Seasonal Reminder
Tinies who live in gingerbread houses taste like molasses.
I give cavities
@SmolChlo And?
@SmolChlo I got yer cavity right here.
@Olo I rather lick my tinies.
@giantmaneddie So do I, but certain brats need to be reminded of their place.
@Olo licking is fine but…
@SmolChlo I see no down side to this argument
@foreverlurk It’s fiiine, it’s non-fatal vore.
@Olo non-fatal being eaten? Binge and purge I suppose.
@HHunter1 More like binge and splooge.
@Olo said in Seasonal Reminder:
Tinies who live in gingerbread houses taste like molasses.
Also, when MULTIPLE tiny women live in the same gingerbread house, they taste like mo’ lasses. See what I did there?
@Olo hello, it’s me
️ I’m the brat
@The-Big-G I’ll never learn
… there’s just something I can’t resist about teasing a hungry Giant ~