Replying to u/PuddingGremlin_9k
From u/LikeWipingAMarker
Thank you THANK YOU for keeping us updated. I follow this sub both for the drama and because I have a professional interest: I’m in Employment Law. I must first caution you not to rely on my statements without first consulting your local statutes and probably a local lawyer. That said, I am very happy that you escaped that toxic situation at the regional branch office. That sounded like a nightmare! Just what you mentioned in your post constituted more than sufficient grounds for a claim of discriminatory size harassment. Now that you have management looking out for you, I would not recommend commencing an action against the company.
I do, however, want to advise you against pursuing a relationship with your new supervisor or even allowing the appearance of such a relationship to become common knowledge. Even without the difference in your sizes, the power that the owner of the company wields over the entire workplace both calls your capacity to consent into question as well as invites accusations of favoritism. That the company owner has made it known that he making Tiny-accommodation a priority as well as personally intervening in business operations on your behalf only focuses attention on you and your working relationship with the owner. Your boss has wandered into a minefield of liability.
I have colleagues at the UN Human Rights Council who may be able to give you more specific and up-to-date advice. Visit the link below to see a list of countries and their respective UN contacts from the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of tinies.