Congrats to Jit & Seru!
Congratulations to @Jitensha and @Seru on getting their visa to Japan accepted! Bon voyage and have a marvelous adventure!
That’s great, delighted for them!
I don’t think they use this site anymore. I’d say it’d be better wishing them well on Twitter.
@cyberpool I’m not on Twitter, and since they created this site, I’m sayin’ it here.
@olo I feel you, it’s unlikely they’ll see it anytime soon lol.
@cyberpool I’m SEEING it!!
Thank you so much @OloI’m sorry we’ve been very quiet on the board!! For the most part, I’ve only been logging in to make sure we don’t have any reports or other mod issues.
There’s been a lot going on in our personal lives, which I’ll explain in detail later on (if anyone is interested), but we are ecstatic about the move! Hubby is trying to keep me in check because I am compiling all these pinterest ideas for our new place, but we have to budget LOL.
You can’t blame me though. 2 years of living out of a suitcase!! I’m so ready to live on our own again. I appreciate it of course…but it’s been horrible
I’m hoping to have more updates to the forum actually, once I’m in Japan. I’ll be there 2nd week of May!
@jitensha so happy for you both! Have a safe travel and an awesome new life in Japan!
@bigjacinto Thank you so much!!!