Foreverlurk's AI artwork
@foreverlurk said in Foreverlurk's AI artwork:
In other news… I’ve been told repetitively and aggressively to do GTS/SM
, and I’ve also been told I shouldn’t include giant men in my pictures.
Ah, the old “anything-that-isn’t-my-specific-fetish-shouldn’t-exist” mentality is still going strong, I see.
Please keep creating what you enjoy. The scenarios that you’ve been posting have been fantastic
@Olo said in Foreverlurk's AI artwork:
@foreverlurk said:
This is the one thing that both tempts me and frustrates me about getting deep into making generative images: the possibility that I could write my way to seeing what I want. I don’t have the patience or the time.I don’t start from scratch either, I use ChatGPT 4 to help me write them, since it’s the LLM used by DALL-E 3, it knows the way around some restrictions (you have to jailbreak it first, which is still doable right now). I’m a software engineer so I have some level of understanding of how tokens ares weighted in prompts, altough it’s far less obvious than with CLIP in SD. I made myself a small library of prompts I can mix and match. The problem is that Microsoft are constantly tweaking filters, meaning what worked last week might not the week after.
This one is simply miraculous.
Thanks! I hope to have more soon.
OMFG, I simply can’t with these dudes. I can’t decide which is more infuriating: the arrogance to tell someone else how to make art, or the willful blindness to how little M/f content is out there compared to F/m. Just thinking about this is draining.
What should I do? Block them? I’ve explained countless times I’m into SW and M/f or F/f…
So revealing about our society. Makes me more sad than mad.
Yup, very sad… I can still get some M/f but never to the level of affection allowed for F/f.
@Nyx said in Foreverlurk's AI artwork:
Ah, the old “anything-that-isn’t-my-specific-fetish-shouldn’t-exist” mentality is still going strong, I see.
Please keep creating what you enjoy. The scenarios that you’ve been posting have been fantastic
Thank you so much!
I’m a bit dumbfounded about them pestering me for GTS/SM content when they already have 1000x more content creators than us out there, some with a level of art and quality I could never even dream of attaining.
@foreverlurk said:
What should I do? Block them? I’ve explained countless times I’m into SW and M/f or F/f…
Explaining to them is useless. Easiest just to block them. On the other hand, since they’re just trying to demoralize you, you might come up with a standard, cheerful retort that shows you’re going to keep doing what you love.
@Olo there’s no pleasing entitlement.
@foreverlurk Ignoring and blocking is a very fine approach to dealing with…hm, inappropriately forward people. I doubt you’ll miss them. They can perish in their abundance of Fm/SM content. However you decide to address them (or not!), don’t let them get you down. Plenty of others appreciate you sharing some pretty cool Mf/SW AI content.
@miss-lillipants said in Foreverlurk's AI artwork:
@foreverlurk Ignoring and blocking is a very fine approach to dealing with…hm, inappropriately forward people. I doubt you’ll miss them. They can perish in their abundance of Fm/SM content. However you decide to address them (or not!), don’t let them get you down. Plenty of others appreciate you sharing some pretty cool Mf/SW AI content.
Thanks a lot, and don’t worry they’re not bringing me down, it’s just annoying and time-consuming. I mean, I can spot the difference between a genuine polite request - although I’ve stated I’m NOT taking them - and a guy saying “your stuff sucks because giant men, do SM/GTS instead”.
So blocked it is.
Hello, time for some new gens from the past week. I’m working on getting better expressions on characters, also better perspective and lighting. Just sharing some here in case you don’t follow my DA.
First I want to share a fanart I did based on an early chapter from @littlest-lily 's amazing “Rain” series. I’m reading through and I already know I want to do more scenes, some will be quite a challenge but it’s really rewarding once a prompt gives you what had in mind.
This one I liked very much, but of course since it’s M/f I once again got a lot of hate. Some guy went ballistic in the comments and my DMs, I tried to explain what projection/self-insertion was. Don’t know why I wasted my time. Thankfully, the tiny cavalry came in to support me ( including @SmolChlo thanks!!!)
Here I was going for a much smaller size while keeping the details and the proper sense of scale.
This may be the one I’m most proud of…
More on DA, of course. Thanks for watching!
@foreverlurk I got your back! Now I know what all of you guys were talking about, I’ve never seen a comment like that before. It’s bizarre because there’s literally soooooo many Giantess creators on that platform plus some of your own work is F/f like you can’t even have some M/f?! Bonkers.
@foreverlurk wow I love this last 2 excellent
@foreverlurk these are honestly incredible
@SmolChlo said in Foreverlurk's AI artwork:
@foreverlurk It’s bizarre because there’s literally soooooo many Giantess creators on that platform
I honestly don’t get it… they literaly have almost all the media creators, mainstream or otherwise. Can’t we have our tiny space out there without getting harrassed?!
@Im-Warden said in Foreverlurk's AI artwork:
@foreverlurk these are honestly incredible
@Giganto82 said in Foreverlurk's AI artwork:
@foreverlurk wow I love this last 2 excellent
Thank you so much guys, glad you liked them.
@foreverlurk these are amazing. I just checked this for the first time in a while and the one of pirates (?) Or a taven that’s centered on the SW between 2 boots is absolutely slaying me. Great job!
Thanks so much for sharing these. This is the best example yet I’ve seen or AI being used very well for this under-served purpose.
And the haters can f off!
@tiny-ivy said in Foreverlurk's AI artwork:
@foreverlurk these are amazing. I just checked this for the first time in a while and the one of pirates (?) Or a taven that’s centered on the SW between 2 boots is absolutely slaying me. Great job!
Thanks so much for sharing these. This is the best example yet I’ve seen or AI being used very well for this under-served purpose.
And the haters can f off!
Thank you for your kind words.
I’m a huge fan of RPGs and high fantasy (and fantasy pirates for some reasons lol), so including sizey scenes in such settings is a very natural fit for me.
While I do have my share of haters, they are few compared to the nice comments I receive, thankfully!
Hello there! Wanted to share some more for those who don’t follow me on DA.
I played the piano when I was younger, can’t pretend I never imagined…
I always chickened out of using shrinking potions as a plot device in my campaigns, sadly
Not 100% satisfied but getting closer to that insect-sized feeling and perspective
This one I imagined while taking a walk, turned out eerily close to reality (minus the SW, of course)
Yay for oversized clothes, I always liked when GFs wore one of my sweaters or hoodies, got my imagination going
Hello again, I’ve posted some more stuff on DA! As usual, some a lil’ spicy, some wholesome, some corny. Here’s a small sample of my latest generative AI artwork :
Starlust - Touch me with your light and I’ll burn like a star
Never leave your shrink rays unattended…
She is ah, overwhelmed, um, yup
Without my glasses you honestly looked like a mouse
Ducky Fun