@giant-keith The artist made this in response to a suggestion of mine for a male scientist examining a bound tiny woman, but he threw in the giantess. It’s fine, I suppose, but he never continued the sequence, and I don’t know what the device the giantess is holding is or what she intends with it.
Posts made by Olo
RE: Personal Research
RE: Learning To Kiss Your GF [ASMR RP]
@smolchlo Sturgeon’s law: “90% of everything is crap.”
No size kinkster likes everything that falls under “size fantasy,” and because most of it is anonymous smut, there’s no attempt at quality control or holding people to aesthetic standards. The prevailing attitude is: “Thanks for your contribution! We’re just glad you’re here.”
You’re gonna see a lot of stuff that does nothing for you, and some stuff that actively repels you. More heart-breakingly, you will see stuff that is right up your alley but is so poorly done that you will hate yourself for the pity-upvote you give it.
My only advice is patience.
RE: Learning To Kiss Your GF [ASMR RP]
@smolchlo Daddy’s Dollhouse is a tiny, precious oasis. We don’t see much traffic or content here, but what there is is damn good. Venture out into YouTube or #sizetwitter and your eyes will glaze over, and not in a good way.
RE: Learning To Kiss Your GF [ASMR RP]
@smolchlo If you have a size kink, you must be prepared to wade through oceans of crap content in order to find that single drop that slakes your thirst.
RE: Take Me With You
I’ve heard from multiple tines that the best way to avoid jet lag is to fly Cleavage Class.
RE: Sucks To Be Her
@mrgoblinging7 [record scratch] [freeze frame] Yep, that’s me. I bet you’re wondering how I ended up in this circumstance. Well, that story goes back to three years ago, when I first met this sonofabitch…
RE: If It Fits, It Fits
@hentaihunter1 I just hope that his pinky nail is trimmed closer than his thumb nail.