Tiny But Still Impressive
Pick By shrunker https://www.deviantart.com/shrunker/art/Tiny-but-still-impressive-913087335
I know we just got you cleaned up from last time, but I have to have you again~!
@mrgoblinging7 I could watch tiny women bathing themselves all day.
@olo Mermaids of the sink, Same here, watch them do the backstroke, and maybe even synchronized swimming in the nude. My pastime would be SW Skinny-dipping voyeurism.
Yayyy bath time
@smolchlo I wonder, would you insist on washing yourself, or have your giant owner clean you?
I can just imagine you having a pouty little face, insisting on one or the other, and having a less than compelling argument for it~.
@mrgoblinging7 OoOohhh I very much would like a giant to give me a bubble bath! To be all slippery and sliding around in between his warm massive hands and fingers
🧼 wOoHoO
@smolchlo that is one thing I always fantasize about a lot. After getting a SW all messy when I’m done playing I bathe her lovingly working the soap and water all over her body not missing a spot, massaging it in tickling sometimes with a few light smacks on her ass, then ending with washing her vagina till she bursts into a hard orgasm before rinsing her, and finally drying off with a soft wash cloth while massaging anymore tensions away from her sexy tiny nude body. My hands are both soft and rough as I continue to love on her, letting her bathe herself I could not resist touching or watching her every move so I might as well be helping her get off again and again till she doesn’t want me to. Licking her and getting myself off with her aren’t the only things I enjoy, touching her is so erotic, holding her, this is why I love handhelds so much, for the touch factor, and power of being able to do anything to her and with her, consented or non-consented I’m very excited to push all of her buttons to cause her the greatest pleasure, it is intoxicatingly pleasing to me. Selfish and unselfish at the same time.