@HentaiHunter1 That’s the best part, mm sweet tiny woman goodness.

Posts made by Giant Keith
RE: The Outrage and The Ecstacy
RE: Vore Tropes
When it comes to vore it’s all in fun, I enjoy a chase, a hide and seek, cornering, the fear, humiliation, teasingly savoring. I only think of vore as a darkside guilty pleasure, I enjoy playing and toying when it comes to non-con more than vore though, but it is fun to imagine the amount of helplessness in your mouth before you shallow them struggling all the way down. I love a pet/toy sized woman begging me not to eat her, I know I won’t do it really but the teasing is intoxicatingly exciting. Living pets, toys, and lovers, or a singular girlfriend who is at my mercy is a major turn on for me. It’s just a fetish fantasy, IRL a sub woman for bondage and spanking is a turn on for me. It’s a trust thing too submitting herself as sacrifice to my hunger.
RE: Mystical Miami Comic - Buy it now!
I bought and loved it, very sexy SW goodness, felt good to support your art, I’m a visual person and this was very pleasing to see and a good story to read. Kudos and bravo.
RE: Crawl up any good legs lately ¿
I only have ever come out to someone I know if they are into it themselves in closed conversations, or asks about it because they guessed at it, otherwise I keep it to myself. I once had a friend who was also into the fetish, because it came into a private conversation we lost touch when I moved years ago, and of course my ex knew because I told her, but I was very disappointed
that she never even tried to be interested in what made me happy. She wondered why we got divorced the reason was her making me feel unloved, just used, I used to be bitter, but I moved on, always seaching for what will make me happy and a furture relationship where we can be both into it, haven’t found that in RL yet. I take my fetish to the world of the anonymous internet, and my artwork, which I’ve stopped for now because other things get in the way.
RE: A Tinies Taste
@SmolChlo Well you asked about taste and vore, I gave you a full description lol, vore makes me think of classic horror movies. Sorry about your nightmares, I wish you, pleasant dreams with giant cuddles.
Nightmares are always about death or impending death, or things that embarrass a person, and some are impossible situations, I ask myself do you want to be scared, well some enjoy the thrill, like the jump scare and goose bumps, as we get closer to Halloween I have these thoughts in my mind. The fear we have reminds Us how precious life really is. -
RE: For vore fans: what's the appeal?
Cannibalism is more like a werewolf or vampire shrinking you to be a quick or tiny savored meal, a spider liquifies the insect’s insides before draining it dry which is another way nature has predator and prey, it’s for survival but a human tribe on a hunt of a mammoth is survival and a spiritual ritual of power and thanks for the animal’s sacrifice. Consuming someone or a piece of them in old ancient days was thought of consuming their power soul or essence, a powerful process of the control of death and life energies. As a fetish vore is that thrill of ending someone’s life to feed their own. Fantasy blood lust has been around a long time. Tiny people just makes them more helpless and accessible for the power thrill. Me my fetish is more sexual and relationship based but I’ve learn to enjoy vore and other fetishes.
RE: A Tinies Taste
@SmolChlo said in A Tinies Taste:
Hi everyone Happy Tuesday
I’ve been experiencing an increase in Vore type nightmares lately but it has raised a question with me. What do you picture your tiny victim tasting like? Do you swallow her whole or do you chew? Does the taste of her blood ever factor in? Because I personally picture myself bursting like a tiny gusher inside a giants mouth and I’m certainly not cherry flavoredI enjoy vore more as a last resort to end a tiny being a gentle giant, but I’d rather enjoy her other ways. a Tiny woman should taste sweet, sour and salty, the flavor of skin has to do with their diet( an ethnic, cultural or healthy flavor), and sweat/perspiration time since bacteria and dirt make sour tastes and smells, whether they are clean or not, bathing her is essential to her tasting sweeter and pleasant, perfume and make-up may taste a bit bitter too. I would savor her before swallowing her whole, maybe gentle bites as a tease and suck on her naughty bits a lot, I want to savor her like a living piece of sexy human candy. I don’t think I could chew her up, unless I hated her. Blood is salty sweet taste and has a copper metal taste If I were to chew her up that’s the taste though that a vampire craves. You would pop like a ketchup packet or big berry under pressure of large teeth hitting you and a jaw clamping down hard. Exploding in someone’s mouth in immense pain all your arteries and veins emptying out from all limbs with broken ribs and all other bones crushed, then they would suck you down swallowing your remains. If ate somebody I may dip you in sauces adding more flavor don’t expect a quick death because I enjoy savoring so much. I may be kind enough to ask you which one you want to be dipped in before your demise in the churning acid bath of my stomache as I pat it satisfied with you kicking and screaming until you pass out from the heat and lack of clean air with loud gurgling and a heart beat above you. Burp!!!
RE: Pet
I am a firm user of terrariums and dollhouses, anything else is temporary like cages or shoeboxes or dresser drawers for sleeping in. I like my tiny lady near me otherwise when possible in pocket(with a protective lining) or riding my shoulder(maybe with a saddle).
RE: Immersed
A cool scenario, people are so distracted by their tech/smartphone that they make an easy target for shrink-napping. I wonder if people IRL realize that being too distracted can make you a victim in a heartbeat.
RE: Cuddling
@hentaihunter1 I enjoy both types of stories myself I just enjoy the heartfelt gentler stuff more, still enjoy your writing style bunches The Cruise stories are my favorite. Another writer I enjoyed was the writer of the The Annie chronicles stories based in the universe of slyphs by Catster. http://elephanticity.250x.com/zski/index.htm
Recommended Great writing. -
RE: Cuddling
@hentaihunter1 I move a lot in my sleep I would be worried about her, but holding her would shelter her from moving around, otherwise a bed on the nightstand is her second sleeping spot. I love the cuddling in your Karla stories.
RE: Cuddling
@smolchlo I can see that too and I’d be upset to let her go, sigh but priorities get in the way, I would promise a longer cuddle time next time, it’s so cute to see you get upset though, it means you value and enjoy your bonding time, saw some cat videos where they get upset when you have to put them down from a good cuddle, we all need that secure bonding time, even our furry friends and family. I majorly enjoy cuddles and hugs they are so precious.
RE: Cuddling
Besides getting around for her made easier, Interaction is where it’s at, the touching and holding of the shrunk beauty, but cuddling for me is being protective(the I’m here for you)and affectionate( I care about you), sex is fun even if it is just oral, but the gentle caring side is more about cuddles. Her against your chest listening to your heatbeat feeling your warmth(I enjoy an embrace with a lover if not a pillow it is comforting). Meanwhile the dark side is punishment(for me gentle sadism) for submission.
RE: Irresistible
@mrgoblinging7 This is how I feel, I know I feel conflicted, the sexual desire is too irresistable to pass up, but I would so take good care of her as well. An equal balance of love and lust for a tiny perfect lady is what it is about for me in this fetish, a shrunken play of dominance and submission.