Preferred method of punishment for tinies
@olo omg i’m dying where is this from tell me now
@sloppy_amy The incredible shrinking woman. Starring Lily Tomlin. What a classic.
@smolchlo Never fear, or at least fear a reasonable amount, as long as your about as good as you are naughty, I doubt you would progress to the second tier of punishments.
The Incredible Shrinking Woman (1981). Here’s a longer version of that sequence.
Asserting dominance over a tiny woman is easy. After abducting a woman for training, they fall into 2 categories:The obedient:
An obedient girl may have a plethora of reasons for obeying, a lack of imagination, a subconscious need to be dominated, predilection for panicking under stress, etc… these girls find themselves unable or unwilling to resist. Punishment is almost never necessary. Positive reinforcement is generally fine for pets of this disposition.The smartass:
A more clever girl will likely make the mental calculus that overpowering me is impossible. However, a larger opponent can always be outsmarted. So I have to get working on her self confidence. If she thinks she’s smarter than I am, I must disabuse her of those notions. I will start with a series of insults and put downs directed at her intelligence on a regular basis. Next, comes the traps. Pretend to be careless, leave her cage or bottle unlocked or unstoppered. Leave doors open. I’m never more than a few feet away whenever I do this. The intention is to show her that master is always watching. The panopticon is omnipresent. From there, the physical punishment is practically superfluous. One of my favorites is to simply place a shrunken woman in a microwave, hit a couple buttons and listen to her beg for her life. Sometimes I’ll even start it for a second or two just for a little extra shock and awe. Humiliating her with outfits she hates, rubber band spankings, locking her in cages with bugs or small animals, hot wax baths, dropping her into a condom then using it, dangling her by her hair over a blender or flushing toilet… any usually get the point across. -
@mrgoblinging7 I am indeed fearing the reasonable amount lol But I’d be on my best behavior
@giant-gripper MICROWAVE!!?
oh ma lanta! I read a story where this guy put shrunken teenage girls he kidnapped from the mall in a microwave and they popped after a few minutes, that story scared the absolute bananas outta me
Reading your methods has been quite anxiety inducing lol
@smolchlo Then be a good girl and do as your master says
@giant-gripper I will I promise!
Another no shenanigan and/or tomfoolery kinda giant I see lol
@smolchlo See, obideant girls get head pats and treats, lol
@giant-gripper ooooh I love treats! I hope it’s candy
Head pats are the cats pajamas ya know, simply the best
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And here it is on YouTube.