Posts made by Olo
RE: Seasonal Reminder
@giantmaneddie So do I, but certain brats need to be reminded of their place.
Seasonal Reminder
Tinies who live in gingerbread houses taste like molasses.
RE: Out of their Element
that “weighty pause” on his end was processing that exact thing you mentioned . . . But it wasn’t quite working and felt like too much, so both Aiden and I figured we’d put a pin in that
I figured as much. It’s a natural consequence of the one-sided perspective mode you’ve chosen, and Aiden’s instinct (and yours) was correct. It wasn’t the right time.
Aiden’s also grown up a little, in that one of the hardest things to do in a relationship is let someone else do for you (especially when it revolves around a secret kink you’ve been ashamed to share for so long). Concern for Evie’s physical safety aside, he finally gave in to the moment. That was nice to see (as Evie would readily attest).
Speaking of secrets, I’m worried sick that there might be no way to prevent Camila from venting her frustration by blabbing to others about Evie’s condition. If she were a more mature and empathetic person, Aiden might have been able to explain his kink to Camila and thus assure her that there’s no need to worry about him, but she’s proven that her “concern” is wholly insincere and self-serving and that attempting to appeal to her better nature is futile. If only Diego had some kind of leverage over her…
“What’s Evie doing with that banana?”
“It’s not a banana, I’m just happy to see her.”
RE: Like Shoes, Do You?
@HHunter1 If you’re all out of jars, bowls, mugs, glasses, and salad-spinners, shoes will work in a pinch.
RE: Out of their Element
@littlest-lily Well, that was certainly worth the buildup! Too bad Camila wasn’t watching; it might have helped her “get it.” jk
the fleshy shape up ahead, as big as inflatable lawn decor.
I won’t be unable to unsee that whenever I look at a neighbor’s holiday display.
Peek-a-boner was terrifically cute. Just excellent emotional and physical immersion. Hope she gets to see it out when she’s on the floor and he’s standing over her.
“I’m sorry I can’t take you inside me.” “Conventional sex is overrated.”
This was a tough exchange. I hope Aiden finds the poise at some point to acknowledge that Evie, too, is missing out the pleasures of penetration.
One final note. A former co-worker once confided to me that an old boyfriend of hers had, more than once, exclaimed “What a trooper!” at the moment of climax. I thought it was the perfect thing to say to one’s tiny lover after they had just survived copulation, so put it in my next (F/m) size story.
RE: Out of their Element
@littlest-lily Gonna wait until after work to read this one.
RE: Salt & Pepper
@littlest-lily Sappy fingers would definitely help in this maneuver.