Tales from the doll house a shrunken woman’s take on her daily life from her owners living room with interviews with fallow tinies or friends of her owner. As for the current episode I loved learning about the crush fandom and how little I knew of it that being crush being a personal experience whereas a city wide rampage is more of a impersonal experience
@The-Big-G create some cool sound effects so that every intro we hear the owners thunderous footsteps slowly retreating and the giant door slam shut, add a catchy little toon or jingle and voilá!
@SmolChlo we agreed when the red light is on it’s my recording time it must have been blown I’ll find the Christmas light that’s out and replace it ok
Episode 010 just dropped. Size changes everything.
My older sister owned a copy of Where the Sidewalk Ends and I vividly remember hurriedly skipping over the page with the “One Inch Tall” poem, I was almost terrified to read it. I thought if I lingered on the page for too long my sister would somehow figure out my secret
@SmolChlo You’ve unlocked a memory - I did the same with my sister’s beautiful edition of Alice in Wonderland, a French version with gorgeous artwork. I borrowed it secretly, reading the shrinking scenes and looking at the pictures. Forgot to put it back one day, got that look from my sister which made me panic… like, she knows !
(My old pre-internet secret stash of SW stuff would be a gold mine. The struggle was real.)
@Olo I saw that you linked “Dreams of Distant Spheres” and “Precious Things” for the M/f dystopian world crowd (and for the stompy horror crowd).
I’ve read some M/m New World Order stories that were very good and it’s interesting to see how similar and different they are from F/m NWO content.
@foreverlurk I can’t remember the amount of times I had to reassure myself that my friends and family weren’t psychic lol
gets caught reading a children’s book Ermergerrrd they know everythingAh yes, the sacred, holiest of all holy, pre-internet stash ~ mine is mostly manga pages and Polly Pocket pieces
@Nyx Links to any such examples of M/m dystopias?
@Olo There are some on Coiled Fist…I just need to find them again.
Episode 012 just dropped. Final ep for a while.
The gasp I gusped when she called him a “bottomless pit of needs”
… but I’m loving his miniature snow gear! Sounds spiffy
Congratulations on a successful season 1!! Looking forward to your return in season
@SmolChlo great episode plus I really want to know more about the universe and about his insecurities about leaving his own personal safe space. It was a short bite of a story but I have to admit I was invested by the end of the story plus was I the only one that was like my god he’s a dick to her. Then again from the brief story and lead up you could also understand where he was coming from after all at the end of the day he was but a pet or toy to her at the size difference his very existence was balanced upon a razors edge after all a moment of not total attention on her behalf could cost him his life in a million ways. Also I was thinking shared outfit not his own personal outfit when they talked about going out
@The-Big-G like denim clad redwoods~ She definitely used their size difference as a way to intimidate him into getting her way and I’m sure this wasn’t the first time or the last. Norwegian wool or not, little guy wasn’t too thrilled about going outside in the snow
@SmolChlo was it outside in the snow or outside in general like he seemed pretty secure in the doll house plus I got more a sense of awe of his girl friends size than intimidation like the whole “I’ll give you 8 inches”. But then again that could be just be my take on it I’ve never been intimidated by a tree before still it’s a great story if different people have different takes on it