Hench why I included a body scanner in my shrinking devices. Know if their clean with a HH1 made Shrinking device!
PS: Their outsides should still be washed, its more medically clean then physically clean. Heck, who is going to pass up a nubile lovely Farmer’s daughter type working the fields just because she’s a little sweaty and a touch dusty. Not I says the cat. -
@sloppy_amy STDs are a real problem, always get your SW/tinies tested. I guess you’re not FDA approved? Too bad shrinking or being shrunken doesn’t cure them, on the other hand I’ve always used a cure method in the shrinking process that shrinks them to the point where they can’t spread to you or other tinies.
I’ll have to make more emojis, since the only active vore one we have now is this :
@Olo I must have posted this on The Minimizer’s site back in the day, but I was able to find it on my old website using the wayback machine!