@littlest-lily I’m afraid it varies depending on several factors, primarily our respective personae.
To address the specific size issue: little ladies taller than four inches are literally more than a handful, and it’s very important to me that I can enclose her entirely in my hand, so four inches is usually my upper limit.
The greatest catastrophe would be if I were to drop her, so my chief concern is a secure grip. One-inchers get pinched between the pads of my index finger and my thumb, 2-4 inchers are wrapped up by my fingers and pressed against my palm. Under a half-inch-tall is too small to really grip, so if I wanted a micro lady in my palm I’d probably have to sweep her into it. A bottle of compressed air would come in handy here.
An important factor is whether a given tiny woman has ever been handled by anyone at all or by me in particular. If it is an occasion where I need or want to establish trust, I might invite her to place herself into my palm. If I am feeling particularly dominant or if I sense that she’s feeling particularly submissive, I will simply grab her without warning or permission.
Regular readers will recall that I enjoy bathing tiny ladies, so when it’s time to dry off I’ll scoop her up out of the water. If she’s in the bathtub with me, I probably won’t be able to resist surfacing some part of my body beneath her.
There is no greater first impression than the first physical contact, and it can also be an occasion for demonstration and instruction. Dangling her upside down by her leg looks absurd, and as such it is best reserved for when there’s an audience, either other tinies who need to be trained or other biggos who would be entertained by her plight.
Last but not least, I do enjoy picking her up with my lips and teeth by bringing my mouth down over her T-Rex-style. I’ll do this with even the most cherished and respected tinies as a bit of playful teasing.