Posts made by Olo
RE: Empress of Lilliput
@bigcuddlygiant She looks more cooperative than I remember.
Vore Vocabulary
Let’s talk the terminology of tasting.
Here on Daddy’s Dollhouse, we have three applicable tags:
Insertion: A tiny is inserted into the Giant’s body, specifically through their mouth, anus, vagina, urethra, belly button, ears or nose.
Oral: A tiny is inserted into a Giant’s mouth, regardless if they are swallowed or not. This may be to scare or perform oral sex on a tiny.
(Alternative lingo: Mouthplay, Vore)Vore: Content where the Giant consumes a tiny, either for safekeeping, sustenance and/or continued torture. Vore can be fatal or non-fatal, and the term can be used in conjunction with other orifices (i.e. Anal vore, Cock vore, etc). Giants are usually referred to as predators, and the tinies as their prey.
(Alternative lingo: Voraphile)I am not proposing to revise these tags. What follows are my personal categories, cavils, and confections. Please add your own definitions, dissents, and digressions.
The act of using one’s mouth, lips, teeth, and/or tongue to physically stimulate and savor the body of another. Note that this can be a giant tasting a tiny or a tiny tasting a giant. Oral can be consensual or non-consensual, gentle or cruel, fatal or non-fatal. A distinguishing element of oral is that none of the bodies involved is engulfed by another.
A tiny is engulfed by a giant’s mouth for whatever reason. At least half of the engulfed body must fit inside the giant’s mouth, past the teeth. The tiny’s body eventually emerges from the giant’s mouth, more-or-less intact.
When the engulfed tiny is uncertain whether the giant is engaging in mouthplay or vore, it is also considered fearplay. (Sometimes, the giant doesn’t know if it’s going to end up as vore, either.)
The Doors to Desire by Flagg3D
A tiny is engulfed by a giant’s mouth and ultimately swallowed, passing through the esophagus and into the stomach.
Soft Vore vs. Hard Vore
In a few cases, I have seen the distinction between “soft vore” and “hard vore” defined as, respectively, non-fatal and fatal. That’s an important distinction, but among vore afficionados “soft vore” means prey swallowed whole while “hard vore” involves chewing, and I hold to these definitions.
“Realistically,” even soft vore will be quickly fatal, as there is almost no breathable air in a human stomach. Non-fatal vore therefore requires fantastic protections for the swallowed tiny, usually some kind of abnormally hospitable stomach, or a superhumanly-resilient tiny.
Non-Oral Vore
Over at Eka’s Portal, they think of everything in terms of vore. In addition to oral vore, you’ll see references to anal vore, vaginal vore, nasal vore, cock vore, and breast vore (either through milk ducts or just more mouths in place of nipples). Navels have also been transformed into mouths for use in voring prey. I haven’t seen much aural vore, but I suspect that most such cases the tiny is the active party, so it’s probably more properly considered aural intrusion.
Because everyone has a mouth and has swallowed food, oral vore is a universally appreciable concept and imaginative experience. It is the most direct and accessible metaphor for expressing the need to consume another person, to subordinate them to your needs and desires.
Conversely, people who identify as prey can see being vored as giving everything they have to another, becoming part of something greater than themselves.
When a vored tiny can—for whatever reason—survive and endure inside a giant’s viscera, they can experience such endosomatic sensations as containment, darkness, warmth, suspension, pressure, and various sounds. Not to put too fine a point on it, but this experience is most directly comparable to the sensations of a gestating fetus. If the tiny is not suffering from their ingestion, it can be considered a pleasant experience.
Giants, too, can derive pleasure from the sensation and knowledge of bodily containing their prey, whether as benign hosting or as storage for later digestion.
Perhaps the most affecting sensation of remaining conscious while being contained in a giant’s bowels is the supreme intimacy. Swimming in their fluids, surrounded by their sounds, a tiny guest comes to adopt the emotional resonances of their giant host.
This is when a vored tiny not only survives ingestion but is also able to move through the giant’s alimentary passages and emerge from the giant’s anus relatively intact. Obviously, this can be an ennervating experience for the giant as well as rather precipitous for the tiny. As distasteful as this might be for some, it is a non-fatal outcome for the prey.
While fatal vore is not my primary interest, I feel like it has to remain a threat both for my predators and for my prey. I’m almost always satisfied by mouthplay, and when I do give into vore, it is often tinged with regret. To address my non-fatal vore desires, I wrote The Circle of Lust.
RE: Mika's Interview, a F/f comic
@countdowntoshame Lovely! Just how I’m gonna spend my Friday night.
RE: For vore fans: what's the appeal?
@i-am-insane Our ancestors have been eating each other for hundreds of millions of years. It’s the oldest form of domination on the planet.
RE: For vore fans: what's the appeal?
@miss-lillipants Vore is a subject near and dear to my
stomachballsheart, so I will likely respond with one of my trademark Walls O’ Text at a more convenient time.For now, I will say only that the essential element of vore that I find most compelling is that it is the extreme subordination of one person to the needs and desires (the appetites) of another in the most intimate manner imaginable. I must add that my fascination with vore extends to imagining myself as pred and, alternately, as prey. I enjoy both perspectives equally.
RE: Learning To Kiss Your GF [ASMR RP]
@hentaihunter1 It’s very hard to generalize, particularly over a long period of time. It feels funny to say, but I suppose I’m somewhat of a late arrival to the M/f scene. “The” scene. There has only ever been a handful of platforms and groups populated by anonymous perverts just grateful that they found each other. Given that there is very little money to be made in producing size content, almost everyone here is an amateur, doing it for the love of it. This is naturally going to result in periodic burnout as well as the normal attrition as other interests and responsibilities intrude. Finally, because this is anonymously-produced and consumed smut, many people are reticent to share it with others who might expand the “community.”
Improvements in graphic technology changes what sort of images or videos are possible or economically feasible. Creators who were frustrated by early technology might be tempted to return to making images when applications improve. Because almost size smut is published anonymously, piracy or just plain stealing credit discourages creators from making size smut, even when they give it away.
Since very few creators endure and there are no rigorously organized and maintained archives, each new wave of creators tries to reinvent the wheel. Some, often aided by improvements in technology, surpass their predecessors. More commonly, size smut falls into repetition and eventual fatigue. Perhaps most powerfully, most size pervs “imprint” strongly on the first few creations that they encounter after initially discovering that others share a size kink. All of this contributes to a sense of “things aren’t as good as they used to be.”
The opposite of this, of course, is FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), the assumption that the really good size smut is out there, just a few clicks away. I tremble to think of how many (literally) years of my waking life I have sunk into sifting through size smut. I don’t regret it, exactly, but I would caution newbies to carefully weigh just how much external content they actually need to stimulate their imaginations and to budget their time accordingly.