Lead By Example
Pick By SizeMaster https://imgur.com/a/zfRODWP
“Look, I know your new, and this is all very scary. But when she unties you, do as I do. Otherwise, our owner and her boyfriend will use you as a condom. And that is not a good way to go!”
As a condom?!
@smolchlo Ya at her size, she would not survive. Or, if very unfortunate, survive long enough only to literally burst apart when he cums balls deep in his GF’s claustrophobicly tight pussy.
I love the belly rolls. So cute!
@mrgoblinging7 I thought as much
I would NOT want to die that way, hands down worst fear as a tiny! SWGTSdrawing on Patreon has a VERY detailed drawing of that scenario
@sloppy_amy I actually used this base photo for a size collage, but unfortunately for this forum it was F/m.