Exotic Meat
Pick By Aki https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/83058569
To be tightly sealed in a package like this and then have all these giant faces peering down at you
… an absolute nightmare
@smolchlo The real nightmare would be getting all the air forced out of your lungs every time they had to relabel your price. Looks like they had to do it three times to the poor little thing. Too expensive to sell, and they just wanna get rid of her. That can’t be good for her self esteam.
@mrgoblinging7 that’s very true
she’s so cute too!
@smolchlo We can pretend that someone nice buys her. That her fate is to get head pats and affection, instead of barbequed with extra spicy hot-souse.
But I do get harder when I think about the latter…
@mrgoblinging7 … if she does end up getting BBQ’d, I hope the giant gets food poisoning and then proceeeds to shit his pants in front of the boiz
Wow this is great
I wonder who these aliens are?
@sloppy_amy you will find out quite soon
@smolchlo She does look pretty sour.
@olo Her mad sour mood shall destroy the giants stomach as well as the inside of his pants
@smolchlo All those tears cured her meat. I think she could be sweetened up with the right marinade.
@olo No eating Penelope!
… she looks like a Penelope lol
@smolchlo No swallowing, just tasting.
@smolchlo fond memories
Hanna Barbara’s Wacky races Penelope was always tied up.