What is your earliest memory of having this fetish?
@olo I loved Dollman, I just watched it a few months ago. I heard about it on here, I think.
@smolchlo They were more likely 3 3/4 sized GI Joe or Star Wars figures. Even though I was fascinated with how Barbies were shaped as a young child, I never owned or really had access to any.
So yeah, tiny plastic Military Ladies in my in my underwear. Pressed face first toward my boyhood. I can’t believe at what I admit to strangers online.
PS: Thisis the embarrassed emoji. It looks a touch too happy for what I was going for.
@tiny-ivy Tim Thomerson never phones it in.
@tiny-ivy Yeah Charles Band of Full Moon movies company made Bad Channels, Dollman, Dollman vs the demonic toys( I have the DVD) I really like Nurse Ginger/Mellissa Behr.
Dollman vs the demonic toys trailer
Hand cuffed Ginger
Ginger out of drawer -
@hentaihunter1 that’s because he low-key is happy lol sneaky little emoji
I guess in a way, I’ve always had size thoughts and never thought anything of it, just like how someone who has mild color-blindness doesn’t catch on right away and assumes that’s just the way the world looks. I really liked my parents but I always thought that the other adults in my life were needlessly overbearing and mean and strict. When I was in preschool, they made us take an afternoon nap and I was content with just lying there awake because I didn’t want to miss out on anything and didn’t feel tired. But these crazy fascist teachers would be checking each of us and scolding me for having my eyes open. That’s when I had an idea - how cool it would be to be about 50 feet tall and capable of grabbing each of these people and putting them in my pocket. The only things I would gain out of it would be the freedom to do what I wanted and some goddamn peace and quiet during nap time without any stern and matronly old windbags pointing down at me and shaming me for being awake. It was later on that I gradually realized that applying sizey imaginary solutions to every obstacle and annoyance in my life was uncommon and probably borderline maladaptive, so I put it to rest and tried not to think about it too much only for it to come back into the fold like a wrecking ball once puberty unfolded just like everyone else here.
@smolchlo I do think I might be younger than the average person here, just based on what everyones first steps were. But for me, it was through various tv commercials and cartoons.
My earliest memory I can recall was a Pepto Bismol commercial with giant monsters attacking a city with one of them being a goddess looking women, as well with the giant lumberjack stepping on the gazebo.
Another memory was me watching an episode of Teen Titans, where the show introduced the doom patrol. I just remember seeing Rita (Elastic Girl) grow, foot stomp and wipe everyone out and in later episodes step on robots and entire tanks absolutely enthralling.
Another was Kim Possible, when they were in a game and they won by having a latina gal gamer grow into a giantess to stop the main villain.
Monsters Vs Aliens was another one I loved a lot in my childhood.
I remember searching on my old ass family computer as a kid and there was a picture of this mega giantess girl, laying down with her face right to a tree with a tiny behind the tree. I still try to find that picture to this day.
Other things were seeing giantess in anime and as well as video games with insane height sliders or growth powers.
@smolchlo favorite scene grab from King Kong 1976
@giantesslover45 I am quite old
I’m 29 btw lol I do remember that Kim Possible episode! And Rita from the Teen Titans too! I absolutely loved watching Teen Titans (I had a crush on Robin) and Monsters vs Aliens was another great movie
I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the movie Dude Where’s my Car with Ashton Kutcher but it has a PHENOMENAL giantess scene. You see up her skirt and everything
I highly recommend
@smolchlo dude giantess scene
Cartoons are such a great fetish influence.
Love Monsters vs. Aliens awesome movie
29 isnt old
, And omg yeeees, I do know that scene, it was so amazing. The gal they had as the giantess was a total bombshell
@giantesslover45 I’m glad you don’t think 29 is old
And absolutely! She was a smokeshow and her underwear having bunnies on it was the absolute best
@smolchlo Jodi Ann Paterson, Playboy’s Playmate of the Year for 2000.
@smolchlo age is only a number, I’m 54 and look 30 for my age, young one. Bunnies because she was a playboy bunny lol.