If you actually had the be ability to shrink someone or get shrink would you?
@thumbloverver2 Most people in the comics with shrink powers were supervillains then you had heroes like the Atom/Ray Palmer, the wasp and Antman/Hank Pym who’d use the powers to do good.
About the time I answered my own question I suppose. I would definitely shrink someone but I want it to be reversible as well. I believe an experience so intimate has to be agreed upon and that is the only way it would be enjoyable. I also wouldn’t want to harm them since I would feel bad. Even though, I can be quite a petty person wouldn’t mind shrinking someone who has wronged me. lol. But I would rather not have the ability since I would definitely go crazy with the power. To be honest. Though I will never be 100% sure since shrinking is scientifically impossible. lol.
@thumbloverver2 Reversible is an important thing, where’s the antidote, growth ray to undo this if I accidently shrink myself, or the wrong person, or decide the real thing isn’t as fun as the fantasy, yeah shrinking is impossible in the real world, but we can dream together.
@thumbloverver2 Not to encourage any would be supervillains but history is filled with surpassed Scientific Impossible. It was once thought breaking the sound barrier was one after all. Mind you, I don’t think shrink tech is on the way. I’m just that a its Scientific Impossible currently type of guy.
@hentaihunter1 It’s highly improbable according to a video I watched we would need an energy source similar to the sun in order to to make it work. Of course, I might be wrong. If I were to ever become a villain I would be as threatening as Doofenshmirtz. lol
@giant-me I see you are a man of culture as well.
@thumbloverver2 Yeah, depends on the theory of how. There is also the mass. Compress the space between Electrons and a 10kg item shrunk is still a 10 kg item. Remove the mass, and it has to go somewhere.
Now here is how I was able too, oh, right. Ahh, yeah, currently unlikely technology. Still Sci-Fi stuff.
Oops, almost gave away my scheme of Tri-State conquest!!! -
@hentaihunter1 Yeah, doing a science talk, you would have to store or trade mass with another object or being or space, create the right amount of energy for the spatial displacement field (It is a term related to physics. - It is the shortest path covered by an object. - Its SI unit is m. - Displacement can be zero, if the initial point and the final point of the object are same. - It is a vector quantity, ie, it has both magnitude and direction. Space time has a lot to do with mass, gravity etc.)
, still having a viable living subject as a result, a living, breathing, consuming, moving, thinking, viable subject at the end. -
This is my theory for reducing mass in an object/subject. I hope you find this at least entertaining. Reducing mass involves displacement of it trading or storing the mass you want to change, this is the way the atoms must be changed, it involves space, time, and placed energy at a volume and speed. Like the possibilities of time travel or teleportation a fixed point of both objects or space the object or objects occupy must be calculated as well as both objects’ mass and degree of it you desire to change which takes a lot of energy to achieve like possibly solar, nuclear power or cold fusion of a high magnitude. In short you are teleporting the mass of an object to another space or another object, the act of splitting and displacing atoms. The most important factor is the rate of temperature of applied energy too much or too little can damage the object or subject causing non-viability for it to possibly implode, explode, or disintegrate. Like I mentioned earlier a spatial displacement field must be achieved to alter an object or subject, this is the main theory of changing/altering matter by calculating and then altering the space it occupies. For a living subject’s properties must be altered by strength or acceptance to keep them alive, factors like breathing thicker air/strengthening the subject’s lungs, ingesting/consuming denser water and food/strengthening the subject’s digestive system, and also strengthening their skin and bones to make it more durable for the larger environment, giving them a mouse or rat’s or even an insect’s viability. One final important factor to have is the stability of the subjects’ new state of existence, staying intact over time, applying constant viability to its new size. In physics or the physical world all requirements must be met to make anything possible, yes today’s science fiction is tomorrow’s science fact, once all factors are met to make the impossible, possible.
- 2 years later
@Olo I would shrink myself and hide like a rat
Just shrink someone, full out, from full-size to doll, or smaller? Probably not without consent, which would require explaining, which probably is never happening or unless they’re like, trying to rob me or something.
…Just a little off the top though? That could be another story. Going to be honest, I can think of some women I’d like to see smaller. Moreover, depending how broad we’re talking, if I could take a few inches off everyone but me, not enough to cause problems but to make me taller well… I probably would.
Though at that point it’s ‘why am I not shrinking everything on the planet but me’ so…
Yep, I’d pick my tiny carefully, no point wasting the ability on someone who wouldn’t atleast appreciate it In some way… I’d pick one of you lucky ladies here… Any takers? Going dooooooown
I like to think that I’d wait until I found someone who would really, really enjoy the experience.
In specific context, yes I would.