Build sidewalks for tinies
I watched a young gentleman casually spit on the sidewalk as he was leaving the gym today and I couldn’t help but imagine if I was my 4 inch self taking a relaxing walk, minding my own business and then suddenly wham I’m covered from head to toe in a Giants thick saliva. I’m sure the force of it would knock me over as well
Just wanted to share that funny thought with you all
@SmolChlo So, you actually need a little umbrella?
Really your owner should have a safe place for you to have little walks. Sidewalks are outside and outside alone you would have to worry about cats and seagulls before spitting assholes.
Do you need a safe place SmolChlo? Are you not looked after little one? scoop
@HentaiHunter1 a tiny umbrella is a good idea! What if Giants and tinies lived amongst each other? Wouldn’t we need special sidewalks? But I guess that wouldn’t stop you or someone else from picking me up
I thought sidewalks for tinies were called “tunnels.”
@Olo can we make above ground tunnels? That way we can safely look up at the Giants as they are walking by and they’ll be able to see us too! Annnnd the dome will protect us from any unwanted spit globs lol
@SmolChlo You’re talking about Habitrails.
@SmolChlo Then again, when I was walking along the sidewalk this morning in plain view, these two dudes walked by and were so distracted by their conversation that one of them kicked me without noticing
Landed in a wad of gum and have been stuck ever since, now I’ll never get to my destination… Dedicated sidewalks sound really nice right about now!
Little plastic tunnels running along buildings to keep all the tinies safe. And above them nomadic tubes with special containers for tinies in a hurry.
I like the thought of tiny people humbled or humiliated in casual ways like this. Different ways. Maybe tiny people camping and a giant comes and inserts himself in their area, or like takes an unassuming piss where he thinks it’s safe. Things with clothing or food too, tossed onto a tiny. Could also see an unaware giant stumbling upon the tiny persons’ pathways by accident. Good thought. thanks for sharing.
@Dan “Hey, you little guys hungry?” [tosses potato chip]
@Dan I don’t think my pathetic, little umbrella will protect me from a Giant who needs to take a quick leak
@SmolChlo Hopefully you find an un-leaky giant to look after you if you were in such a world. Though I would see trust being a big issue between people and tines. Or people and giants in your perspective.
@HentaiHunter1 It has nothing to do with trust. It has to do with $2 pints on Tuesday.
@HentaiHunter1 I’m one of those stray tinies that enjoys her minuscule independence. But I agree, I would have a hard time trusting normal sized people if I shrunk. It’s scary being snack sized lol