A Pretty Cage For A Pretty Pet
Pick By epyon108 https://www.deviantart.com/epyon108/art/Gulliverse-ep-754-909540213
I hope you like it, sweetie~. I did my best to make it look like the village I plucked you from, so you don’t get as homesick.
Ha this is literally out of one of my fantasies. Rich business man takes a souvenir from each country he travels to, and starts a collection of authentic little homes for them in his home or office.
@mrgoblinging7 Yay! No more hamster
@smolchlo Might take him a little while preparing you on. So you probably are going to be living in one for quite a while. lol
Diorama terrariums are cool. Almost expected to see a bonsai tree. That would be a pleasant home for a SW to live in as long on it has a comfortable bed and restroom facilities, I still think a dollhouse is for a well pampered tiny, other than a cage or well-furnished dresser drawer. Terrarium living without comforts would be like constantly camping out.
@thumbloverver2 nooooo