Fairy role play!
Hey y’all, i thought you guys would enjoy this story
my boyfriend and i went to the renaissance fair a few weekends ago and i bought a pair of elf/pixie ears. My bf knows that Im into macrophilia but we’ve never really incorporated it into our Dom/sub dynamic before. Well i thought i looked pretty cute in my renfaire outfit and fairy ears, and i started jokingly seducing him saying things like, “oh noOoo, what are you gonna do with your helpless little captive fairy?” and stuff like that just to be funny, but he actually found it very hot
so when we got home he had me get in some fairy-esque lingerie and keep the ears on, and we did a fairy role play scene! It was along the lines of Ferngully where he was a lumberjack and i was a tiny forest nymph
and it was SOOO hot!! i never thought we’d ever be able to make this kink work practically but we kinda did hahah! so PSA to all the other tiny gals here, get urself some fairy ears
@ivythefairie You’re living the dream! It was smart to subtly suggest the idea to your boyfriend, as a dominant there was a good chance he’d share it with you.
Keep enjoying it
@ivythefairie I love this! I just got my elf ears the other day, isn’t it so much fun wearing them? lol You get to feel all cute and small
… sadly my Ren Fair isn’t until August
but more power to you girl! Hell yea
I’m so happy that you found a way to incorporate Micro stuff into your IRL relationship. It can be genuinely very hard to pull off.
Renaissance fairs are good fun been to a few, reminds me of when I went to Plymouth rock on two field trips in elementary school, When I was young, I had a lovable crush on Disney’s Tinkerbelle, she definitely was one hot little fairy. Congrats on your fairy fun. Wearing ears for me reminds me of Mr. Spock Star Trek cosplay, Live long and prosper.