Shrunk At The Park
Pick By LucyLoveGTS
She had no idea how she got so small, and she didn’t have time to think about it. Between dogging massive stomping feet, and outrunning dogs that think she was food or a toy, she desperately hoped that someone would finally notice and save her from this hell! ((Remember tines, this is what happens when you try to escape your masters. Life is better as a pet than a free tiny.))
@mrgoblinging7 I’ll just have to train harder
I’ll survive this wilderness
ahhhhOoOo And remember to stretch before escaping!
@smolchlo After living months in the woods/park Its’ shrunken Chlo warrior princess, follow her adventures as she manages to live off the land and avoid being part of the food chain or captured as a pet, living in her abandoned gopher hole/cave home.
@giant-me dude! You’re not gonna believe this but…
I’ve been prepared for a while now
I very much dig the Viking look
@smolchlo beautifully tribal, the Vikings will be proud to have/add such a fine young tough lass to their ranks.
@giant-me Thank you!! I feel supa tough whenever I wear it too