The Virtual Pet
@BigCuddlyGiant I wish I had this Tamagotchi as a young lad.
I’m sure that version wouldn’t die on me
This is great and all but I’m kind of distracted by how adorable the handheld is???
So cute!! You could just pluck her right out
Wait, that happens? Crap I need to buy one of those things now.
Side note, I thought it was a Pokeball at first. Likely because the hints of a story about PokeWomen keeps rolling about in mt brain but I can’t quite work it out.HH1
@HHunter1 like a glitch in the making of the balls lets you trap trainers instead or a different reality where you have Pokemon women and men hybrids
@The-Big-G My quick answer is both. I think that’s part of my problem, I can’t decide which. It doesn’t help I don’t know the games that well so I can’t adjust any of their stories.
One idea is a woman that wakes up as sort of a human/Squirtle-like hybrid given to a guy as his started Poke-person. Like she’s a Squirtle in combat and such, but it’s also a costume. Also all the Poke-people combos are also confused people trapped in Poke-suits. That one I wanted to follow one of the early Pokémon games, but like I said, I don’t know them that well.
Less loosely worked on is a guy that makes himself Poke-balls and begins catching people.
I have a dozen or more stories going so I likely won’t start on either of those any time soon. So they are open for someone to borrow if they can plan them out better then I have so far. Just let me know what you made.