After inventing a shrink-ray device who could not resist using it on the sexy secretary that is too hot to not enjoy as a shrunken pet/toy. Wakey, wakey beautiful, daddy wants to play with those wonderful tiny curves now that I’ve revealed them all. Freshly shrunk and stripped. She’s so vulnerable and helpless now, so easy to do with as I please.
About to touch her naked for the first time, such a wonderful moment.

Best posts made by Giant Keith
Ready to be played with
RE: Tina (Tiny?) Louise 1956
Here’s a shot I found of her holding a big glass. Her and Mary Ann, many fantasies about those two.
Quality Time with a Tiny Girlfriend
Thought to share this one, bigger file At
Story by Magnus
Artwork by Victor Serra
Quality Time with a Tiny Girlfriend
One day as Ethan and Lissette are relaxing together, Lissette shrinks herself down to 9 inches tall and sits on Ethan’s palm as Ethan kisses his gorgeous girlfriend’s arousing bare feet.
Coffee, Tea, or Cereal
Coffee, tea or me takes on a new meaning or with me is added, or would you prefer a bowl of cereal. Nothing like a soothing bath that adds sweetness to the body.
(one of my older ones followed to by two new.)
Devour Me
Love the mouth play here, Something vore by EpicureanCanny -
Bathing Beauties Interrupted
Just finished Theme of collages of shrunken women bathing in sinks, some interrupted by their male owners. Enjoy (will post link or links to larger files when or if I have time. I cut the files by half their size to post here. I’m moving so I may not be on for a while.)
RE: Giant Reactions
@thereducer Me too, I wonder how many gentle protecting giants are there? IRL Most of us men are born protectors of women and children even tiny ones in our fantasies. We may all have a dark side for punishment, and a mean streak for Justice, but there is always love and affection to be given otherwise. I now celebrate both sides of the giant spectrum, to have heroes you have to have villains too IMHO.
Stickier than she thought
She didn’t think it would be so sticky, even if it was just a little.
Description of a non con Vore
This is to explore what it would be like to be swallowed alive whole, from a horror like perspective by someone who didn’t want to be eaten. Enjoy.
Tears fill my eyes as I look at you one last time having no other choice but to end you this way, I will miss the fun we and or I have had with you, you may plead and beg or accept what is about to happen to you, I bring you to my mouth and you pass my lips and teeth once inside you’re on the surface of my vast tongue you stare and look at the back of my teeth and lips, then take in the sight of this incredible cave surrounded by giant boulder sized molar teeth, the bottoms and the tops, you’re glad to be on the tongue not to be crushed and ground between them. Huge drips of saliva fall on you soaking to the core, long strings fall and break continuously about you, you hear the splashes and the giant sounds of his breathing echo in this vast wet warm smelly cave, the hint of toothpaste and the meal he ate before, panic instinct kick in realizing you are his current meal, so much movement all round you feeling the wet stickiness and his taste buds against your body, and your sweat and tears mix with the saliva. His tongue moves upward pushing you against his massive palate above you as you roll around fighting, kicking, punching, and screaming helplessly giving more sounds to the echoes, the sound of his heart beats get louder as you slide towards the back of his tongue closer to his cavernous throat that you let a blood curdling scream at seeing it over your shoulder causing the loudest echo you’ve heard in this space. You fight to keep your footing and grip, but it’s no use, the saliva has made it too slippery, your screams and shouts of no, don’t, and help me, go unanswered, the last of the mouth you see as you fall backward is his giant uvula which swings back and forth and bigger than boulder sized tonsils, screaming again as you fall into his vast cavern of a throat, you’re squeezed as you hear the almost deafening sound of him swallowing you *gulp!!!*and then into the esophagus which squeezes on you from all sides you move along quickly toward the opening of his stomache, it opens you fall pitifully like ten feet down into a pile of undigested food that you have become a part of, the smell of vomit or broken down food and stomache acid fills your nostrils, you cough as it fills and burns your lungs, you hear it dripping and sloshing, the echo of his heart beat and gurgling digestive noises in this cave and from the intestines below you. Your skin has already begun to tingle and burn, you hear bubbles and more gurgling breaking down food as it sinks, the pool of acid might as well be hot lava, but it works much slower than that. A lot of time passes as you scream and cry as your eyes and skin burn in the darkness the acid continues to drip in this cavern from above and mist about you, the food your on is starting to sink and the air is thin you may pass out before you totally, at first you feel pain then you go numb as your skin and nerve endings melt away, you feel no more as you pass out completely as you pass into the intestines to be broken down and absorbed as any other piece of food, unused parts of you may end up being flushed in the toilet. No other trace of you will exist. You’re a part of me now. -
RE: Giant Reactions
If I shrunk you, I’d have a state of accomplishment and a rush of controlling power over a small-being I desire, if I found you, I’d have a state of amazement that you are so small, how did you get this way? I obviously can do what I want with you, but my gentle moral side would care for you, maybe even help you if it were possible, the temptation to keep you as my personal pet or toy is a greater possibility though. My next course of actions and reactions would depend on Her’s, would she fight and scream and try to get away, would she plead with me to help her or let her go? The factors would make me react to her plight/situation, give into lust or help her? Is she mean or kind? If she has a mean and spiteful personality it gets her punished and kept as a pet/toy and makes me an eviler giant to her point of view.
I would be massive and god like to her a mountain, legs like skycrapers, the face the size of a billboard looming over her, eyes as big as her head, a mouth that could swallow her whole, fingers like tree limbs.
Beer Bottle Beauties
The bar beer time scenarios of taking home the bartender or attractive women you could shrink to take home.
Okay, you’ve got me naked now what? Why are you opening your shirt pocket? No don’t put me in there!
This can’t be real, you can’t just shrink people!!! Awe, looks like I can Sweetheart.
(The fullsize picture is clearer on DA.) original high resolution pic -
RE: Giant Reactions
@ravenrose4242 That’s a huge enjoyment issue, the sadist in me loves punishing a bratty defiant tiny, and if I realize that she enjoys being punished the more I enjoy it. The whole sadomasochistic dynamic is very thrilling and enticing, putting you in the time out jar, or taping or tying you down, gently squeezing you in my grip till you scream and cry for me to stop, and holding you down is so intoxicating when both participants enjoy it.
Coke Can Cuties
More coke can fun.
Hi Smolchloe, one of you smiling.
Really, You own me now!!!