So iv’e decided to write some short stories to help practice my writing as im basically a novice at this. I will continue with my broken story but it’s pretty long and ambitious for what i have in mind so i want to maybe work on my skills and write little one offs stories for a bit. This one is M/f focuses with non con elements and alot of cruelty. Any feedback at all is appreciated 
The metallic click of the front door unlocking off in the distance wakes Nia from her sleep immediately. She quickly rises to her feet and moves to the edge of the table wearing nothing but the violet collar around her neck. When she reaches the ledge she gets down on her knees…and waits just like she has done countless times before. Andrew expects this of her and has made the consequences of not obeying this simple act very clear in the past. Loud rumbling can be heard in the distance like an approaching storm as she brushes some of the long black hair from her face with her fingers. Waiting for the inevitable with a calm and emotionless expression even as the ground begins to quake under her and the door to the bedroom is opened.
Andrew steps through the doorway not even looking in her direction as he walks over to the closet door across from her. “Welcome home!” She speaks loudly and clearly with hardly any emotion in her voice and maintains a blank expression as she stares at the towering figure whose very presence dominates the landscape of the room. She stopped viewing Andrew as a person a long time ago and viewed him more as a force of nature now. One that dominated every aspect of her life and that her very existence both relied upon and revolved around. Any attempts to reason with him in the past or appeal to any sense of human decency was not only futile but more often than not proved harmful to the girl that was only 4 inches tall kneeling on his desk.
With a heavy sigh Andrew loosened and removed his tie before tossing it into a corner, he then loosened his belt and tossed it to the side as well and as the belt buckle hit the ground it caused a loud thud that made Nia flinch. He unbuttons his shirt after a long day at the office feeling exhausted and frustrated from the day. This was nothing new for Andrew who lived a frustrating unfulfilling and boring life in his own mind. 9-5’s of being walked all over or talked down to and underappreciated by his peers who to him were just too ignorant and foolish to appreciate his talents. But no matter how demoralizing and brutal the day was to him he always used to have a release.
Andrew turns to face the little figure waiting at his desk and reflects. To the world he was a nobody, just some average guy doing his part to function in society….but to her…he is her entire world. When he came home he didn’t feel like just some guy anymore. He was a god, a god that can be as cruel or merciful as he saw fit. This little thing on his desk used to be a human being…used to have a life with friends and goals and dreams but now she was nothing more than his plaything and stress relief. It never mattered how much she argued or begged or tried to fight because he had more power over her then anyone could have imagined. She was always a subject to his whims and any sick cruel game he could think of…and he could think of alot. Her little squeaks and whimpers were music to his ears he would never grow tired of, but that was all in the past now.
As he approached, the ground under Nia’s feet shook more but there was no fear in her eyes or even so much as a light tremble. Her heart rate was as calm as can be despite the goliath staring down at her with an annoyed expression. After over a year of being subject to his whims she had truly come to accept that nothing she did could stop him. Day after day of humiliating games has burned that lesson into her brain to the point that now she simply does what she is told and meekly accepts her fate for the evening. Hopes of rescue haven’t been in her mind in months.
Andrew sits in his chair and reaches his hand out, she doesn’t even flinch…she used to always try and run or fight his fingers, he always loved the little sensations of her fist bouncing off his finger but now as he held and fondled her breast with his thumb and index…she barely moved and didn’t make a sound. He could feel the tiny nipple perk up under his touch but it felt automatic…robotic…boring. He sighs deeply before flicking her lightly…enough to knock her on her back as she gives a little yelp…but then nothing…no insults no scrambling…she just stays there like a doll…finally he speaks
“Iv’e been thinking……” his voice booms above her but feels like its all around her as she looks up at him…not speaking without permission
“When I first shrunk you, you were so…FUN…the perfect little plaything for my needs. It felt like you were born to be my toy. Like your purpose had been found” as he speaks his finger moves over her and onto her stomach and pins her down.
“But now look at you…you’re so……boring and plain……nothing like before” a bit more pressure is applied onto her as she starts to squirm a bit…staring up into his eyes as he leans in…filling the sky as he looks down at her. “You used to be so high and mighty before…it’s funny to think you used to look down at everyone…GOD it felt so good to do this to you. To take your old life and give you a new one and make it so that you never get to look down on anyone EVER again”
He pauses as his phone goes off and he reaches for it with his left hand before looking at it. Nia squirms a bit and tries to shove the finger a bit to relieve the pressure while he is texting and distracted for a brief moment before he sits the phone down and turns his attention back to her.
“It was fun training and breaking you…Turning independent and arrogant Nia into a tiny little trained toy….but in retrospect maybe i did to good of a job cause…i gotta be honest this isn’t really even that fun anymore….tell me Nia what is the definition of a toy?”
Finally she opens her mouth as she is instructed to speak “A toy exists to be used and played with and brings joy to her owner!” She speaks loudly and clearly just like she was taught.
“That’s right, and you haven’t been bringing me any joy lately. Honestly you have been pretty worthless SO i think it’s time for a change. Something to….hmmm….make you more fitting for this new role you have taken”
He reaches down with his left hand…it’s out of her sight but she can feel and hear the rumble of the drawer open below her….the sound of that drawer always gave her nightmares in the past as he came up with new games and tools to use each night. She squirms a little under his finger and gets ready for whatever tool or restraint he is going to pull out this time…feeling calm and accepting of her fate…but when he pulls out a bottle of blue liquid her heart starts racing. It was the last thing she expected to see again. Memories of the night her life changed came flooding back as she was forced to drink the liquid….the same liquid that stole 5’1” of her height over a year ago.
“WAIT!!! What are you doing!? A…Andrew? I don’t understand!?” she speaks for the first time tonight with emotion…panic in her voice as he uses a thumb to take off the lid of the bottle with an audible pop as he smiles at her
“L Look lets talk about this okay! I…you can’t seriously be thinking of….using that again!?” her voice cracks as she desperately tries to think of something to say or a way out of this situation. Wishing he would have pulled out rubber bands, or the q tips, hell even the chewing gum would have been better then this…anything but that awful liquid.
He chuckles and smiles for the first time tonight “See!! THATS what makes this fun…that fear in your voice…watching those teeny little eyes panic as you try to think of something to say…GOD i missed that……shame it’s too late tho” suddenly his finger moves to her hip and his thumb comes down and pinches the other side……holding her in this thumb and forefinger he lifts her off the ground…air whooshing as she rises up several stories high in an instant, until she is looking him in the eye with her own scared reflection looking back at her within them. Vertigo hitting and disorienting her for a brief moment.
“Andrew look i…I’M SORRY I WAS JUST OBEYING EVERYTHING YOU SAID I…I DIDN’T WANT TO BE PUNISHED!” she screams out at the top of her lungs as her legs kick and she tries to pry open his fingers. Knowing she can’t as she has already tried to in the past. But instinct and her fight or flight reaction has taken full effect as she tries to avoid the fate that he decided for her
He sets the bottle on the table while he holds her and reaches back into the drawer for an eyedropper. A tool he has used for a few games with her in the past but today it will have a new…more practical use. Her gaze moves and watches as the dropper is put inside the liquid and fills it. Mind racing as she squirms more and more as he answers her “Yes I know and you have been such a good girl in the past…but you forgot the most important rule about being a toy……you have to be fun. And you little Nia are a toy thats no longer fun….in other words you have no worth”
“That’s a nice effort and i’m sure you would but….i don’t know then it feels kinda forced and well…that ruins the fun to be honest. Oh but don’t worry your little toy brain tho. See at your size i don’t even need to use all of the potion…just a few drops from this will do….which means” he taps the glass and clings it lightly with the eyedropper…the sound rings painfully in her head as he chuckles “I’ll be able to replace you and have a new fun little toy in no time”
Nia feels sick….after everything this bastard has made her endure he is just gonna get rid of her? And subject someone else to this? “YOU…YOU BASTARD!!! I HOPE THEY CATCH YOU AND WHEN THEY DO I HOPE TH MMPHH!” Andrew takes the opportunity to shove the tip of the eyedropper into her screaming mouth…gagging her immediately as he laughs….his fingers on the end gentle squeeze as Nia lets out a muffled whimper before feeling the liquid enter her mouth…she tries to spit it out but is helpless as it slides down her throat while her hands reach up trying to push against the eyedropper….GULP….GULP…GULP….forced to swallow several mouthfuls before he pulls it away and she coughs…some of the liquid dripping down her chin
As she is coughing and squirming he lowers her back onto the table and releases his grip…she lands on her feet and looks up at him with an expression of rage and terror…then it hits. Her body feels tingly all over and a feeling of warmth floods her…she stares up at him…as he grows….as the edge of the table she is standing on gets further away……the collar around her neck getting looser “No noooo!!” is all she yells as she looks around…the lamp that was already towering above her like a street light rises…higher and higher into the sky. The alarm clock….one of the objects she was still taller then, begins to rise past her eyes…she gets smaller and smaller…fear and dread and helplessness overcoming her mind as she watches every object littered on his desk grow bigger…the collar that once fit snugly on her neck is weighty on her shoulders as she shoves it off.
She cranes her neck as takes several steps back in order to gaze upon Andrew…….her heart seems to stop for a moment…air feels harder to breathe into her lungs…her mind having a hard time comprehending what she is seeing…the thing before her now……it’s a person? It’s the size of a mountain and she can’t even view him all at once….”no no nooooo NOOO!!! THIS ISN’T REAL THIS CAN’T BE REAL” she screams and whimpers out
Andrew watches with delight as poor little Nia shrinks to her proper size….down below his free hand has reached into his boxers as he slowly rubs himself while she looks around like a scared little bug. He almost bursts out in laughter when she speaks…she sounds so faint and squeaky….he leans in more and opens his mouth speaking in a whisper…a whisper that Booms around her as if lightning just struck next to her. Her hands move to her ears to try and deter the harsh noise. It was like that when she first shrunk…everything was overwhelming…loud….but she adapted….but this…how could she ever get used to…this?
“And now…your size truly matches your worth….” she whimpers as her hair blows from the gust of his breath. “Before you always looked down on everyone…so we made it so you could never do it again…but really…that wasn’t enough”
She screams back up at him at the top of her lungs but it doesn’t come close to the volume of his whispers…she isn’t even sure he can hear her “YOU BASTARD!!! I HATE YOU I’VE ALWAYS HATED YOU!! YOUR A FUCKING MONSTER!!!”
He smiles wide and she has to turn her head to watch the corners of his lips move up…and he speaks again “The truth is Nia…your worthless…you don’t deserve to look down on ANYTHING…your the least useful possession i own now”
She covers her ears again and screams as he speaks “SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP”
“Let me demonstrate” he speaks as he reaches into his pocket and digs for some change he placed inside earlier…pulling out a penny before bringing it down next to her…standing it up with one finger before her as she falls on her ass as it hits the ground in front of her. She stares up at the coin…the massive face on the surface looks like a giant in and of itself as it towers more than 3 times her height….her face full of terror as she stares at the inanimate object that towers over her
“This penny gives me just as much if not more entertainment then you now…….like so” with that he lifts his finger from the coin and it starts falling toward her….she screams as she tries to scoot backwards but it falls quickly…pinning her down with only her head sticking out…the weight of it almost crushing as she places her hands on it and tires to shove as hard as she can but it weighs a ton…like being pinned under a boulder. At this point Andrew can no longer contain his laughter…the sound is painful and deafening…hear head ringing when he finishes while she shoves and squirms under the coin
“See!! Your weaker and smaller than a penny…what use could I possibly have for you now?” He then brings a finger down on top of it and applies the slightest amount of pressure. Nia can barely breathe as she tries to fight and shove it……speaking frantically as she struggles “PLEEEEEEASE DON’T!!! DON’T DO THIS!!!”
Andrew, who can barely see her little head poking out from under the coin, leans in closer …”i’ll make you a deal…if you can get out from under that penny…i’ll let you be toy sized again. You get to go back to your life of humiliation and servitude….you want that right?”
She stares up at her god teary eyed “YES!! YES I DO!!! PLEASE LET ME BE YOUR TOY I’LL BE A GOOD GIRL!!!”
He smiles……the moments of begging are always his favorite…especially begging for such small pity things and privileges that she once thought were beneath her…he lifts his finger off of her and… “Then prove to me you have worth” he stands to his full height… if there was clouds from her vantage he would of soared past them…she waste no time redoubling her efforts to wiggle and push against the coin…fighting for her life against the penny as her owner pulls down his pants and boxers and begins stroking his cock high in the air above her. He can’t make out her face from here but he knows she is there…struggling and failing for his amusement…
Despite her best efforts the penny doesn’t move or even budge…it’s too strong…it’s too big…everything is too big now….everything has so much power over her now. Her face starts to burn bright red as she watches him please himself to her misery….feeling horrified when her own body beings to react to the sight and she feels herself getting wet….just like he conditioned and trained her to…Despite feeling more scared and hopeless then she ever has…or maybe because of that…countless game after countless game had an effect on her body and mind and now as the final act of humiliation he demonstrates the power he has over her.
“Mmm NOo!” she squeaks weakly where he can’t even hear her…then his loud moan rumbles above as he speeds up…and then hits his limit…his cock erupting in the air as he points it down at her. Cum falling from the sky and crashing down around her like asteroids until one droplet hits the surface of the penny…she can feel the weight of it from the blast press down on her for a brief moment before it begins to ooze down the edge and towards her…feeling it flow over her body as it pools underneath her. It’s so thick she can’t even move her arms anymore as she is surrounded by the warmth and the scent floods her nose.
Andrew sits back in his chair breathing heavily… “FUCK….i needed that” he says before reaching down and picking up the penny between his thumb and index……Nia wiggles and squirms but the cum is to thick…and to her horror she feels herself rising what feels like hundreds upon hundreds of stories up….stuck to the penny as the cum clings her to it….Andrew flips the coin over and squints……sure enough threw the thick white cum there is the faint sight of his former toy weakly wiggling. He smiles wide and admires it for a moment…feeling the rush of power again that he missed so much. “Looks like you lost……My little penny slut”
With that he moves the reaches down and grabs his jeans and grabs the rest of his change from the day…placing the newly declared penny slut into the little pile of change in his palm. Then he hovers his hand over the spare change jar on the other side of the desk and grins as he tilts his hand and his change falls inside….he can’t hear her whimpering or squeaks for mercy as he does this. He smiles and basks in the afterglow of his power trip…excited to pick a new toy soon…and maybe he could give his new toy penny slut to look after or play with……if he can find her at least……