@SallyFourth I suspect fear is an important element of the experience.
Posts made by Olo
RE: Hankey's Toys are bringin' the goods
RE: Hankey's Toys are bringin' the goods
@Kisupure Full-body imaging + 3D printers
RE: Office Pets
@Mrgoblinging7 If you bring treats to the office, bring enough for everyone.
RE: Stay Still... I Need To Worm My Feet!
@Mrgoblinging7 Looks like she’s the worm.
RE: Cake Decoration For Your Birthday
@Mrgoblinging7 Can I provide my own frosting?
RE: Does size have the potential of going above and beyond a fetish community?
For better or worse, there is no single “size community” and there probably never will be. In the extremely unlikely event that size fantasy ever “goes mainstream,” it will almost certainly focus on a subset of size, leaving the rest of us to complain that we’re not being represented. With the exception of the F/m gatekeeping assholes, I think everyone has a legitimate grievance that their preferences have been ignored or ostracized.
Back when I was on Tumblr, I would frequently see a SFW/fluffy post that I liked and I would reblog it to my blog, which was otherwise filled with graphic size porn. I didn’t quite appreciate at the time that NFSW people who followed my blog would take that as an invitation to start harassing the SFW content creator, demanding that they post or roleplay in an NFSW context. When I realized that I stopped reblogging the fluffy posts, but even when I simply “liked” a SFW post the OP would block me. They had valid reasons for trying to avoid contact with NFSW size fans, but they would also shame them, declaring their SFW preferences to be “pure.” I have heard multiple accounts of similar interactions with SFW size fans, and I think @subasubaski’s concerns are valid.
I think it’s important to remember that when @Jitensha created both SizeCon and this forum, she didn’t want anyone to be excluded (this forum’s prohibition is on F/m content, not F/m fans). She made Daddy’s Dollhouse because she felt that NSFW M/f content (particularly non-con, violent, and cock-featuring content) was being disparaged on other SW sites. At the same time, we also welcome SFW/fluff here, and no one should feel required to engage with or be exposed to NFSW content they don’t want. That’s why we have tags (which should always be used).
RE: Does size have the potential of going above and beyond a fetish community?
I’m just gonna leave this here…
RE: Hypnotizing
The wave of arousal that hits me feels like an intentional one straight from him, a mind manipulation that fills my whole body. I moan happily as I receive this gift, laying back against the heat of the shifting skin. I look up at Ryder’s growing eye and blow him a kiss before I start touching myself.
I’d love to have the power to shrink someone, but also being able to mentally trigger their arousal feels like cheating. Either way, this was exhilarating to read.
my titan
I like the sound of that.
Ryder’s still in bed, now sitting upright. He looks… exhausted, actually. Dark circles under his eyes, a wobbly disorientation in his gaze. There’s a rather severe expression on his face, one that I haven’t seen before. He looks conflicted. Almost fearful.
That’s the look of someone who’s never felt at risk deciding that taking a risk is the only way to get what he desires.
This was fascinating and juicy, Lily. Thank you for sharing it with us!
RE: Hypnotizing
@littlest-lily The downside about their mental connection is that he can’t pretend he doesn’t know she’s there, to really make her feel invisible.
RE: Does size have the potential of going above and beyond a fetish community?
There are many different important issues raised by this thread. The comparison to furries is instructive and probably deserves its own thread.
I was about to ask @TakoAlice8 what she imagined size fantasy “going beyond the fetish” would look like, but her recent post clarified that somewhat. “Fandom” was precisely the word I was going to suggest, primarily because it captures that obsessive interest that defies mainstream acceptance. I agree with @AnnDViant that “going mainstream” would almost certainly transform size fantasy, quite possibly losing what fans (both SFW and NSFW) love about it.
Like many long-time size fantasists, I have often lamented that whenever size differential appears in mainstream content it fails to address my personal, fetish-based interests. If size fantasy were to “go mainstream,” I argued, there would be many more opportunities for them to “get it right.” Judging from the SFW G/t folks still on Tumblr, mainstream size content also fails to deliver on the important tropes of what they call their “emotional support fantasy.”
At present, mainstream size content is restricted to children’s stories and fantasy/sci-fi/horror. The “holy grail” would be a size story that is, as Ann put it, more adult and less paranormal. This would create the dramatic space for encounters that satisfy the needs of both SFW and NSFW size fans. For a while some of us entertained the hope that the movie Downsizing would be that breakthrough moment, but we were disappointed (to put it mildly).
I’m no longer waiting on the mainstream media to catch on to this. I’m trying to write more stories that are dramatically adult that just happen to include size differential, with relatable people of different sizes who have complex relationships. I still write the short stroke stories when necessary, of course.