clock and she took three steps in…and stopped. Mike stared at her for a full minute. “You do know the clock is ticking right?” he asked. She turned around, looked up, and grinned at him. “Hey ladybugs, what’s the deal with number 3?” he asked the prisoners.
“Crazy as fuck that’s what. She’s a nympho that’ll fuck anything. Gets off on pain and shit” one replied. “Yeah…I can see that. You know what’s she in for?” Mike asked. “Other than you shrinking and kidnapping her? She went in for murder. Funny thing is, nobody knows the story behind it, and she won’t tell anyone. She just grins and sings to herself when she’s not fucking an inmate or guard” she replied. “Sound like she should be in a mental hospital than a prison” he muttered. She still hadn’t moved. Mike tried cheating by using his mind control magic to force her to move. Strangely, she resisted. “The hell?” Mike asked seeing little to no effect on her. “Yeah that won’t work on someone who’s insane Michael. Can’t control a broken mind” the Asura snickered. Mike could only sit there for minutes at a time until he just gave up and called it. “20 minutes. Time over” he muttered. “A time limit wasn’t in the rules!” someone shouted. “You think it matters with a time like that?” Mike asked. Mike sighed and rubbed his eyes. “The losing team is team B. I already know who you’ll vote for” Mike muttered picking up the girl from where she’d been standing for over 20 minutes. Mike didn’t want to do it. He felt sorry for her. “Mike, I can feel that. Remember what I said” the Asura warned. Mike said nothing as he grew her to three inches. He tore off her clothing until she was naked in his hand. “YES! DO IT! EAT ME! FUCKING EAT ME!” she screamed. Mike pushed her into his mouth. He could feel her fingering herself. Tasting her sweet juices and flesh. He solemnly swallowed her alive. Mike stood up to collect them after placing them back into the terrarium, he turned to leave. “Hey! Don’t they get shrunk as punishment! And what about our MVP?!” someone on team A yelled. Mike looked down upon them. “You won today because the other team had a suicidal nutcase among them. I’d barely call that winning. I’d call it…a reprieve” he said coldly leaving them.
Katie knew something had happened other than what he expected seeing how quiet he was. Katie didn’t ask him and let it be for the time being. She watched him sit down with his hand on his stomach. And after about five minutes, he took his hand away and hung his head. “You can talk about whatever it is when you feel like it” Katie said to him. “…thanks” he whispered. As he said that, the crack in the coin grew again.
Later that night, Mike stood before his bathroom mirror holding the Coin gazing on it. Lost in thought on it he did not see that its reflection didn’t match what he saw. To him it looked normal, in the mirror a crack. All the while the Asura grinned knowing what he truly wanted was getting closer…
It’s a wonderful story and what a great read. I can’t wait for part two. Thank you for sharing it here
Chapter 17…The Truth Can Set You Free
“Alright Kanya. Now that you’ve fully mastered connecting to the energies of nature, you’re ready to begin your training in magic” Ora said. “Only took two weeks” Kanya muttered. “Don’t be so impatient. I’ve known some students that take an entire year. Now, the first lesson about magic is you cannot create from nothingness. The spells you use its energy come from within, the energy you just learned to tap into. You run out of that energy; you won’t be able to cast magic. Lesson two, magic is the bending of physical laws of our world. They cannot break them. So, you can’t just snap your fingers and make gold appear in your hand. Those are the two fundamental rules about magic. I’ll explain the others as you advance. Now to learn your first spell. Shrinking and growth magic” Ora said. “Wait. How is a shrinking spell not breaking physical laws?” Kanya asked. Ora waved her hand, and a gust of wind levitated a bunch of leaves. “Pretend these leaves make up the atom of something. An apple, person, cat, whatever. Now watch” she said. Ora used the wind to bring the leaves closer together. “Same leaves but now the collection is smaller. Shrinking magic makes things smaller by taking away the space between what makes them up. Modern humans call them electrons. Then we shunt away the mass” Ora replied. “Sounds needlessly complicated” Kanya said. “That’s why we have magic. Shrinking and growth magic is as instinctive to us as chameleons changing the color of their skin. First thing first is removing the spell on you” Ora said.
“Channel the energy like normal and then hold it” she said. Kanya did within seconds. “Good. Now sense what feels different. What doesn’t belong. It might take a minute” Ora said. After a few minutes Kanya spoke. “There’s something inside me. Like a red thread” Kanya muttered. Take your hands and imagine reaching into yourself. Do it very slowly" Ora said. Kanya did and took her right hand and touched her bare chest. A light glowed brightly at her fingertips. Kanya grimaced as she pulled on the thread. She pulled it out and within a second it evaporated. Moments later Kanya grew to human sized. “Uuugh!” Kanya groaned puking. “Easy kid. You’ve been shrunk for a while. Your body is reacting to the change” Ora said patting her back. “What…was that?” Kanya groaned. “The shrinking spell Mike and the Asura forced on you. Since you’re a beginner Yaksha, it was very effective on you. Come with me back to the cabin and rest for a while” she said. Ora helped her to her couch and gave her some tea. “I’m impressed you accomplished that in your first try” Ora said quietly sitting next to her. “I feel so weird like the world shrank” Kanya said drinking her tea. “From your perspective it did. Later this afternoon you’ll learn to change size on your own. Once you master that, we can begin with elemental magics starting with the easiest, wind” Ora told her.
“Was it this hard for you?” Kanya asked. “At your age I already had mastered basic and intermediate level magic. Even the most gifted Yaksha don’t reach master level until their 30’s. And few progress further to Sage” Ora said. “Sage?” Kanya asked. “The closest translation you’d understand. Sage level Yaksha can cast magic on natural disaster levels. For example, beginners can cast thunderstorm level gusts. Intermediates, hurricane level gusts. Masters, actual tornadoes. And Sages, hurricanes” Ora said. “And you?” Kanya asked. "Master level. Mother however was a Sage. She was responsible for the typhoon that destroyed the Mongol fleet set to invade Japan centuries ago. “Holy shit” Kanya whispered. “Hold out your hand” Ora said. Kanya did and Ora used her magic to coax out Kanya’s. “What is that?!” Kanya asked looking at her hand. Circling it and glowing was a magic circle with seemingly random lines crisscrossing it. “Your magic signature in purest form. Only you have this form. Here’s mine” Ora said showing hers. “It kinda looks like mine” Kanya said. “The lines here represent bloodline. As I said earlier we’re related by blood which is why yours looks like mine. If your stomach settled, we can eat lunch” Ora said to her.
“Hello my little ladybugs! Congratulations on making it to the final five. For the next challenge you’ll be monster killing. Since there’s only five of you left, you’ll now be just one team. Your weapons will be these needles” he said dropping a small handful of needles into the terrarium before the shrunken women prisoners. To their scale, they were more like metal spears. “The rules are very simple. No time limit, no MVP, no weakest link, and the game isn’t over until you kill the monster. Beware, the monster will not hesitate to eat cute little bugs like you and is VERY dangerous” he said. “What in god’s name is it?” one asked. “That’s a surprise. You have one hour to get used to your weapons and make whatever feeble plans you want” he said before leaving them. Mike returned upstairs. “How do you feel?” Mike asked sitting next to Katie. Katie was playing Fruit Ninja on his iPad using her bare feet to swipe. “Fine” Katie replied playing. “No morning sickness?” he asked. “That won’t be for a few more weeks” she replied. Katie sat down after clearing the level. “No sore feet of anything?” he asked rubbing her tiny feet between his fingers. “No” she replied. Mike stopped. “I didn’t say stop” she giggled. His fingers rubbed her feet for another minute before he started on her legs. He leaned in and kissed the back of her head. “Eventually I need to grow you back to normal” he said. “It can wait. Just playing Fruit Ninja is great for my calf muscles” she said. “And your ass. I can bounce a skittle off of it” he said snickering. “You’re in a good mood today” she said. “Took some antidepressants” he said.
“You went to a doctor?” she asked. “Nah. Found some my grandpa had laying around” he replied. “You swallowed a bunch of old ass pills?! You crazy?!” she asked. “Relax. They’re working fine and if not I’m virtually immortal” he said. “That’s not the point! Expired pills can cause all kinds of shit. Dangerous mood swings just for starters” she said irritated. “Okay. Okay geez” he said as he moved his finger to her tummy. “Katie. Do you want things to stay this way. Having a baby changes things. Most importantly did you consider seeing your parents again?” he asked. “What would I say? Hey mom and dad. I’m not dead in a cornfield like you thought. I was just shrunk and kidnapped. By the way, I fell in love with my kidnapper and I’m having his baby” she said. “Yeah that conversation would be awkward” he said. “Unless you use that mind control power you got” Katie said looking up at him. “There’s other considerations. Birth certificate, social security number, school, pediatric doctors, hell just delivering the baby” Mike said. Katie hadn’t thought of all that. “We really need to think about you joining society again. You can’t be my shrunken sex toy forever” he said quietly. Katie turned around. “Even if we have to change our lives, I’ll always be your sex toy" she said looking up at the giant. “I love you” he whispered before kissing her. “Love you more” she giggled returning it.
After an hour had passed, Mike retuned downstairs holding a shoebox. Katie had asked what was inside and was horrified when Mike answered. She chose NOT to observe this game. “I’m back my little ladybugs. Are you ready to start the game? Too bad if not because the monster inside this box is hungry. I suggest you get back as I place her in” Mike chuckled as he opened the box and shook it. What came out was a larger than average wolf spider that landed inside the terrarium. “Meet my new buddy Charlotte. A North American wolf spider I found behind the house. Wolf spiders are unique as they run down and attack their prey instead of waiting in a web. They like to pounce and paralyze their prey hence the name wolf spider. Like I said earlier, your goal is to kill it. No time limit. May the odds be in your favor!” Mike laughed stepping back and sitting down. All of them were terrified of the thing. At their size it was no 3-inch-long spider but a 30 ft. long behemoth. The hairs on its legs standing up sensing 5 bug sized prey. Their scent carried right to it enticing the beast. They trembled, their legs shook, one pissed herself which only magnified her scent. None dared to move.
Charlotte crept closer moving its head left and right. It’s multiple eyes locking onto each one of them. It couldn’t decide which one to attack first. “Goddammit let’s go!” the bravest one yelled charging. Two others followed. The spider sensed its prey running to it which apparently confused its simple brain as it backed up an inch. Number 1 attacked its first left leg stabbing it. The spider reared back, and the shrunken prisoner lost her hold on her needle. It popped out of the spider leg. Charlotte came right down on her as its fangs pierced her chest injecting its venom. The woman’s chirpy scream startled the others. One lost her footing as a spider leg came down on chest breaking her ribs. The third one quickly ran back. They watched as Number one convulsed before going limp. Shockingly, she was still alive as the spider wrapped her up in webbing. Then Charlotte turned her attention to the injured one doing her similar. However, the shock added with a crushed rib cage killed her. The surviving three huddled into the barracks. Mike watched in fascination as the spider liquified the insides of the shrunken women and casually drank them. Because they wore orange, Mike could easily see them even wrapped in webbing. The first one, her body was damn near mummified. Body drained of fluids so badly her tiny shoes fell off. The other her face sunken in, her eyes gone. Even Mike got squeamish.
An hour passed. Then another hour. Mike opened the barracks. “You know, hiding is just going to work against you. Spiders don’t tire out and sleep like we do. She’ll get hungry again and the hungrier they get, the more vicious they are. My suggestion is to attack him while he still is eating the other one” Mike said grinning. They just looked at him helplessly. “Not to mention your only source of water is out there. Fun fact, spiders can go without water longer than humans” Mike said before putting the roof back. 15 minutes later, the three survivors tip toed out of their barracks. The spider Charlotte was still nursing the last fluids out of her second victim with its body turned away from the three. Slowly they approached. Closer and closer. The spider paused as its hairy legs had been conditioned by millions of years of evolution to sense vibrations, even in the thin layer of dirt in the terrarium. They realized it was now or never and charged it.
The first one jumped on her back and was nearly thrown off before she sunk her needle into its body. At their size they could hear it hiss in pain. It began to shake back and forth as the prisoner held on for dear life. The second stabbed it in the underside of the thorax as it reared delivering a crippling blow. The third went for the head as it fell. She raised her needle and just as she stabbed it, Charlotte bit her deep in her chest injecting venom inside her lungs. The prisoner was screwed. If the venom wouldn’t kill her, two punctured lungs would. Even still she stabbed it again and again in the head until Charlotte collapsed. It’s legs slowly curling into its body. The two pulled the third to safety. “Hold on! Just hold on!” one yelled trying to stymie the blood flow. “Stand back both of you” Mike said. At first they didn’t until they saw his finger come down. They watched in horror as Mike crushed the dying woman underneath his finger like an insect. “More merciful that way. Congrats you two for winning the game” he said. Mike didn’t give them notice he was plucking them up. He carried them to his bathroom. He ran the sink full if of warm water and grew them to a more manageable four inches. “Figured you’d want to wash off the bug guts” he said before leaving them.
“How many survived this time?” Katie asked as Mike sat down. “Two. The last game is going to prove interesting seeing how they tried to help the last victim” he replied. Katie grew quiet.
“Now that you got food in your stomach, we can start on your magic lessons” Ora said. “Shrinking and growing magic right?” Kanya asked. “Correct” Ora replied. “Good. I…I don’t like being human sized right now. Is that weird?” she asked. “Not really seeing you’ve awakened your Yaksha blood. Our kind is naturally tiny. We just assume human size out of convenience” Ora said. Kanya followed her back to the forest. There they sat down. “You should have some energy still inside you. Shrinking magic starts with a clear picture of your target, in this case you. For a beginner, invoking magic requires a focus, a gesture if you will. Use whatever gesture you feel like. There’s no wrong answer” Ora said. Kanya held out her hands turning them palms up. Energy began to concentrate in her hands. “Good. See yourself getting smaller. Envision the energy gently squeezing you making you smaller. Good…good…” Ora muttered as Kanya began to shrink. It was slow as Kanya shrank an inch per second. “Not too fast or the stress on your body will cause you to pass out” Ora muttered. Ora watched her patiently. “Okay stop before you shrink to the size of a gnat” Ora chuckled. Kanya stopped and realized she shrank until she was barely a millimeter tall. “…oh shit” Kanya muttered seeing Ora the size of a small mountain. Ora grew her back to four inches tall. “Fuck me that was scary” Kanya sighed. “You kinda zoned out there. It can happen the first time. Anyway, congrats on your first successful spell. Don’t let it go to your head though. As I said, shrinking magic is the easiest for us. Now for the next few hours I want you to practice shrink and growing. I’ll watch it make sure you don’t shrink into a microbe or something” Ora chuckled.
Hours later…
The two survivors enjoyed a real dinner for the first time in very long time. At first they thought being given a choice of what to eat was a trick. However, they realized it wasn’t as Mike actually went out, bought the ingredients, returned and cooked it. A porterhouse steak with a loaded baked potato, buttery rolls, and wine. Their clothes soiled by spider blood; Katie gave them her clothes to wear. But as they sat on his giant kitchen table eating the dinner he prepared by their request, they thought about all the others dead. “Is it good?” Mike asked almost startling them. “…yeah” one replied. “You know, it’s silly to refer to you as numbers now there’s only two of you. What’s your names?” he asked. “Leticia” one replied. “Erin” said the other. Mike had paid them little attention in terms of physical looks for two reasons. One they were as small as ants normally, and two he tried to avoid any personal feelings for them. Now this size and speaking to them in this manner, he couldn’t help but take notice. Leticia was biracial with African American and apparently Dominican heritage judging by her accent. Mike guessed she was around 30 or so. Erin looked to be in her late 20’s, Italian and had an accent herself that sounded like she was from Jersey. He was naturally curious as to what they were in prison for. “So, what did you do Leticia?” Mike asked. “Worked at Port Authority. Helped smuggle cocaine into the country. 25 to life” she replied. “Port Authority is in New York” Katie said. “Overcrowding sent me down here” she said flatly. “Money laundering. 10 years” Erin said as Mike looked at her.
“What’s the last game?” Leticia asked. “Haven’t decided yet” Mike replied. Leticia and Erin looked at one another. “I won’t do it” Leticia said finishing her food. “Pardon?” Mike asked. “You heard me I’m done. I went along with it hoping I’d be the winner but after today, I’m done. All those that died before me…and now looking at Erin I’ll have that on my soul the rest of my life” she said. “Survivors guilt” Mike muttered. “Call it want you want. I don’t care anymore” Leticia said standing up. Katie wanted to say something but after the last few weeks didn’t want to see, no more like feel helpless watching someone she didn’t want die before her come to a bad end. “What about you Erin? Anything to say?” Mike asked. Leticia wondered why he would ask Erin anything. “If she doesn’t play, does that mean I win?” Erin asked. “Yes” Mike replied. “I have kids outside waiting on me” Erin muttered. Leticia solemnly nodded. “So there you have it. You got your winner and your loser on OUR terms!” Leticia laughed. Leticia tore her clothes off and stood there naked grinning. “Bring it pendejo. BRING IT!” Leticia screamed. Mike took the fork in his hands and stabbed her right in the chest. Leticia looked down at the giant fork teeth skewering her. She grinned as blood seeped from her mouth. Mike lifted the fork with her still stick on it to his mouth and slipped Leticia in. With no remorse or emotion began chewing. Mike ignored her screams and sobs which only lasted three seconds. Chewing her into a fine pulp, he swallowed and cleaned his palate with a sip of wine. Nonchalantly, he finished his food as Katie and Erin just stared down at the table surface. “I’ll release you in the morning” Mike said coldly leaving them.
Back with Ora and Kanya…
“This will really help with muscle cramps?” Kanya asked standing before a giant cup of tea naked. “Lavender tea works wonders little one. Now hop in” Ora replied sitting down in front of her coffee table. Kanya raised her left leg and piped her toe into the tea. It wasn’t hot enough to hurt but not cool either. Slowly she stepped in and submerged herself up to her shoulders. “This feels so weird” she muttered. “You get used to seeing things from a different perspective. Why pay for a large bathtub with you have a perfectly fine sink?” Ora said smiling. Ora dipped her finger in the tea and dripped some onto Kanya’s head. “How many of us are out there?” Kanya asked. “Not many with power like ours. The more human blood in us the more diluted our power is. If I had to guess there couldn’t be more than 25 pure bloods left in the world. And those of my level at most 100. As for you, maybe 10,000” Ora replied. “That many?!” she asked. “It can add up over the centuries. The overwhelming majority though lay dormant such as you were” Ora replied. “What about Sages?” Kanya asked. “3. Only three and they have distanced themselves from humanity” she replied. “You okay? You look sad” Kanya asked. “You remind me of my sister. She used to bathe in tea to relax” Ora said. There was a moment of silence. “May I…pet you?” Ora asked. “Sure, after Mike I don’t mind a giant person petting me” Kanya chuckled. Ora pet her long wet black hair. “You must really miss her” Kanya said. “She was my other half. We would finish each other sentences. We even shared mates” Ora replied.
“You shared boyfriends and stuff?” Kanya asked. “Yaksha sexuality isn’t the same as humans. We don’t categorize things like straight, gay, bi, or the like nor do we believe in monogamy although we do choose one mate above all when we pass a certain age” Ora said. “Sounds wild” Kanya said propping her feet up on the edge of the teacup. “Well, we had been known to have what you would call orgies when an abundance of positive energy fills the lands we lived on” Ora replied suddenly rubbing the tea into Kanya’s little soles. “Am I…getting you aroused?” Kanya asked. “You are an attractive one and it has been lonely living up here. Apologies” Ora said looking away. “I didn’t mean to shame you or anything. I was curious is all” Kanya said getting up and stepping out of the teacup. “You have not soaked long enough” Ora said. “I’d rather be petted right now” Kanya said blushing. Ora cleaned her up and carried her to her bedroom. Ora placed her on her bare breasts after laying down in bed. “Was Mike gentle with you?” Ora asked as he finger rubbed Kanya’s back. “Not at first but after some time he was. Very much after I was badly hurt. Truthfully, I liked it when he was both kind and a little commanding” Kanya replied. “I see. Kanya, I wish to lick your pussy” Ora said with a slight nervous tone. Kanya climbed to her face and planted her crotch on Ora’s lips. Ora opened her mouth slightly letting Kanya slip in. There Ora steadied her as the lonely Yaksha sucked and licked her tiny cunt. “Hmm…feels good” Kanya moaned.
After Kanya came, Ora licked her mouth. “Definitely Yaksha blood in you. Only our kind is that sweet” Ora chuckled. “Really? My pussy tastes that sweet?” Kanya asked. “Care to find out?” Ora asked. Kanya nodded and Ora placed her before her giant cunt. “Yes, yes I missed this. Eat me out my little student. Eat your teacher’s pussy” Ora sighed. Kanya little tongue drank up her fluids as fast as the giantess made them. Ora had to control herself fighting the urge to push her little student up her pussy. Kanya was sprayed with Ora’s juices when she came causing Ora to dutifully clean her in the bathroom sink. Not both satisfied, they laid in bed. “I’m happy with myself for the first time in a long while” Kanya said. “Oh? What do you mean?” Ora asked. “My parents were super traditional so that meant their daughter couldn’t be bisexual” Kanya said. “You’ve had feelings for males and females before?” Ora asked. “Since I was 13 or so. Had a crush on Sarah Hart in 8th grade. And Kevin Dion in 9th grade. Kept to myself how I felt. It drove me crazy. It…it was really bad for me in high school. I feared mom and dad would find out somehow and disown me or something” Kanya said. “Your Yaksha blood influenced your feelings. That’s not your fault Kanya” Ora said. “I know that now but…anyway I just like I’m finally me right now and I have you to thank for it. Thanks Ora” Kanya said. Ora leaned over and kissed her. "You have nothing to thank me for.