In her present circs, those heel seem suboptimal.

Posts made by Olo
RE: Deeper!
@shrunkenlaura Right. If it’s a reward, you get to determine the pace.
RE: Q-tip swab insertions
@giant-me These are lovely, but I must cavil:
Cotton swabs are excellent for caressing tinies or applying lotion (or sauce), but be aware that dry cotton does not feel pleasant inserted into a vagina, rectum, or mouth. I typically slick the swab up in my mouth, or even break the cotton off, before going to work on her holes.
RE: Exotic Meat
@smolchlo All those tears cured her meat. I think she could be sweetened up with the right marinade.
RE: A professional taste tester
@sloppy_amy She’ll be doing the milking for the moment.
RE: Tiny But Still Impressive
@mrgoblinging7 I could watch tiny women bathing themselves all day.