Preferred method of punishment for tinies
@olo The giantess looks like such a whore too
@sloppy_amy She’s the housekeeper. At the beginning of the movie she’s dressed more modestly, but when her employer becomes a celebrity as “the Incredible Shrinking Woman,” she lets the wilder side of her personality take over.
@olo I can never decide if my nemesis is a trashy whore with her boobs hanging out, or a fancy and sophisticated businesswoman or trophy wife chewing me thoughtfully with a modest smile on her face.
@sloppy_amy It’s the girlboss lady, chiding you for not “leaning in” enough to get what you want, and now you’re shrunk.
It’s interesting to see other responses to this question – there are some harsh giants around here! Personally, I don’t really demand subservience from my tiny, so “punishment” is typically not geared toward behavior correction, and is usually more playful. That said, there are certainly occasions when she seems to forget exactly where she stands, and needs a – ahem – stern reminder.
I tend to avoid inflicting physical harm, so my punishments tend to be more psychological. For example, I use her fear of heights against her all the time. When she’s dangling high in the air, held by a wrist or an ankle just in front of my enormous piercing eyes, she very quickly remembers just how tenuous her position truly is.
One scenario that I love (and I think we don’t see enough of) is tinies caught in between giant couples. And there are so many fun ways to punish a tiny in that situation! My personal favorite might be shrinking her down to 2-3 inches and passing her back and forth in a kiss. There are so many things I love about it – we get to taste the delectable little thing, and hear her tiny shouts and pleas; she’s entirely trapped and completely helpless in the blackness; we can inflict it on her while pretending she isn’t even there, simply paying attention to each other; and of course there’s the implied threat of a final descent. Mmm… so good!
Another of my favorite methods of punishment is to shrink her to an extra-tiny size, then almost crush her with various body parts (especially the dangly parts). Or sometimes… whoops! I accidentally breathed too hard and blew the little speck away. Now she has to spend hours climbing back to where I can see her, if she ever wants to be restored to her normal not-quite-as-tiny size.
Since I tend toward the gentler side, she can get cocky about it on occasion. I used to constantly threaten to swallow her if she didn’t rein in her little attitude, and sometimes I’d reinforce it by shrinking her down and swishing her around in my mouth. But she was convinced that I’d never actually follow through with the threat, and one day she pushed a little too far. I suppose she never imagined that I’d simply tie a fishing line to her ankle so that I could retrieve her – after a minute spent simmering in my stomach, she never crossed that line again!
I’m a gentle giant so it will depend on who my tiny is.
I would take a mild version of her fears to punish or deny her something she wants or loves.
Placing her in a jar might be a good one if she craves contact. She can see out but not get any interaction.
@thereducer the glass jar of DOOM! lol oh no! That would be no fun especially if she loves the cuddles and is denied the cuddles
@smolchlo Also can be entertaining if she decides to tempt me to take her out by doing exotic dances moves.
I’m easy to convince at those times.
@thereducer haha well duly noted!
If more than one SW not being included in fun events like swimming in the bathtub or sink ( mentioned in the movie Attack of the Puppet People), being denied clothing during spring and summer, 5-10 minutes in the freezer but not enough to cause frostbite, having to skip a really good, shared meal, spanking enough to cause soreness of the butt, a hard/rough Q-tip/cotton swab penetration, but if you enjoy it, it’s not punishment. Being confined in a tight space like thereduder’s jar or taped down with no interaction (or worse in the jar with interaction of creepy crawlies outside the jar, jar is in a terrarium of nasty bugs think temple of doom nasty. Get me out of here nasty.) as a time out for an hour or less. Showed no affections/ignored for a day. I’m into punishments of non-lethal kinds of course.
@diminution-man Ooh I really like the passing back and forth between a kiss! Especially pretending like she’s not even there
️ that would make me feel so helpless
@giant-me ahhhh these situations involving bugs are so scary!
I would be such a good noodle to make sure that didn’t happen to me! Or the tapped down with no interaction 🥺
@smolchlo Well you would have to do something really bad to get the bug punishment, like bite me or scratch me, and the no interaction, you would have to hurt my feelings, or be a mean tiny, trust me I’m very loving, but cruelty meets more cruelty and punishment should only be used for really bad behavior. I bet you’re a great well behaved SW, but I don’t know you that well but I like your posts. Thank you for the response, you little cutie.
Many of my giant characters usually don’t need to worry much about punishing as their size and power usually counter any resistance a Shrunken could do. Over powering limbs with ease to wrap around an erect cock or insert into a wanting pussy. Then the pointless struggles just add to the sensations the larger being is already enjoying.
But I have included torments that could be seen as punishments. Many have already been mentioned, Flicking spanks, cold containment, restraining/containing.
One I didn’t notice (Sorry if I missed it) is the simple squeezing fist. A Shrunken held in one hand casually. Fingers wrapped around the little body. They could restrain the arms or let them loose for all the difference that would make. Held face level and just tighten your grip. Such a simple action should make it clear to the held what choices they have.
Now, a scattering of ideas I’ve used that might be questionable:
In one story universe I had the humans have access to pills that turned the Shrunken being into a lustful plaything. Once they bound one and gave them one of these pills and just let them endure the effects without any attention or way to pleasure themselves.Another in the same world are small animals (Mostly Rodents) that are specially bred to be aroused by tiny people. They would just drop a Shrunken person in and the animal would overpower and indulge itself.
Lastly, simple if disgusting, urinating on the tiny being. Showing they are less then human. Lower then their owner. Claiming them almost like an animal.
Wow, I seem a little disturbed. Maybe I need to rethink my stories.
@hentaihunter1 Great response, your stories challenge my psyche. Yeah, fist squeezing quick and effective obey me torment, the urinating on someone is gross, I’ve read that in a few stories I’ve read, definitely humiliating reinforcement.