zHeightgeist: Giant/SW
I’m very excited with everyone’s participation! Holy boots, there’s some fascinating information coming at me.
But like with anything nice in this world, the questionnaire’s coming to an end. Please spread the word: I would like to hear from normal-sized women (why don’t we have a word for this?) who are into giant men! They’re relatively under-represented, when I break everyone down into categories. If I could hear from a few more regular-size women who are into jumbo-size men, that would be very helpful. But if not, well, maybe that’s what the landscape looks like.
Otherwise… yeah, get ready to listen to me stumbling my way through this in four days! Thank you very much for playing along.
Better late than never
Thank you again for including the M/f community in your podcast!
Entered. Sorry I was last minute. I hope my answers helped.
Thanks to everyone who responded! I had to end the questionnaire last night, but I got some fantastic responses. I’m having fun writing this one.
@Aborigen Just finished listening, thanks again so much for reaching out to our little corner of the community. I think you painted a good picture representing the diversity of the SW and M/f side of things, and it makes me curious to read all the “raw” answers you got in the questionnaire!
And nice shout out of to my favorite Dr. Helen Friedman, and her “wOmeN cAn’t hAve sIZe fAntAsiEs!” diagnostic.
Fully half of the responses were not from giant men or tiny women, but normal-sized men who appreciate tiny women. One thing these people have in common with giant men is that they’d like it known their interests aren’t misogynistic or power-tripping
This needs to be repeated ad nauseam, it correlates to some of the harrassment I mentionned on GTS City or DA. Like I said in my answers, I know it’s just a few rotten apples most people are not like that, but we can’t pretend they don’t exist in the community.
@giantmaneddie I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who’s into the “SW controlling her giant” trope! I mean, when I’m not feeling like an asshole or when I want to imagine something more of a loving relationship with a tiny woman, there’s no denying she could hold sway over us, more than she realizes perhaps.
Probably shouldn’t be listening to this at work
I had to bite my fingers a few times bc I couldn’t stop giggling
Wonderful episode, thank you again!
@foreverlurk She made a monkey out of old King Kong
Honestly it’s a constant struggle in my mind with the whole me big man like tiny woman to toy with to not go am I just a dick much like fantasing about having different women of different races and not going oh I’m a middle aged white male of course I feel that I should have control over others. Like I’m pretty sure I’m not a raging misogynistic racist on a massive power trip but then again if I was would I admit it to myself.
@The-Big-G The fact that you’re thinking about it and checking yourself is a good sign. If you really hated women, you wouldn’t even ask these questions but just assume you were correct and the rest of the world was missing something obvious.
I think one of the issues porn encounters with mainstream acceptability is that it’s very honest about things society would like to pretend don’t exist. Porn is about people getting in touch with themselves and responding to what stimulates them, when society is all “those aren’t the terms we use” and “you shouldn’t want such things.” I’m speak strictly about the fantasies in our minds, of course; bringing these fantasies into the real world requires consent on all sides. It’s a tricky dance to remind each ensuing generation that porn is not real life, while protecting porn as an important truth to the human condition.
@SmolChlo I’m so glad you liked it! Once I figured out how to organize the topic, I couldn’t stop writing it all out, completed it around 3:30 a.m.
@foreverlurk Thank you most kindly! Yeah, I wanted to protect some of the responses, represent them without giving too much away, not wanting to embarrass anyone. It was all fascinating for me to read and learn about, and I’d definitely like to get to know some people here better.
For years I let myself be deterred from embracing my M/f desires by (in part) the most vile voices describing what they would like to do to shrunken women. To this day I am more likely to call a SW a “bug” than a “bitch.” I know there are SWs out there who crave straight-up misogynist abuse from giant men, but I have to work myself up to provide that.
I still remember being taken aback by an anonymous comment from a SW on Tumblr who wanted to be passed around by a fraternity and abused every which way. I knew the inverse scenario was a staple of the SM fantasy, so I eventually shrugged and let it become the inspiration for Bitter Dregs, which some readers indeed wrinkled their noses at.
I knew I’d get a similar reception for The Prof, although it was easier to write knowing that I might eventually give those guys their comeuppance.
@Olo Everyone has their limits, and that’s okay. My own fantasies can be exceedingly dark and depraved but I’ve occasionally stumbled across content that I didn’t wish to explore. I think that the important thing is respecting the fantasies of others (as long as it’s kept to fantasy, of course. I always add that because there are certain lines that should never be crossed in real life).
And just to say, I’m glad that you embraced your M/f side. I’m a fan of your work in general, both M/f and F/m
@Nyx 🥺
Sure, go ahead, abet more evil.