@foreverlurk I was met with the biggest HUH?! but that’s okay bc today I switched his toilet paper with mini toilet papers…
@Olo exactly! And I have lots of little clues too
So he better take out his handy dandy notebook and figure it out
@SmolChlo I have a number of effective traps to recommend.
@SmolChlo haha don’t give up, I’m sure he’ll get it eventually!
My problem has always been searching for signs when in reality there were none. Good ol’ “I reject your reality and substitute my own” at work!
@foreverlurk “I could just eat you up.”
@foreverlurk Oof, I’ve been there too. Before I revealed all, there would be the occasional comment on me being short, but it was usually in an apologetic way. “Oh, can you not see over that? Ah, sorry, I don’t mean to poke fun at your height.” Meanwhile I was blushing so much that I was like “oh my god act normal oh my god he’s gonna figure it out omgomgomgomg”
(he did not figure it out)
@Olo watching him eat a sandwich while wishing I was on that sandwich 🥪
@SmolChlo Give me a lollipop and take a seat.
@foreverlurk haha I totally get what you mean! I hang on to every size remark he makes sigh but I know it’s just wishful thinking. Maybe when everything in his house is miniaturized he’ll understand
@Olo said in Desperation:
@foreverlurk “I could just eat you up.”
“I wish I could put you in my pocket.” (I use that one so often!)
@littlest-lily said in Desperation:
(he did not figure it out)
We think we’re so obvious somehow. size panic activated. Normies don’t perceive this stuff as we do.
Having been with a very short girl, the topic of her height came up often. I never brought it up but I could never get enough of hearing her talk exasperatedly about how short she was, and meanwhile I was like "um, yes, do go on, dear" while trying to keep my cool. Pathetic, I know lol.
I just remembered that my partner is somewhat sardonic about her height and when she wants me to get something that is out of her reach she’ll say, “I need a giant.”
@Olo Does she know?? Also, that’s a good line… (taking notes)
@littlest-lily She knows, but she’s not interested.
@Olo Fair enough. At least she still makes requests for a giant