Shrunken Financial Analyst
@smolchlo what about a bird cage
@smolchlo Doing research because I’m bored, can’t sleep, and sharing it, realistically open cages need pest control, food, water, and waste(a functioning bathroom is a must or a porta-potty and a garbage system) means a cage needs constant cleaning, a closed self-cleaning ecosystem terrarium/biosphere like controlled composting and a filtered environment needs less cleaning or should lol or a dollhouse needs maid service jobs/chores for tinies, when an owner is away at work or school. If you like punishing your tinies, making them go camping constantly when they hate it, it is a great way to contain tinies like hamster and bird cages which are impractically unsanitary for tinies or humans to live in, like medieval prisoners sleeping in their own wastes and consuming dirty food and water.
(Me bringing some reality and culture into your day if want to
go off the direct topic, History and opinions, Medieval conditions: in the Middle Ages contributed to weakened immune systems that led to premature death when disease and pestilence ravaged communities. Poor hygiene and sanitation in medieval cities contributed to the spread of disease, especially the devastating plague years of the mid to late 14th Century in Europe. Rats with fleas caused the black plague. Opinions, ideas, and facts: When the wealthy and the gov. help the people in poverty more, there is more harmony (no rioting, looting and uncleanliness.) and less harmful diseases, as for the deadbeats or borrowers (unpaid child support, alimony, and credit, loans, and general debts) there was a debtor’s prison instead of gov. well-fare and bankruptcy, they were forced to work odd jobs to pay off debts to earn their freedom, and voluntary work camps for the jobless and homeless for room and board till they got back on their feet, these are the ideas of people running homeless shelters and soup kitchens helping others out who really need it. Reminds me of retirement homes, the gov. should take care of the old people who can’t work anymore who aren’t wealthy. because they need it, Soc. sec. shouldn’t be it for the old and unwealthy.) Yep, what if people were shrunk to pay off debts and or have a place to live? -
@giant-me deadbeats or borrowers… I no longer desire to engage this conversation but I appreciate the research
@biggrumpy No bird cages! I require a Victorian style Dollhouse Mansion with a massive Samsung television and internet
gotta stay posting on the Gram ya know
LiViNg mY BeSt LyFe
@smolchlo I often fantasize about this, how all those pretty and successful looking influences on Instagram and Youtube might as well be shrunken slaves living in jars on an evil giant’s shelf. He just makes them produce these videos to rake in cash. They smile and grin and pretend life is sweet until the camera shuts off and it’s back to the jar for them.
@sloppy_amy Right! It makes a lot of sense
Now all I’m going to think about is if these influencers are really tiny lol I’ll DM them like… “Hey girl, you good? Are you smol? Sleeping in a jar perhaps?”
@smolchlo The owner monitors their messages. You have to use coded language.
@sloppy_amy I would do it if she was on Live, in the comments I would say “wear a yellow top if you’re in trouble” then quickly delete the comment once she reads it and then we see if she’s wears a yellow top! Like what they did with Britney Spears lol
@smolchlo I might be blinded by possession and lust, but there’s no way I’m letting her livestream.
@olo Well here are some glasses for your blindness my dude
because she has GOT to keep thee sacred clout alive! Keep them followers UP
@smolchlo Thanks anyway, of course I get carried away sometimes with my posts, but I’m glad you took the time to read what I have/had to post of my ramblings and rants. It’s like drunk dialing did I say that or do that? Why? Did I miss taking my meds or something?
This has been an poor attempt at making conversation, don’t pay any attention to the man behind the curtain. -
@giant-me I’m pretty overwhelmed when I’m on here in general so paragraphs like that just spin me out. Less is more ya know