by Gulp5959
Nice, very nice
Is she being choked while being thumb fucked? Never got being choked as a fetish personally, but whatever gets you off.
Her lover just has to be carful not to snap her neck, or pop her poor little head off!
@mrgoblinging7 I always play dead whenever they do that lol
I think it’s just another power move for them
@smolchlo You do realize that once your master figures you out, your getting the rubber band until your butt is red as a tomato!
But then what if he doesn’t figure you out? Then your thrown away, or incinerated, or eaten, or however he dispossess of dead tinies.
@mrgoblinging7 sounds like being discarded is better than staying with a Master who can’t tell a dead tiny from an alive one
@mrgoblinging7 Ohhh the effortlessness of the choking with one finger
So hot